■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Buddhism in Australia [san-chn]
mārga-bhāvana 修道 [san-eng]
śunaka $ 범어 (m) dog [pali-chn]
saccānulomika-ñāṇa 隨諦相應智 [pal-eng] [Eng-Ch-Eng]
non-enlightenment 不覺 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
菩薩 ボサツ (term) bodhisattva [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
EXTERNALIST☞ See also: Externalist Views. 【book-page-250 251】 Lit. “non-Buddhists.” This term is generally used by Buddhists with reference to followers of other religions. Editor / PL Mind: 222 An externalist is someone who does not believe in or follow Buddhist teaching, which can be defined as any teaching conforming to the Dharma seals. Editor / Thich: 310 #1392
cambrons $ 불어 bend [chn_eng_soothil]
實相慧 Wisdom in regard to reality. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 「希有世尊, 如來善護念諸菩薩, 善付囑諸菩薩. “희유(希有)하십니다. 세존(世尊)이시여, 여래(如來)께서는 보살(菩薩)들을 잘 염려하여 보호해 주시고[善護念] 보살들에게 잘 당부하여 위촉해 주십 니다[善付囑]. [玄奘] 希有, 世尊, 乃至如來、應、正等覺, 能以最勝攝受, 攝受諸菩薩摩訶薩; 乃至如來、應、正等覺, 能以最勝付囑, 付囑諸菩薩摩訶薩. [義淨] 希有, 世尊! 希有, 善逝! 如來、應、正等覺, 能以最勝利益, 益諸菩薩; 能以最勝付囑, 囑諸菩薩. 02-03 आश्चर्यं भगवन्, परमाश्चर्यं सुगत, यावदेव तथागतेनार्हता सम्यक्संबुद्धेन बोधिसत्त्वा महासत्त्वा अनुपरिगृहीताः परमेणानुग्रहेण। आश्चर्यं भगवन् यावदेव तथागतेनार्हता सम्यक्संबुद्धेन बोधिसत्त्वा महासत्त्वाः परीन्दिताः परमया परीन्दनया। āścaryaṁ bhagavan paramāścaryaṁ sugata | yāvadeva tathāgatenārhatā samyaksambuddhena bodhisattvā mahāsattvā anuparigṛhītāḥ parameṇānugraheṇa | āścaryaṁ bhagavan yāvadeva tathāgatenārhatā samyaksambuddhena bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ parīnditāḥ paramayā parīndanayā | “경이롭습니다. 복덕갖춘분이시여! 가장 경이롭습니다. 잘가닿은분이시여! 오직 그만큼 그렇게오신분과 응당공양올려야될분과 바르고동등하게깨달으신분에 의해 위대한 존재로서 깨달음갖춘이들은 최상의 은총으로 둘러져 감싸여있습니다. 경이롭습니다, 복덕갖춘분이시여! 오직 그만큼 그렇게오신분과 응당공양올려야될분과 바르고동등하게깨달으신분에 의해 위대한 존재로서 깨달음갖춘이들은 최상의 힘실어줌으로 힘이 실렸습니다. ▼▷[āścaryaṁ] ① āścaryaṁ(njp.→ƿ.nom.) → [경이롭습니다] ② āścarya(nj. marvellous, wonderful, extraordinary: ƿ. a wonder, miracle, marvel) < ācar(1.ǁ. to act, practise, do, perform, undertake; to act or behave towards) + 「ṇ」ya「t」 ▼[bhagavan] ① bhagavan(ƾ.voc.) → [복덕갖춘분이시여!] ② bhagavat(nj. glorious, illustrious: ƾ. a god, deity; of Buddha) ▼[paramāścaryaṁ] ① parama+āścaryaṁ(njp.→ƿ.nom.) → [가장 경이롭습니다] ② parama(nj. most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst) ▼[sugata] ① sugata(ƾ.voc.) → [잘가닿은분이시여!] ② sugata(nj. wellgone or passed; wellbestowed: ƾ. an epithet of buddha) ▼▷[yāvadeva] ① yāvad(ƺ.) + eva(ƺ.) → [그만큼、 오직] ② yāvat(ƺ. as far as, up to, till: nj. as much/many as; as great, as large; all, whole) ② eva(ƺ. indeed, truly, really; just so, exactly so truly) ▼[tathāgatenārhatā] ① tathāgatena(ƾ.ins.) + arhatā(ƾ.ins.) → [그렇게오신분에 의해、 응당공양올려야될분에 의해] tathāgatena(ƾ.ins.) arhatā(nj.→ƾ.ins.) samyaksambuddhena(nj.→ƾ.ins.) → ▼[응당 공양 올려야 될 만큼 바르고 동등하게 깨달으신 여래에 의해…] - [△] ② tathāgata(nj.ƾ.) < tathā(ƺ. in that manner, so, thus) + āgata(p.p. come, arrived; occurred, happened; obtained, got) < āgam(1.ǁ. to come) ② arhat(nj. worthy, deserving, deserving respect; praised, celebrated; worthy of deserving: ƾ. a Buddha, the highest rank in Buddhist hierarchy; a superior divinity with the Jainas) ▼[samyaksambuddhena] ① samyaksambuddhena(ƾ.ins.) → [바르고동등하게깨달으신분에 의해] ② samyaksambuddha(p.p.