■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Vibhanga [san-chn]
jagad-upajīvya 饒益衆生 [san-eng]
mimāṁsā $ 범어 one of the scools (systems) of Indian philosophy [pali-chn]
cha-anussati-ṭṭhānāni 六念 [pal-eng]
suraadhutta $ 팔리어 m.a drunkard. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
ten buddhas 十佛 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
孔雀明王經 クシャクミョウオウキョウ (title) Sutra of the Great Peahen, Queen of Mantras [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
COMPASSION☞ Syn: Karuna. See also: Anger; Avalokitesvara; One is All, All is One; Purna. “Compassion, active sympathy. The outstanding quality of all Bodhisattvas and Buddhas. Compassion extends itself without distinction to all sentient beings. It is based on the enlightened experience of the oneness of all beings. Compassion (Karuna) must be accompanied by wisdom (prajna) in order to have the right effect. The virtue of compassion is embodied in the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.” Sham: 113 “Sympathy for people who suffer, and the will to end their sufferings. Mahayana Buddhism greatly emphasized compassion, along with wisdom. These two form the outstanding Mahayana virtues, sometimes called the ‘two-in-one’ (compassion-wisdom). The infinite compassion of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is reflected in their constant attempt to succor sentient beings.” Chan: 472 See the following passage on Bodhisattva practice, from the “Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra”: “Because of living beings, Bodhisattvas bring forth great compassion. From great compassion the Bodhi Mind is born; and because of the Bodhi Mind, they accomplish Supreme, Perfect Enlightenment.” [fra-eng]
pare-brise $ 불어 windscreen
34 강이나 호수나 바다를 다닐 때 독룡이나 교룡이나 마갈수(摩竭獸)와 야차와 나찰과 독한 고기 자라떼를 만나도 이 주문을 듣거나 외우면, 스스로 숨어버리며 ● 마마바마라 摩摩罰摩囉<三十四> ma ma va ma ra
4 아노바라 바다 사바 가 라타 阿努鉢囉<二合>鉢哆<二合>娑嚩<二合>迦<引>囉他<四二合>