■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Sunita [san-chn]
abhyudgata 出離 [san-eng]
aśraddadhānāḥ $ 범어 those who are faithless [pali-chn]
parisuddha 淸淨 [pal-eng] [Eng-Ch-Eng]
受 Sensation 受 or Feeling. The Sanskrit word is Vedana. One of the Five Skandhas. 【參照: Five Skandhas】\nVedana 受 【參照: Sensation】or【參照: Five Skandhas】\nThe Chinese Buddhist translation of the Sanskrit term vedana^, meaning sensation. (1) As sensation, the third of the five skandhas (wuyun 五蘊). (2) The seventh of the twelve limbs of dependent origination 十二因緣. (3) To receive, or undergo, the results of good and evil actions. To experience karma (Skt. paribhoga; Tib. so sor myon% ba). 〔二障義 HPC 1.812a〕 (4) Restrain, restriction, fetters, yoke. (5) To receive the continuation of the five skandhas. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
三摩婆夜 サンマパヤ combination [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
AMIDABUTSU SETSURIN☞ “A Japanese work (translated as Encyclopedia of Amitabha Buddha) composed by Zensho Keijo in the 13th century. It is composed of seven fascicles and is a collection of references to Amitabha Buddha and his Pure Land (Sukhavati) found in various Buddhist sutras and sastras. More than two hundred texts are mentioned by name. It is of great value for materials dealing with Pure Land Buddhism.” (Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Vol. I: p.425)
l'allégation $ 불어 the allegation [chn_eng_soothil]
打聽 To make inquiries. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 佛告須菩提: 「莫作是說. 부처님께서 말씀하셨다. “수보리야, 그런 말을 말라. [玄奘] 佛告善現: 勿作是說: ࡔ頗有有情於當來世, 後時、後分、後五百歲, 正法將滅時分轉時, 聞說如是色經典句, 生實想不?ࡕ [義淨] 佛告妙生: 莫作是說: ࡔ頗有眾生, 於當來世, 後五百歲, 正法滅時, 聞說是經, 生實信不?ࡕ 06-03 अपि तु खलु पुनः सुभूते भविष्यन्त्यनागतेऽध्वनि बोधिसत्त्वा महासत्त्वाः पश्चिमे काले पश्चिमे समये पश्चिमायां पञ्चशत्यां सद्धर्मविप्रलोपे वर्तमाने गुणवन्तः शीलवन्तः प्रज्ञावन्तश्च भविष्यन्ति, bhagavānāha | mā subhūte tvam evaṁ vocaḥ | asti kecitsattvā bhaviṣyantyanāgate'dhvani paścime kāle paścime samaye paścimāyāṁ pañcaśatyāṁ saddharmavipralopakāle vartamāne | ye imeṣvevaṁrūpeṣu sūtrāntapadeṣu bhāṣyamāṇeṣu bhūtasaṁjñāmutpādayiṣyanti | 복덕갖춘분께서 말씀하셨다. “수보리여! 그대는 그렇게 말하지 마라! 어떤 중생들이 미래세에 있어서, 마지막 시간 마지막 시기 마지막 오백년인 때에 바른 법이 파괴된 때가 되었을 때 이런 모습의 경전말씀들이 설해질 때 ‘참으로 그러하다’는 산냐를 일으킬 것이다.” ▼▷[bhagavānāha] ① bhagavān(ƾ.nom.) + āha(ƺ.) → [복덕갖춘분께서、 말씀하셨다.] ▼▷[mā] ① mā(ƺ.) → [(하지마라!)] ② mā(ƺ. a particle of prohibition usually joined with the Imperative) ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[tvam] ① tvam(pn.Ⅱ.nom.) → [그대는] ▼[evaṁ] ① evaṁ(ƺ.) → [그렇게] ② evaṁ(ƺ. thus, in this way, in a such manner) ▼[vocaḥ] ① vocaḥ(aor.Ⅱ.sg.) → [말하지 마라!] mā(ƺ.) + avocaḥ()aor.Ⅱ.sg.) → mā + vocaḥ : imp! ② vac(2.ǁ. to speak, say, tell) ▼▷[asti] ① asti(ƺ.) → [옛날 옛적에 → 나중에라도] ▼[kecitsattvā] ① kecit(pn.ƾ.nom.pl.) + sattvāḥ(ƾ.nom.pl.) → [어떤、 중생들이] ▼[bhaviṣyantyanāgate'dhvani] ① bhaviṣyanti(fut.Ⅲ.pl.) + anāgate(nj.→ƾ.loc.) + adhvani(ƾ.loc.) → [있어서(← 있을 것이다)、 (+아직) 오지 않은、 때에] → 未來世에 ▼[paścime] ① paścime(nj.→ƾ.loc.) → [마지막] ▼[kāle] ① kāle(ƾ.loc.) → [시간에] ▼[paścime] ① paścime(nj.→ƾ.loc.) → [마지막] ▼[samaye] ① samaye(ƾ.loc.) → [시기에] ▼[paścimāyāṁ] ① paścimāyāṁ(nj.→Ʒ.loc.) → [마지막] ▼[pañcaśatyāṁ] ① pañca+śatyāṁ(Ʒ.loc.) → [오백년에] ▼[saddharmavipralopakāle] ① saddharma+vipralopa+kāle(ƾ.abso.loc.) → [바른 법이 파괴된 때가] ▼[vartamāne] ① vartamāne(njp.→ƾ.abso.loc.) → [되었을 때] ▼▷[ye] ① ye(pn.ƾ.nom.pl.) → [(어떤) 그들은] ▼[imeṣvevaṁrūpeṣu] ① imeṣu(pn.ƿ.loc.pl.) + evaṁ+rūpeṣu(nj.→ƿ.abso.loc.pl.) → ▼[이런、 이런 형색인(→형태인)] ▼[sūtrāntapadeṣu] ① sūtrānta+padeṣu(ƿ.abso.loc.pl.) → [경전의 말씀들이] ▼[bhāṣyamāṇeṣu] ① bhāṣyamāṇeṣu(njp.→ƿ.abso.loc.pl.) → [설해지고 있을 때] ▼[bhūtasaṁjñāmutpādayiṣyanti] ① bhūta+saṁjñām(Ʒ.acc.) + utpādayiṣyanti(caus.fut.Ⅲ.pl.) → [참되다(← 존재한다)는 산냐를、 일으킬 것이다.] → 참으로 그러하다는 산냐를 일으킬 것이다.