■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Tusita [san-chn]
sammūrcchita 依託 [san-eng]
guṇanam.h $ 범어 (n) multiplication [pali-chn]
danta-kaṭṭha 楊枝, 齒木 [pal-eng]
.thaayaka $ 팔리어 adj.one who stands. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
MIDDLE PATH Middle Path 中道 【參照: Middle Way】 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
十三僧殘戒 ジュウサンソウザンカイ prohibitions of thirteen crimes against the saṃgha [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
FIVE TEACHINGS AVATAMSAKA SCHOOL ☞ See also: Five Periods and Eight Teachings (Tien Tai School). “A comparative classification of Buddhist sutras set forth by the Avatamsaka (Hua-yen / Kegon) school. This classification was established by Fa-tsang (643-712) during the T’ang dynasty, the third patriarch of the Hua-yen school. He categorized the sutras into five groups according to their level of teaching, and the Buddhist schools into ten according to the content of their doctrine. The five teachings are (1) the Theravada, (2) the elementary Mahayana, (3) the final Mahayana, (4) the Sudden teaching and (5) the Perfect teaching. The Theravada teaching corresponds to the Agama sutras. These teachings generally hold that the self is without substance, the separate elements (dharmas) are real, and Nirvana is their total annihilation. The elementary Mahayana teaching is divided into two. The first is the teaching which analyzes the specific and distinct character of the dharmas, and the second is the teaching that all dharmas are nonsubstantial (ku). The former is found in the Yogachara Sutra and the latter in the Wisdom Sutras. The final Mahayana teaching maintains the essentially unchanging true nature of all things and the ability of all beings to attain Buddhahood. This teaching is found in the Lankavatara Sutra and the Awakening of the Faith. The Sudden teaching expounds the abrupt realization of the ultimate truth without relying upon verbal explanations or progression through various stages of practice. This teaching is found in the Vimalakirti Sutra. The Perfect teaching is taught by the Avatamsaka and Lotus Sutras which expound the One Vehicle (the Buddhas’ vehicle).” “The ‘perfect teaching’ is further divided into two: the One Vehicle (Buddha vehicle) of the Identical Doctrine and the One Vehicle of the Distinct Doctrine. The former teaches the One Vehicle in a method identical or similar to that of the three vehicles (Theravada, preliminary Mahayana and Sudden). This corresponds to the Lotus Sutra. The Distinct Doctrine on the other hand sets forth the One Vehicle as entirely distinct or separate from the other three. This corresponds to the Avatamsaka Sutra and is held to be superior the Identical Doctrine. Thus the Avatamsaka school asserts the superiority of the Avatamsaka over the Lotus Sutra.” Sokk: 111 Note: Pure Land Buddhism “Han-shan (q.v.) did not write any commentary on the [two Amitabha Sutras], and it is not clear how he placed [them] in the Hua-yen classification scheme. On the one hand, he regards the Western Paradise as the most expedient land in the immumerable Hua-yen pure lands. On the other hand, he seems to have considered the Pure Land teaching as a special teaching that lies outside the usual scheme of classification.”
26 모든 대지의 정기(精氣)와 자양분을 증장시키며, 첨 례, 廁<初凡反>隸<二十六> ksine (~!~) 윤회에 얽매이지 않고 법륜을 펼쳐,
78 만약 이 다라니를 의심하여 믿지 않는 자는 마땅히 알아라. 이 사람은 영원토록 큰 이익을 잃어버리고, 백천만겁토록 윤회하되 항상 나쁜 곳에 태어나 벗어날 기약이 없으며 부처님도 항상 뵙지 못하고, 영원히 부처님 법(法)도 듣지 못하며 또한 보살이나 아라한이나 내지 스님도 보지 못하게 되리라." 이 큰 법회중에 보살마하살과 금강밀적(金剛密迹)과 범왕과 제석과 사천왕과 신선과 용과 귀신들이 부처님여래께서 이 다라니 찬탄함을 듣고, 다 크게 환희하며 가르침을 받들어 수행하였다. ● 사바하 娑婆訶<七十八> s vā hā
48 마리 비잉 나라 가사 니아뎨 沒哩<二合>鼻孕<二合引>捺囉<二合>訖叉<二合>抳誐諦<四十八>