■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Jnanayasas [san-chn]
nitya-saṃjñā 常想 [san-eng]
prajāpati $ 범어 Lord of created beings [pali-chn]
pāṭaliputta 巴連弗, 波吒釐子城 [pal-eng]
upaghaatii $ 팔리어 adj.injuring; cutting short; destroying; one who hurts or destroys. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
HUA TOU Hua Tou 話頭 Intense concentration on a question-word which defies any answer and allows no answer at all. Literally, it refers to the source of word before it is uttered. It is a method used in Ch'an Sect to arouse the doubt. The practitioner meditates on questions as who is reciting the Buddha's name?. He does not rely on experience or reasoning. Sometimes, it is also known as Kung-an. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
遮文茶 シャブンチャ (name) Cāmuṇḍā [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
KASYAPA☞ Syn: Maha-Kasyapa. See also: Flower and Smile; Zen School. “A Brahmin of Magadha who became a close disciple of the Buddha, and was at the time of his death the senior member of his Order. He therefore presided over the first Buddhist Council, held immediately after the passing. The Zen School regards him as their First Patriarch from the story of the ‘transmission’ of the ‘Mindseal’ when the Buddha held up a golden flower and Maha-kasyapa smiled.”
“One of the ten major Arhat [vs. Bodhisattva] disciples of the Buddha. He was born in a brahman family and named Pippalayana. The name Kasyapa indicates his clan. He became a disciple of the Buddha about three years after the latter attained enlightenment. Kasyapa is said to have become an Arhat after being with the Buddha for only eight days. He devoted himself to the practice of ascetic practices, and was regarded as chief of the Order. After the demise of the Buddha, Kasyapa presided over the First Buddhist Council. Before his death he is reputed to have entrusted Ananda with leadership of the Order.” Dait: 215 #0176
tunique $ 불어 tunic [chn_eng_soothil]
瞿曇彌 Gautamī, the feminine of Gautama, especially applied to the aunt and nurse of Śākyamuni, who is also known as Mahāprājapatī, v. 摩. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 「世尊, 佛說我得無諍三昧人中, 最爲第一, 是第一離欲阿羅漢. 世尊, 我不作是念, 我是離欲阿羅漢. “세존이시여, 부처님께서 저를 무쟁삼매(無諍三昧)를 얻은 사람 중에 제일 이라 하였는데, 이는 욕심을 여읜 아라한(離欲阿羅漢)이기 때문입니다마는, 저는 스스로 욕심을 여읜 아라한이라고 생각치는 않나이다. [玄奘] 所以者何? 世尊! 如來、應、正等覺說我得無諍住, 最為第一. 世尊! 我雖是阿羅漢永離貪欲, 而我未曾作如是念: ࡔ我得阿羅漢永離貪欲ࡕ. [義淨] 世尊! 如來說我得無諍住中最為第一. 世尊! 我是阿羅漢離於欲染, 而實未曾作如是念: ࡔ我是阿羅漢ࡕ. 09-10 तत्कस्य हेतोः ? अहमस्मि भगवंस्तथागतेनार्हता सम्यक्संबुद्धेन अरणाविहारिणामग्र्यो निर्दिष्टः। अहमस्मि भगवन् अर्हन् वीतरागः। न च मे भगवन्नेवं भवति- अर्हन्नस्म्यहं वीतराग इति। tatkasya hetoḥ | ahamasmi bhagavaṁstathāgatenārhatā samyaksambuddhena araṇāvihāriṇāmagryo nirdiṣṭaḥ | ahamasmi bhagavan arhan vītarāgaḥ | na ca me bhagavannevaṁ bhavati arhannasmyahaṁ vītarāga iti | “그것은 어떤 이유인가 하오면, 복덕갖춘분이시여! 저는 응당공양올려야되며 바르고동등하게깨달으신 그렇게오신분에 의해 다툼 없이 머무는 자들 가운데 최고라고 지목되었습니다. 복덕갖춘분이시여! 저는 응당공양올려야될 자이며 욕망을 여읜 자입니다. 