夭 ■ ( 일찍 죽을 요/ 어릴 요, 어린아이 오, 땅 이름 옥, 예쁠 외 )
028▲ 予五午王夭 ■ 여오오왕요 28 ( 나 여/ 줄 여, 미리 예 ) ( 다섯 오 )( 낮 오 / 일곱째 지지( 地支) 오 )(임금 왕 / 구슬 옥 옥 )( 일찍 죽을 요/ 어릴 요, 어린아이 오, 땅 이름 옥, 예쁠 외 )
015▲ 乡于已弋廴 ■ 향우이익인 15 ( 시골 향 )( 어조사 우 / 어조사 어 )( 이미 이 )( 주살 익 )( 길게 걸을 인 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Namtso [san-chn]
saṃkṣepa-nirdeśa 略說 [san-eng]
prāmāṇyaṃ $ 범어 proof [pali-chn]
dasa-balāni 十力 [pal-eng]
hikkaa $ 팔리어 f.hiccup. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
一乘 'Single vehicle' (eka-ya^na). A term used to indicate the doctrine that there is only one teaching, which is the expedient means to attract people to the Single Buddha vehicle. Since this single vehicle teaching is the teaching of becoming a Buddha, it is also called the 'bodhisattva vehicle' 菩薩乘, the 'Buddha vehicle' 佛乘 and the Great Vehicle 大乘. The Faxiang 法相 school interprets this bodhisattva vehicle of the three vehicle 三乘 system as the 'one vehicle' or 'buddha vehicle.' According to Kuiji's 窺基 explanation, the ekaya^na teaching of the Faxiang school has two levels, 攝入大乘 and 出生大乘. The former is the expedient to attract people of undermined nature (不定性) to the Single Buddha vehicle. Because of the existence of sentient beings incapable of Buddhahood, this teaching does not fully correspond with the meaning of single vehicle. But since all members of the audience in the Lotus Sutra 法華經 have the potential to become Buddha, this teaching is true and effective in that situation. The latter means that all teachings of Buddha are 'born' from a single Maha^ya^na teaching. Kuiji says that this is the teaching of the S/ri^ma^la^-su^tra 勝鬘經 and the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經. In Huayan 華嚴 and Tiantai 天台, there is a distinction between this one Buddha vehicle and the bodhisattva vehicle of the three vehicles. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
大慢 ダイマン extreme arrogance, great pride [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
FIELD OF BLESSINGS☞ Syn: Fields of Merits. “A figurative term for someone who is worthy of offerings. Just as a field can yield crops, so people will obtain blessed karmic results if they make offerings to one who deserves them. There are many kinds of ‘fields of blessings’: monks, enlightened beings, parents, the poor, etc., including animals.”
Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats and all sentient beings, whether friends or foes, are fields of merits for the cultivator because they provide him with an opportunity to cultivate merits and virtues. For example, needy people provide the opportunity for the cultivator to practice charity. Thus, they are fields of merits for him. As the Avatamsaka Sutra (chapter 40) states, “Bodhi (Enlightenment) belongs to living beings. Without living beings, no Bodhisattva could achieve Supreme, Perfect Enlightenment.”
28 이 모든 선신(善神)과 용왕(龍王)과 금강역사(金剛力士)와 신모녀(神母女) 등은 각각 오백권속(五百眷屬)이 있으며 힘이 큰 야차(夜叉)가 항상 대비신주를 외우고 지니는 자를 옹호할 것이니 ● 도로도로벌사야제(도로도로바사야제) 度盧度盧罰闍耶帝<二十八> dhu ru dhu ru va ja ya te