○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Renoir the-banks-of-the-river
Artist: Pierre-Auguste Renoir from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre-Auguste_Renoir Title : the-banks-of-the-river Info Permission & Licensing : Wikiart ● [pt op tr] fr
○ 2018_0418_123425_can.jpg
○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승
○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Schpola_Ukraine_Sept2008_Taras_Shevchenko_statute
English: This is a public statute of Taras Shevchenko, Ukrainian poet, which is located in park in Shpola, Ukraine. Author MaverickLittle Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia ● [pt op tr] fr
또는 대비심다라니(大悲心陀羅尼)ㆍ대비주(大悲呪). 천수관음의 삼매를 표시하는 다라니. 이것은 가범달마가 번역한 『천수천안관세음보살광대원만무애대비심다라니경』에 있는 것. 모두 82구로 되었음. 이 주를 외우면 시방의 불보살이 와서 증명하여 온갖 죄업이 소멸한다 함. 특히 밀종(密宗)ㆍ선종(禪宗)에서 많이 지송함.
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Jōdo shū [san-chn]
buddha-bhūmi 怛薩阿竭地 [san-eng]
prabhavaiḥ $ 범어 born of [pali-chn]
devatânussati 天隨念 [pal-eng]
nivediya $ 팔리어 abs. of nivedetihaving made known; having communicated; having reported; having announced. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
勢力 (1) Vitality, energy, spirit, liveliness. (vega) 〔俱舍論〕(2) Great power; great strength. (vibhutva) (3) Strength, energy. (tha^ma-bala, utsa^ha) (4) Potency. (virya) [Muller-jpn-Eng]
毘沙門 ビシャモン Vaiśravaṇa [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
ABHIDHARMA☞ See also: Sastra; Tripitaka. “Lit. Higher Dhamma (Dharma). The third division of the canon of the Theravada and Mahayana Schools. It is largely a commentary on the sermons or sutras, and subjects them to analysis. Philosophical and psychological, it contains an entire system of mind training.” In Buddhism, commentaries and treatises are of two types: (1) the Abhidharma contains mainly, though not exclusively, of the commentaries expounded by Buddha Sakyamuni and recited at the First Council, held in 483 B.C., the year of the Buddha’s passing. MahaKasyapa, the President of the Council, is believed to have recited the Abhidharma personally. It is codified in the third basket of both the Theravada and Mahayana canons; (2) Sastras are later commentaries and treatises, written by Mahayana patriarchs such as Nagarjuna (2nd / 3rd B.C.), Asangha and Vasabandu (5th century) to explain important points in the teachings of the Buddha. (An important sastra, for example, is the Awakening of the Faith Treatise.) The sastras constitute a major part of the Mahayana Tripitaka.