○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Marginal_Promenade_in_Luanda_-_Angola_2015
The Marginal promenade (Avenida 4 de Fevereiro) runs all along the south shore of the Baia de Luanda in Luanda, Angola. Author David Stanley from Nanaimo, Canada Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia ● [pt op tr] fr
○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe'
○ [pt op tr]CSIRO_ScienceImage_4569_Cutting_hay_at_Aldinga_south_of_Adelaide_in_South_Australia_1992 English: Cutting hay at Aldinga, south of Adelaide in South Australia. 1992. Date 26 July 2007 Source http://www.scienceimage.csiro.au/image/4569 Author John Coppi, CSIRO Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia
고십현(古十玄) 유심회전선성문(唯心廻轉善成門)과 같다. 연기하는 제법은 홀로 일어나는 것이 아니며 서로 말미암고 서로 이루게 하는 것이므로 한 법을 주(主)로 하면 다른 것은 모두 반이 되어서 주의 구덕(具德)이 되어 따르며, 또 다른 법 하나를 주로 하면 먼저 주가 되었던 것은 도로 반(伴) 가운데의 하나가 되어, 이렇게 서로 주가 되고 반이 되어 무애(無碍)하고 원융 구족한 법을 이루는 것을 의미함.
亻 ■ ( 사람인변 인 )
007▲ 亻入左卩㔾 ■ 인입좌절절 7 ( 사람인변 인 )( 들 입 )( 왼 좌 )( 병부 절 )( 병부 절 )
008▲ 丁七八勹厂 ■ 정칠팔포한 8 ( 고무래 정/장정 정 --CF* 고무래( 곡식을 그러모으고 펴거나, 밭의 흙을 고르거나 아궁이의 재를 긁어모으는 데에 쓰는 丁 자 모양의 기구) )( 일곱 칠 )( 여덟 팔 )( 쌀 포 )( 기슭 한 / 기슭 엄, 공장 창 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Pillars of Ashoka [san-chn]
nidhāvana-pravāhaṇa 洗, 洗滌, 洗除 [san-eng]
sāmyena $ 범어 generally [pali-chn]
devânussati 念天 [pal-eng]
kha–jati $ 팔리어 khaj + .m-ahobbles. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
唯識三十論 The Weishi sanshi lun; Trim!sika^ (Thirty Verses on Vijn~apti-ma^tra Treatise) Vasubandhu 世親1586 Translated by Xuanzang 玄奘 in 648 at Hongfu Monastery. This is the root text on which the Cheng weishi lun 成唯識論 expounds. The Chinese title would literally translate into Sanskrit as Trim!sika^-vijn~apti-ma^tra /sa^stra. This is a basic work for East Asian Yoga^ca^ra, as it articulates the most basic doctrines such as the production of conditioned phenomena 有為法 from the a^layavijn~a^na 阿賴耶識, and teaches how illusion is eliminated in the attainment of enlightenment. Translated in Lusthaus (2000). Other translations, from Sanskrit, found in Anacker (1984) and Kochumuttom (1982). [Muller-jpn-Eng]
近因 コンイン (term) immediate or direct cause [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
BLUE CLIFF RECORD☞ Chin: Pi-yen-lu, Jpn: Hekigan-roku. “With the Wu-menkuan, one of the most important of the great koan collections of Ch’an (Zen) literature and also the oldest. It was composed in its present form in the first half of the 12th century by the Chinese Ch’an (Zen) master Yuan-wu K’o-ch’in. It is based on a collection of a hundred koans collected approximately a century earlier by the Ch’an master Hsuehtou Ch’ung-hsien, who provided incidental commentary and ‘praise’. Taking Hsueh-tou’s text as a basic structure, Yuan-wu added the following components to the text: introductions, which direct the attention of the reader to the essence of a koan; commentaries or incidental remarks on the koans; explanations of every koan; commentaries and explanations of the ‘praise.’ ” (An English translation is by T. Cleary and J. C. Cleary, 1978.) Sham: 170-171 #0373