↔ 현밀이교판(顯密二敎判). 진언종 교상판석(敎相判釋)의 하나. 『대일경』의 「십주심품」에 중생심(衆生心)의 발전 상태를 10종으로 나누어 말한 것을 불교 각 종파에 배대하여 현교(顯敎)ㆍ밀교(密敎)의 천(淺)ㆍ심(深), 승(勝)ㆍ열(劣)을 적시(的示)한 것. 이생저양심(異生羝羊心)ㆍ우동지재심(愚童持齋心)ㆍ영동무외심(嬰童無畏心)ㆍ유온무아심(唯蘊無我心)ㆍ발업인종심(拔業因種心)ㆍ타연대승심(他緣大乘心)ㆍ각심불생심(覺心不生心)ㆍ일도무외심(一道無畏心)ㆍ극무자성심(極無自性心)ㆍ비밀장엄심(秘密莊嚴心).
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Buddhist prayer beads [san-chn]
akalpanā-jñāna-bala 無分別智力 [san-eng]
baka $ 범어 stork [pali-chn]
supina 夢, 夢境 [pal-eng]
sanghu.t.tha $ 팔리어 pp. of sanghosetiresounding with; proclaimed. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
Dharani of the Bodhisattva Mother who Heeds the World's Sounds 觀自在菩薩母陀羅尼經 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
眞一 シンイチ true one [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
METAPHYSICS☞ See also: Mahayana / Theravada; Silence; Universe. Theravada Buddhism: “Buddha preached a religion devoid of speculation. Ample evidence in the record suggests that he could have been one of the world’s great metaphysicians if he had put his mind to the task. Instead, he flatly refused to discuss metaphysics. His silence on the subject did not pass unnoticed. ‘Whether the world is eternal or not eternal, whether the world is finite or not, whether the soul is the same as the body or whether the soul is one thing and the body another, whether Buddha exists after death or does not exist after death – these things,’ one of his disciples observed, ‘the Lord does not explain to me. And that he does not explain them to me does not please me, it does not suit me.’ There were many it did not suit. Yet despite incessant needling, he continued his ‘noble silence.’ His reason was simple. ‘Greed for views’ on questions of this sort ‘tends not to edification.’ His practical program was exacting, and he was not going to let his flock be diverted from the hard road of arduous action by the agreeable fields of profitless speculation. His famous parable of the arrow smeared thickly with poison puts the point with precision: ‘It is as if a man had been wounded by an arrow thickly smeared with poison, and his friends and kinsmen were to get a surgeon to heal him, and he were to say, “I will not have this arrow pulled out until I know by what man I was wounded, whether he is of the warrior caste, or a brahmin, or of the agricultural, or the lowest caste.” Or if he were to say, “I will not have this arrow pulled out until I know of what name of family the man is – or whether he is tall, or short or of middle height”… Before knowing all this, the man would die. Similarly, it is not on the view that the world is eternal, that it is finite, that body and soul are distinct, or that the Buddha exists after death that a religious life depends. Whether these views or their opposites are held, there is still rebirth, there is old age, there is death, and grief, lamentation, suffering, sorrow, and despair… I have not spoken to these views because they do not conduce to an absence of passion, to tranquility, and Nirvana. And what have I explained? Suffering have I explained, the cause of suffering, the destruction of suffering, and the path that leads to the destruction of suffering have I explained. For this is useful.’ ”
accompli $ 불어 accomplished [chn_eng_soothil]
眞我 (1) The real or nirvana ego, the transcendental ego, as contrasted with the illusory or temporal ego. (2) The ego as considered real by non-Buddhists. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 須菩提, 於意云何? 東方虛空, 可思量不?」 수보리야, 네 생각에 어떠하냐? 동쪽에 있는 허공을 생각하여 헤아릴 수 있 겠느냐?.” [玄奘] 佛告善現: 「於汝意云何, 東方虛空, 可取量不? [義淨] 妙生! 於汝意云何, 東方虛空, 可知量不? 04-05 तत्किं मन्यसे सुभूते सुकरं पूर्वस्यां दिशि आकाशस्य प्रमाणमुद्ग्रहीतुम् ? tatkiṁ manyase subhūte sukaraṁ pūrvasyāṁ diśi ākāśasya pramāṇamudgrahītum | 수보리여! 그대는 ‘동쪽 방향에 있는 허공의 분량은 들어가지기 쉽다.’(라고) 생각하느냐? ▼▷[tatkiṁ] ① tat(pn.ƿ.acc.) + kiṁ(ƺ.) → [이것을、 어떻게(→疑問形成)] ② tat(pn.ƿ.nom.acc.sg.) < tad(pn. that, he, it, she) ② kiṁ(ƺ. a particle meaning 'why' 'wherefore') ▼[manyase] ① manyase(pres.Ⅱ.sg.) → [(그대는) 생각하는냐?] ② man(4.8.Ʋ. to think, believe; to consider, regard, look upon) ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ② subhūti(ƾ. N. of …; wellbeing, wellfare) ▼[sukaraṁ] ① sukaraṁ(njp.→ƿ.nom.) → [‘쉽다] → 쉽겠는냐? 수보리여! 그대는 ‘~ 허공의 분량은 가지기 쉽다.’(라고) 생각하는가? ② sukara(nj. easy to be done, practicable, feasible) ▼[pūrvasyāṁ] ① pūrvasyāṁ(nj.→Ʒ.loc.) → [동쪽] pūrva – 대명사적형용사 : 형용사 가운데 대명사처럼 격변화를 하는 것 ② pūrva(nj. being in front of; eastern, easterly; previous to, earlier than; old, ancient) ▼[diśi] ① diśi(Ʒ.loc.) → [방향에 (+있는)] ② diś(Ʒ. a direction, cardinal point; the mere direction of a thing; region, space) ▼[ākāśasya] ① ākāśasya(ƾ.gen.) → [허공의(←하늘의)] ② ākāśa(ƾƿ. the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universal) ▼[pramāṇamudgrahītum] ① pramāṇam(ƿ.nom.) + udgrahītum(inf.) → [분량은、 들어가지기.’] ② pramāṇa(ƿ. a measure in general; size, extent; scale, standard) ② udgrahītum(inf.) < * + ītum(tum.p.) < udgrah(9.ǁ. to take up, lift up; to take or draw out, take away; to deposit) < ud(ƺ. prefix 'up, upward') + grah(9.dž. to seize, take, take or catch hold of; to learn, know, understand)