그러나, 복덕갖춘분이시여! 저의 경우에는 ‘나는 응당공양올려야될 자이며 욕망을 여읜 자이다’라는 (산냐가) 생겨나지 않습니다. ▼▷[tatkasya] ① tat(pn.ƿ.nom.) + kasya(pn.ƾ.gen.) → [그것은、 어떤] ▼[hetoḥ] ① hetoḥ(ƾ.gen.) → [이유의? → 이유인가 하오면,] ▼▷[ahamasmi] ① aham(pn.Ⅰ.nom.) + asmi(pres.Ⅰ.sg.) → [저는、 (~입니다)] ▼[bhagavaṁstathāgatenārhatā] ① bhagavan(ƾ.voc.) +|s|+ tathāgatena(ƾ.ins.) + arhatā(nj.→ƾ.ins.) → [복덕갖춘분이시여! 그렇게오신분에 의해、 응당공양올려야될] ▼[samyaksambuddhena] ① samyaksambuddhena(nj.→ƾ.ins.) → [바르고동등하게깨달으신] ▼[araṇāvihāriṇāmagryo] ① araṇa+vihāriṇām([nj.→]ƾ.gen.pl.) + agryaḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.) → [다툼 없이 머무는 자들 가운데、 최고이다(+라고)] vihāra(ƾ. removing, taking away; roaming or walking for pleasure; sport, play) ② araṇa(nj. departed, gone away; belonging to others, strange; not fighting: ƿ. moving, going; entering into; being inserted; a refuge) < raṇa(ƾƿ. war, combat, fight: ƾ. sound) < raṇ(1.ǁ. to sound; to go; [Ved.] to rejoice) ② vihārin(nj. wandering about for pleasure, roaming, strolling; dependent on; beautiful) < vihṛ(1.ǁ. to take away, seize away; to remove, destroy; to let fall) < vi(ƺ.) + hṛ(1.dž. to take, carry, convey, lead; to carry off or away) ② agrya(nj. foremost, topmost, principal, best; proficient; intent, closely) ▼[nirdiṣṭaḥ] ① nirdiṣṭaḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.) → [지목되었습니다.] ② nirdiṣṭa(p.p. pointed out, shown, indicated; specified, paticularized; described) < nirdiś(6.ǁ. to point out, indicate, show; to assign, give; to allude to, mention) < nir(ƺ.) + diś(6.dž. to point out, show, exhibit; to assign, allot; to give, grant) ▼▷[ahamasmi] ① aham(pn.Ⅰ.nom.) + asmi(pres.Ⅰ.sg.) → [저는、 (~입니다)] ▼[bhagavan] ① bhagavan(ƾ.voc.) → [복덕갖춘분이시여!] ▼[arhan] ① arhan(ƾ.nom.) → [응당공경되어야될 자이며] ▼[vītarāgaḥ] ① vītarāgaḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [욕망을 여읜 자입니다.] ② vītarāga(nj. free from desire or passion: ƾ. a sage who has subdued his passions) < vīta(p.p. gone, disappeared; set free) + rāga(ƾ. colouring; passion, attraction) < vi(ƺ.) + i(2.ǁ. to go, go to or towards, come to or near) + rañj() ▼▷[na] ① na(ƺ.) → [(否定)] ▼[ca] ① ca(ƺ.) ▼[me] ① me(pn.Ⅰ.gen.) → [그러나(← 그리고)、 나의(→나의 경우에는)] ▼[bhagavannevaṁ] ① bhagavan(ƾ.voc.) +|n|+ evaṁ(ƺ.) → [복덕갖춘분이시여! 이런] ▼[bhavati] ① bhavati(pres.Ⅲ.sg.) → [(+산냐가) 생겨납니다] → 생겨나지 않습니다. ② bhū(1.ǁ. to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen) ▼[arhannasmyahaṁ] ① arhan(ƾ.nom.) +|n|+ asmi(pres.Ⅰ.sg.) + ahaṁ(pn.Ⅰ.nom.) → ▼[응당공양올려야될분이다、 (~이다)、 나는] ② arhat(nj. deserving respect: ƾ. the highest rank in Buddhist hierarchy) ▼[vītarāga] ① vītarāgaḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [욕망을 여읜 자이다] ② vītarāga(nj. free from desire or passion: ƾ. a sage who has subdued his passions) < vīta(p.p. gone, disappeared; set free) + rāga(ƾ. colouring; passion, attraction) ▼[iti] ① iti(ƺ.) → [라는.]
목건련과 덕생 비구가 일찍이 해변가에 이르렀을 때, 온몸이 화염에 타면서 크게 우는 사람을 보았다. 주위에는 무수한 아귀들이 그에게 불화살을 쏘고 있었다. 목건련이 신통으로 인연을 관찰해보았다. 이 사람은 전생에 사냥꾼으로 살면서 살생을 많이 하였기 때문에 살아생전에도 여러 해를 고통 받았으며, 죽은 후에는 지옥에 떨어져 벗어나기가 어려웠다.