■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]3rd Dalai Lama [san-chn]
abhivardhana 增勝 [san-eng]
rakṣaṇa $ 범어 protection [pali-chn]
pisuṇā-vācā 兩舌, 離間語 [pal-eng] [Eng-Ch-Eng]
五智如來 The five buddhas as incarnations of distinct types of wisdom: (1) Maha^vairocana, who embodies the complete wisdom of the essential nature of the dharmadha^tu 法界體性智; (2) Aks!obhya, who embodies the great perfect mirror wisdom 大圓鏡智; (3) Ratnasam!bha^va, who embodies the wisdom of equality in nature; (4) Amita^bha, who embodies the wisdom of subtle observing wisdom 妙觀察智, and (5) Either Amoghasiddhi or S/a^kyamuni, who embody the wisdom that is developed through practice. 成所作智. 【參照: 五佛】 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
煞畜生 セツチクショウ killing animals [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
NONREGRESSION☞ See: Non-Retrogression.
anéantissent $ 불어 exhaust [chn_eng_soothil]
三術 Three devices in meditation for getting rid of Māra-hindrances: within, to get rid of passion and delusion; without, to refuse or to withdraw from external temptation. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 已於無量千萬佛所種諸善根, 이미 한량없는 백、천、만 부처님께 온갖 선근을 심었으므로 [玄奘] 然復, 善現, 彼菩薩摩訶薩於其非一百千佛所承事供養、於其非一百千佛所種諸善根. [義淨] 已於無量百千佛所而行奉事, 植諸善根. 06-07 अपि तु खलु पुनः सुभूते अनेकबुद्धशतसहस्रपर्युपासिता अनेकबुद्धशतसहस्रावरोपितकुशलमूलास्ते बोधिसत्त्वा महासत्त्वा भविष्यन्ति, api tu khalu punaḥ subhūte anekabuddhaśatasahasraparyupāsitā anekabuddhaśatasahasrāvaropitakuśalamūlāste bodhisattvā mahāsattvā bhaviṣyanti | 오히려 또한 다시 수보리여! 수많은 십만 깨달은님들을 섬기고 수많은 십만 깨달은님들 아래서 선근의 뿌리를 심은 위대한 존재로서 깨달음갖춘이들이 될 것이니, 羅什漢譯(韓譯)에선 ‘已~種(이미 심었으므로…)’이라 하여 과거형으로 표현하였으나 梵文은 ‘bhaviṣyanti’인 미래형으로 되어 있으므로, 梵文은 보살이 성불을 유보한 채 금생은 물론 수많은 미래생에도 중생을 위한 보살행을 행할 것을 나타내고 있다. ▼▷[api] ① api(ƺ.) → [또한] ② api(ƺ. and, also, besides; often used to express emphasis. even, also, very) ▼[tu] ① tu(ƺ.) → [그러나 → 오히려] ② tu(ƺ. on the contrary, on the other hand; ...; used as an emphatic particle) ▼[khalu] ① khalu(ƺ.) → [참으로] ▼[punaḥ] ① punaḥ(ƺ.) → [다시] ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[anekabuddhaśatasahasraparyupāsitā] ① aneka+buddha+śatasahasra+paryupāsitāḥ(nj.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [수많은 십만 깨달은님들을 섬긴] ② aneka(nj. not one; more than one, many; separated, divided) ② śatasahasra(ƿ.) < śata(ƿ. a hundred) + sahasra(ƿ. a thousand; a large number) ② paryupāsita(p.p.p.) < * + ita(past.pass.p.) < paryupās(2.Ʋ. to attend upon, worship, attend respectfully; resort to; to enclose) ▼[anekabuddhaśatasahasrāvaropitakuśalamūlāste] ① aneka+buddha+śatasahasra+avaropita+kuśala+mūlāḥ(nj.→ƾ.nom.pl.) + te(pn.ƾ.nom.pl.) → [수많은 십만 깨달은님들의(→ 깨달은님들 아래서) 신중함(→善根)의 뿌리를 심은、 그들이] ② avaropita(p.p. uprooted; deprived of, curtailed; diminished, lost; dethroned, bereaved of) ② kuśala(nj. right, proper; happy, prosperous; able, skillful, clever; wholesomeness) ② mūla(ƿ. a root; lowest edge or extremity of anything; base; beginning; basis, foundation) ▼[bodhisattvā] ① bodhisattvāḥ(ƾ.nom.pl.) → [깨달음갖춘이들이] ▼[mahāsattvāḥ] ① mahāsattvāḥ(nj.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [위대함갖춘상태인] ▼[bhaviṣyanti] ① bhaviṣyanti(fut.Ⅲ.pl.) → [될 것이다. → 될 것이니,]