È 正等覺, 正等正覺) < samyak(ƺ. with, together with; well, properly, rightly) + sam(ƺ. together with) + buddha(p.p. known, understood; awakened) ② samyak(ƺ. together with; rightly) < samyañc(nj. going with, accompanying; right, proper; correct, true; pleasant, agreeable) ▼[bodhisattvā] ① bodhisattvāḥ(ƾ.nom.pl.) → [깨달음갖춘이들은] ② bodhisattva(ƾ. a Buddhist saint) < bodhi(ƾ. perfect wisdom or enlightenment) + sattva(ƿ. being, existence; nature character) < sat(nj. existing) + tva('state of') ▼[mahāsattvā] ① mahāsattvāḥ(nj.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [위대함갖춘상태인] ② mahāsattva(nj. noble; very strong or powerful: ƾ. a large animal) < mahat(nj. great) < mahat(nj. great, big, large; long, extended) < sat(nj. being, existing) + tva('state of') ▼[anuparigṛhītāḥ] ① anu+pari+gṛhītāḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [둘러져 감싸여있습니다] ② anu(ƺ. with, along with; afterward, behind) ② parigṛhīta(p.p. grasped, seized; embraced, surrounded; accepted) < parigrah(9.ǁ. to clasp round, embrace; to encircle, surround; to lay hold of, seize) < pari(ƺ. round, about; towards) + grah(9.dž. to seize, take or catch hold of) ▼[parameṇānugraheṇa] ① parameṇa(nj.→ƾ.ins.) + anugraheṇa(ƾ.ins.) → [최상의、 은총으로.] ② parama(nj. most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst) ② anugraha(ƾƿ. a favour, kindness; assistance, help) < anugrah(9.ǁ. to favour, oblige, treat with kindness; cherish; to receive, welcome) ▼▷[āścaryaṁ] ① āścaryaṁ(njp.→ƿ.nom.) → [경이롭습니다] ② āścarya(nj. marvellous, wonderful, extraordinary: ƿ. a wonder, miracle, marvel) ▼[bhagavan] ① bhagavan(ƾ.voc.) → [복덕갖춘분이시여!] ② bhagavat(nj. glorious, illustrious: ƾ. a god, deity; of Buddha) ▼[yāvadeva] ① yāvad(ƺ.) + eva(ƺ.) → [그만큼、 오직] ② yāvat(ƺ. as far as, up to, till: nj. as much/many as; as great, as large; all, whole) ② eva(ƺ. indeed, truly, really; just so, exactly so truly) ▼[tathāgatenārhatā] ① tathāgatena(ƾ.ins.) + arhatā(ƾ.ins.) → [그렇게오신분에 의해、 응당공양올려야될분에 의해] ▼[samyaksambuddhena] ① samyaksambuddhena(ƾ.ins.) → [바르고동등하게깨달으신분에 의해] ▼[bodhisattvā] ① bodhisattvāḥ(ƾ.nom.pl.) → [깨달음갖춘이들은] ▼[mahāsattvāḥ] ① mahāsattvāḥ(nj.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [위대함갖춘상태인] ▼[parīnditāḥ] ① parīnditāḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [힘이 실렸습니다 → 부촉되었습니다] ② parīndita(nj. 힘실린, 咐囑된) < * + ita(past.pass.p.) < parīnd(1.ǁ. 힘을 실어주다) < pari(ƺ. round, about; towards) + ind(1.ǁ. to be powerful [occuring in the etymology of 'indra']) ▼[paramayā] ① paramayā(nj.→Ʒ.ins.) → [최상의] ② parama(nj. most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst) ▼[parīndanayā] ① parīndanayā(Ʒ.ins.) → [힘실어줌으로. → 부촉으로.] ② parīndanā(Ʒ. 힘실어줌, 咐囑) < parīndana(ƿ. gratification, present)
‘현명한 이를 섬겨 그 뜻을 잃지 않으려면 어떻게 해야 합니까?’ 패는 말했습니다. ‘공경하며 업신여기지 말고, 듣고 받아서 반드시 실천해야 합니다. 현명한 이는 진리를 알고 무위의 도를 체득해 미래와 현재와 과거가 하나같이 공(空)으로 돌아간다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 인간과 물질은 허깨비와 같아서 젊은이는 늙고, 강건하면 쇠하고, 태어나면 반드시 죽고, 부귀는 덧없음을 압니다. 따라서 편안할 때 위험을 생각하고 왕성할 때 덧없다 여겨 착한 이는 더욱 사랑하고, 나쁜 이는 멀리 내치며, 비록 원수라도 악으로 되갚지 않습니다. 부드러우나 범하기 어렵고 약하나 이기기 어려우니, 현명한 자는 이와 같아서 업신여길 수 없습니다.’