○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 ○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Yi_He_Yuan_-_A._Holdrinet
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Yi_He_Yuan_-_A._Holdrinet.jpg English: Yi He Yuan Author André Holdrinet Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia ● [pt op tr] fr
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Tika [san-chn] satkāya-dṛś 身見 [san-eng] praviśa $ 범어 enter [pali-chn] cetaso ekodibhāva 心成一性 [pal-eng] pa.tissuta $ 팔리어 pp. of pa.tissu.naatiassented; promised; agreed. [Eng-Ch-Eng] Gilded Key to the Secret Vault 秘藏寶鑰 [Muller-jpn-Eng] 尸毘迦 シビカ (name) Śivi [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] ART BUDDHIST ☞ See also: Ajanta; Buddha Images; Icons; Tun-Huang. “Much of the art of Buddhist countries has been directly inspired by Buddhist ideas and practices, although very little has been the work of Buddhist monks. The production of works of art has been primarily done by Buddhist laymen. Sculpture, painting and architecture are the major fields; music is not encouraged in Buddhist devotional contexts and is not used by monks, whose corporate chanting of sutras in devotional services bears some slight similarity to European plain-chant but is basically a reciting aloud. In the field of sculpture, however, Buddhism has a rich record, particularly in the development of the rupa, or Buddha-statue, from early beginnings in N.W. India to its modern forms in S.E. Asian countries (Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, etc…). The painting of murals on walls of monasteries and temples has also had a long development and has produced many different styles; the principal subjects have been, and still are, scenes from the life of the Buddha, and from Jataka stories. In the field of architecture, the stupa has provided ample scope for rich development.” Ling: 26 #1114
12 관세음보살께서 거듭 부처님께 사루어 말씀하시되, "세존이시여, 제가 기억하기를, 과거 무량 억겁 전에 한 부처님께서 세상에 나오셨으니 명호는 천광왕정주(天光王靜住) 여래(如來) 응정등각(應正等覺) 명행원만(明行圓滿)이시라. 이 부처님께서 저를 어여삐 생각하시고 또한 일체 중생을 위하는 까닭에 이 광대원만무애대비심다라니(廣大圓滿無碍大悲心陀羅尼)를 설하시고 금색 손으로써 저의 이마를 만지시며 이렇게 말씀하시되 "선남자야, 너는 마땅히 이 대비심주문을 가지고 널리 미래 나쁜 세상에 악한 죄업이 무거운 일체중생을 위하여 큰 이익을 지어주라 하셨습니다. ● 나모나라근타(나모나라근지) 南無那羅謹墀<十二> na mo na ra ki dhi 『불설천수천안관세음보살광대원만무애대비심다라니경』 ♣0294-001♧
108 소랴- 사하사라 뎰- 가로지라사리라 蘇哩野<二合>娑賀娑囉<二合引>諦哩迦嚕喞囉舍哩囉<一百八> 마라 하마 나라 녜나마사가리 다 沒囉<二合>憾摩<二合>捺囉<二合引>禰曩麽娑訖哩<二合>哆<入> 『성관자재보살일백팔명경』 ♣1122-001♧