016▲ 子丈才叉彳 ■ 자장재차척 16 ( 아들 자 )( 어른 장 )( 재주 재 )( 갈래 차 / 작살 차, 비녀 채 )( 조금 걸을 척 )
017▲ 川巛千寸夂 ■ 천천천촌치 17 ( 내 천 )( 내 천 )( 일천 천/ 밭두둑 천, 그네 천 )( 마디 촌 )( 뒤쳐져 올 치 / 마칠 종 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Vajrayogini [san-chn]
janma bhavet 當往生 [san-eng]
ātmajā $ 범어 daughter [pali-chn]
chanda-samādhi-padhāna-saṅkhāra-samannāgata-iddhipāda 欲定勝行相應如意足 [pal-eng]
tilapi.t.tha $ 팔리어 nt.sesamum-grinding. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
十八空論 Shibakong lun; 1 fasc.; the Treatise on the Eighteen Emptinesses, T 1616.31.861-7. A commentary on Vasubandhu's Treatise on Discriminating the Middle and the Extremes 中邊分別論, translated by Parama^rtha 真諦, the authorship of which is uncertain. Explain such categories as the eighteen kinds of emptiness 十八空 the seven kinds of suchness 七種真如, etc.\nShiba kong lun; 1 fasc., trans. Parama^rtha 真諦. T 1616.31.861a-867a. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
最澄 サイチョウ (person) Saichō [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
UDUMBARA FLOWER☞ “An udumbara tree is said usually to bear fruit without flowers. Once in a very long period of time it is said to bloom; hence, the udumbara flower is a symbol of the rare appearance of a Buddha.” “This flower is said to bloom only once every three thousand years. For this reason it is often used as an illustration of how difficult it is to come in contact with true Buddhist teachings as well as the rarity of encountering a Buddha.”
moulez $ 불어 mill [chn_eng_soothil]
開悟 To awaken, arouse, open up the intelligence and bring enlightenment. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 佛告須菩提: 「諸菩薩摩訶薩, 應如是降伏其心. 부처님이 수보리에게 말씀하셨다. “보살마하살(菩薩摩訶薩)은 응당 이렇게 그 마음을 항복시켜야 된다. [玄奘] 佛言: 善現, 諸有發趣菩薩乘者, 應當發趣如是之心, [義淨] 佛告妙生: 若有發趣菩薩乘者, 當生如是心, 03-01 भगवानस्यैतदवोचत्-इह सुभूते बोधिसत्त्वयानसंप्रस्थितेनैव चित्तमुत्पादयितव्यम्- | bhagavānetadavocat | iha subhūte bodhisattvayānasamprasthitenaivaṁ cittamutpādayitavyam | 복덕갖춘분께서 이렇게 말씀하셨다. “이 세상에서, 수보리여! 깨달음갖춘이의 수레로 길을 떠나는 이에 의해 이렇게 認識이 일어나도록 해야 한다. ▼▷[bhagavānetadavocat] ① bhagavān(ƾ.nom.) + etad(ƺ.) + avocat(aaor.Ⅲ.sg.) → ▼[복덕갖춘분께서、 이렇게、 말씀하셨다.] ② bhagavat(nj. glorious, illustrious: ƾ. a god, deity; of Buddha) ② etad(ƺ. in this manner, thus, so, here, at this time) ② vac(2.ǁ. to speak, say, tell) ▼▷[iha] ① iha(ƺ.) → [이 세상에서] ② iha(ƺ. here, in this place or case; in this world; now, at this time) ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ② subhūti(ƾ. N. of …; wellbeing, wellfare) ▼[bodhisattvayānasamprasthitenaivaṁ] ① bodhisattva+yāna+samprasthitena([nj.→]ƾ.ins.) + evam(ƺ.) → [깨달음갖춘이의 수레로 길을 떠나는 이에 의해、 이렇게] 깨달음갖춘상태인이가 (+이끄는) 수레를 타고 (+수행의) 길을 떠나는… ② bodhisattva(ƾ. a Buddhist saint) < bodhi(ƾ. perfect wisdom or enlightenment) + sattva(ƿ. being, existence; nature character) < sat(nj. existing) + tva('state of') ② yāna(ƿ. going, walking; a voyage, journey; marching against; vehicle, chariot) ② samprasthita(nj. set out on a journey, departed; advancing towards Buddhahood) ② evam(ƺ. thus, so, in this manner or way) ▼[cittamutpādayitavyam] ① cittam(ƿ.nom.) + utpādayitavyam(njp.→ƿ.nom.) → ▼[認識이、 일어나도록 해야 한다.] ② citta(p.p. observed; considered; intended, wished: ƿ. mind, thinking, thought) ② utpādayitavya(caus.pot.pass.p.) < * + ay(caus.) + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < utpad(4.Ʋ. to be born or produced, arise) < ud(ƺ. up, upward) + pad(4.Ʋ. to go to)