■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]4th Karmapa (Rolpe Dorje) [san-chn]
sudharmatā 妙法 [san-eng]
pratikrānti $ 범어 counter [pali-chn]
pañc' upādāna-kkhandhā 五取蘊 [pal-eng]
tanutara $ 팔리어 adj.thinner. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
人我 (1) The (mistaken) conception of self, i.e., as an individual existence, or separate ego. (2) In Sa^m!khya philosophy, the notion of a pure individual (non-material) spirit, or soul. (purus!a) [Muller-jpn-Eng]
珍寶 チンボウ jewels [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
YOGACARA SCHOOL☞ Syn: Mind-Only School; Consciousness School; Hosso School. See also: Fa-Hsiang School. “One of the two major Mahayana schools in India, along with the Madhyamika school. Maitreya Boddhisattva is often regarded as the founder of the Yogacara (Consciousness-Only) school. He reportedly inspired a one-hundred-fascicle treatise which explained the Consciousness-Only doctrine. Thereafter, the Consciousness-Only doctrine was further developed by Maitreya’s disciples Asanga and Vasubandhu in the first half of the fifth century. This school upholds the concept that all phenomena arise from the vijnana or consciousness and that the basis of all functions of consciousness is the alayavijnana or alaya-consciousness. It is said that the Consciousness-Only doctrine constituted the mainstream of Buddhist study in the Nalanda Monastery.” “The name of a Buddhist school, founded probably in the fourth century by the brothers Asang and Vasubandhu. It advocates the doctrine of Mind Only (all dharmas are projections of one own mind); hence everything in the external world is merely an illusion.”
39 훌륭한 힘을 증장시켰으며, 타우로, 託齲盧<三十九> thakkura (~!~) 현세의 왕이시여! 지옥과 불에 떨어진 이들을 보호하고 보호 하소서.
39 나쁜 용과 전염병을 일으키는 귀신이 독기를 퍼뜨려 열병으로 목숨을 마치려 할 때 지성으로 대비주를 소리내 외우면 전염병은 없어지고 수명은 길어지리라. ● 벌사벌삼(바사바삼) 佛沙罰嘇<三十九> va ṣa va ṣaṃ
39 오나유 녜예 라나 녜나가로 시니 사 塢那喩<引>禰詣<二合>囉拏<二合>禰曩迦嚕<引>瑟抳<二合>沙<三十九>