【범】Vipaśyin 과거 7불(佛)의 제1. 비바사(毘婆沙)ㆍ비바시(鞞婆尸)ㆍ비발시(毘鉢尸)ㆍ미발시(微鉢尸)ㆍ유위(惟衛)라고도 쓰며, 승관(勝觀)ㆍ정관(淨觀)ㆍ승견(勝見)ㆍ종종견(種種見)이라 번역. 과거 91겁(劫) 사람의 목숨 8만 4천세 때에 반두바제성(槃頭婆提城)에서 출생. 찰제리종족. 성 : 구리야(拘利若), 부(父) : 반두마다, 모(母) : 반두바제. 파파라(波波羅) 나무아래서 성도. 3회 설법, 1회 16만 8천인, 2회 10만인, 3회 8만인을 제도하였다 함.
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Zambala [san-chn]
abhyūhana 推度 [san-eng]
rāmah $ 범어 Lord ṛama [pali-chn]
gabbhâvakkanti 托胎 [pal-eng] [Eng-Ch-Eng]
五道 (1) The five destinies: Hell-being 地獄, hungry ghost 餓鬼, animal 畜生, human being 人間 and god 天上. Also written wuqu 五趣 (gati-pan~caka). When you add the category of asura 阿修羅 to the five destinies, you then have six destinies 六道. (2) Five paths taught in Yoga^ca^ra texts that constitute five stages in the removal of affliction and the attainment of enlightenment. These are: the path of preparation 資糧道, the path of expedient means 方便道, the path of seeing 見道, the path of cultivation 修道 and the culminating path 究竟道. 〔對法論T 1606.31.734b23-29〕 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
上衍 ジョウエン superior vehicle [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
WISDOM☞ Syn: Prajna. See also: Dogma; Samadhi; Three Non-Outflow Studies; Wisdom Sutras. “Fundamental wisdom which is inherent in every man and which can manifest itself only after the veil of ignorance, which screens it, has been transformed by means of self-cultivation as taught by the Buddha. Then the mind is in an internal state of imperturbability, exempt from all external sensation, which is called samadhi.” Samadhi and wisdom always coexist and form a whole. Wisdom not accompanied by Samadhi is termed “Dried-Up Wisdom” (Dry Wisdom). Samadhi not accompanied by wisdom is called “Dead Tree Samadhi.” Dry wisdom: “Intellectual understanding without mental stabilization; also refers to contemplation of phenomena without realization of noumenon.”
annula $ 불어 annulled [chn_eng_soothil]
混沌 Mixed, confused, in disorder. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 所謂不住色布施, 不住聲香味觸法布施. 이른 바 색(色)에 머물지 않고 보시하며 성(聲)、향(香)、미(味)、촉(觸)、법 (法)에도 머무르지 않고 보시해야 하느니라. [玄奘] 不住於色應行布施, 不住聲、香、味、觸、法應行布施. [義淨] 不住色、聲、香、味、觸、法, 應行布施. 04-02 न क्वचित्प्रतिष्ठितेन दानं दातव्यम्। न रूपप्रतिष्ठितेन दानं दातव्यम्। न शब्दगन्धरसस्प्रष्टव्यधर्मेषु प्रतिष्ठितेन दानं दातव्यम्। na kvacitpratiṣṭhitena dānaṁ dātavyam | na rūpapratiṣṭhitena dānaṁ dātavyam | na śabdagandharasaspraṣṭavyadharmeṣu pratiṣṭhitena dānaṁ dātavyam | 어떤 상황에서라도 머묾으로 베풂이 시행되어서는 안 된다. 형색에 머무는 것으로 베풂이 시행되어서는 안 된다. 소리와 냄새와 맛과 감촉과 법에 머무는 것으로 베풂이 시행되어서는 안 된다. ▼▷[na] ① na(ƺ.) ▼[kvacitpratiṣṭhitena] ① kvacit(pn.ƾ.loc.) + pratiṣṭhitena([nj.→]ƾ.ins.) → [어떤 상황에(→어떤 상황에서라도)、 머묾으로] ② kvacit(ƺ. in some places, in some cases) < kva(ƺ. whither, where) ② pratiṣṭhita(p.p. set up, erected; fixed, established; placed, situated; installed) ▼[dānaṁ] ① dānaṁ(ƿ.nom.) → [베풂이] ▼[dātavyam] ① dātavyam(njp.→ƿ.nom.) → [주어져서는 안 된다.] ▼▷[na] ① na(ƺ.) ▼[rūpapratiṣṭhitena] ① rūpa+pratiṣṭhitena([nj.→]ƾ.ins.) → [형색에 머무는 것으로] ② rūpa(ƿ. any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure) < rūp(10.dž. to form, fashion; to act, gesticulate; to mark, behold) + a(kṛt suffix) ② pratiṣṭhita(p.p. set up, erected; fixed, established; placed, situated; installed) ▼[dānaṁ] ① dānaṁ(ƿ.nom.) → [베풂이] ▼[dātavyam] ① dātavyam(njp.→ƿ.nom.) → [주어져서는 안 된다.] ▼▷[na] ① na(ƺ.) ▼[śabdagandharasaspraṣṭavyadharmeṣu] ① śabda+gandha+rasa+spraṣṭavya+dharmeṣu(ƾ.loc.pl.) → [소리와 냄새와 맛과 감촉과 법(←마음의대상)에] ② śabda(ƾ. sound [the object of the sense of hearing and property of ākāśa]; sound, note, noise in general; a word, sound, significant word) ② gandha(ƾ. smell, odour; smell considered as one of the 24 properties or guṇas of the Vaiśeṣkas; the mere smell of anything) ② rasa(ƾ. sap, juice [of trees]; a liquid, fluid; water; liquor, drink) ② spraṣṭavya(ƿ. touch, feeling) < sparśa(ƾ. touch, contact [in all senses]; contact) ② dharma(ƾ. that which is established or firm, law; usage, practice, duty; right, justice) ▼[pratiṣṭhitena] ① pratiṣṭhitena([nj.→]ƾ.ins.) → [머무는 것으로] ② pratiṣṭhita(p.p. set up, erected; fixed, established; placed, situated; installed) ▼[dānaṁ] ① dānaṁ(ƿ.nom.) → [베풂이] ▼[dātavyam] ① dātavyam(njp.→ƿ.nom.) → [주어져서는 안 된다.]