■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Sautrāntika [san-chn]
tataḥ paścāt 次, 過是已後 [san-eng]
kṣipta $ 범어 neglected or distracted [pali-chn]
brahma-cakka 梵輪 [pal-eng]
ma.ni $ 팔리어 m.a gem; jewel. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
入寂 To enter into extinction (nirvana) 涅槃. (1) The goal of the path of the practices of the two vehicles 二乘, wherein, at the final stage, body and mind are erased without a trace. (2) The death of an eminent monk--same as 入滅. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
出離生死 シュツリショウジ leave birth and death [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
NIYUTA☞ “A niyuta is a number variously defined as 100,000; 1,000,000; or 10,000 times 10,000,000.” Camp: 318 #1841
adultération $ 불어 adulteration [chn_eng_soothil]
報沙 Pauṣa, the first of the three Indian winter months, from the 16th of the 10th Chinese month. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●00-00 नमो भगवत्या आर्यप्रज्ञापारमिताय namo bhagavatyā āryaprajñāpāramitāyai 복덕이 갖추어졌으며 고귀한 '지혜로 피안에 건너간 상태'에 귀의합니다. ▼▷[namo] ① namaḥ(ƺ.) → [귀의합니다.] ② namas(ƺ. a bow, salutation [w/dat.]; food; a thunderbolt; a gift: ƿ. bow, obeisance) ▼[bhagavatyā] ① bhagavatyai(nj.→Ʒ.dat.) → [복덕이 갖추어진] bhagavatyai(Ʒ.dat.) < bhagavatī(Ʒ.) < bhagavat(nj.) bhagavatyai ārya~ → bhagavatyā ārya~ : 어여와야와 산디(ayavāyāva sandhi) ② bhagavat(nj. glorious, illustrious; revered, venerable, divine, holy: ƾ. a god, deity) ▼[āryaprajñāpāramitāyai] ① ārya+prajñā+pāramitāyai(Ʒ.dat.) → [고귀한 지혜로 피안에 건너간 상태에.] → 고귀한 반야바라밀에. ② ārya(nj. Āryan; worthy, venerable, respectable: Ʒ. a motherinlaw; a respectable woman) < ṛ(1.ǁ. to go, move; to rise, tend forwards: 3.ǁ.[Ved.] to go; to move, shake; to obtain, gain, acquire, reach: 5.ǁ. to injure, hurt; attack) + 「ṇ」ya「d」 ② prajñā(Ʒ. intelligence, understanding; discrimination, judgment; device) ② pāramitā(Ʒ. complete attainment, perfection; transcendental virtue) < pāramita(nj. gone to the opposite bank or side; crossed, traversed; transcendent)
“온 천지가 몽땅 해탈문이어서 손을 잡아끌면서 그대들로 하여금 들게 하려 해도 어째서 도통 들어가려 하지 않는 것이냐?” 이에 선사가 대답했다. “화상께서는 저를 탓하셔서는 안 됩니다.” “비록 그렇다 하나 등 뒤의 그토록 많은 중들을 어찌하겠는가?” 그 후로부터 민왕이 흠모해서 안국사安國寺로 청하여 불법을 펴게 하였다.