○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 St_Petersburg,_Mariinskiy_Palace
English: Mariinskiy Palace Ministry of Culture RF.png This is a photo of a cultural heritage object in Russia, number: 7810036000 Author DmitriyGuryanov Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia ● [pt op tr] fr
♥Université de Lille, Campus Pont de Bois
○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe'
022▲ 毛木朩毋无 ■ 모목빈무무 22 ( 터럭 모 )(나무 목 )( 삼줄기 껍질 빈 )( 말 무 / 관직 이름 모 )( 없을 무 )
023▲ 文勿反方攴 ■ 문물반방복 23 ( 글월 문 )( 말 물, / 털 몰 )( 돌이킬 반 / 돌아올 반, 어려울 번, 삼갈 판 )( 모 방 / 본뜰 방, 괴물 망 )( 칠 복 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Bodhin Kjolhede [san-chn]
kāla-sūtre mahā-narake 黑繩地獄 [san-eng]
manyate $ 범어 (4 ap) to think, to believe [pali-chn]
āsava-kkhaya-ñāṇa 漏盡通 [pal-eng] [Eng-Ch-Eng]
四種障 Four kinds of hindrances taught in the Ratnagotravibha^ga. The hindrance of the marks of conditions 緣相, the hindrance of the marks of causes 因相, the hindrance of the marks of arising 生相, and the hindrance of the marks of destruction 壞相. 〔寶性論T 1611.31.830b2-10〕 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
囘禮 ウイレイ to return a courtesy\n\nカイレイ\nto return a courtesy [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
THREE TRUTHS T’IENT’AI ☞ Syn: Three-fold Truth. See also: Middle Way Philosophy; T’ien-T’ai School. “The T’ien-t’ai school teaches that a phenomenon can be viewed in three different ways within the same instant. First, because a phenomenon is produced by various causes, its essence is devoid of any permanent existence, that is, it is ‘empty.’ Second, nevertheless it does have a real, if only temporary, immediate existence. Third, since a phenomenon is thus a blending of both ultimate emptiness and temporary existence, it should be seen as occupying a position midway between the two poles.”
The Three-Fold Truth (or Three Truths) refers to emptiness, conditional existence and the Middle Way, meaning that things are not ultimately existent or non-existent.
liquidai $ 불어 liquidated [chn_eng_soothil]
無常 anitya. Impermanent; the first of the 三明 trividyā; that all things are impermanent, their birth, existence, change, and death never resting for a moment. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 須菩提, 菩薩應如是布施, 不住於相. 수보리야, 보살은 이렇게 보시를 행하여 모양다리[相]에 머물지 않아야 되 느니라. [玄奘] 善現, 如是菩薩摩訶薩, 如不住相想應行布施. [義淨] 妙生, 菩薩如是布施, 乃至相想亦不應住. 04-03 एवं हि सूभूते बोधिसत्त्वेन महासत्त्वेन दानं दातव्यं यथा न निमित्तसंज्ञायामपि प्रतितिष्ठेत्।
evaṁ hi subhūte bodhisattvena mahāsattvena dānaṁ dātavyam yathā na nimittasaṁjñāyāmapi pratitiṣṭhet | 이렇게 참으로 수보리여! 위대한 존재로서 깨달음갖춘이에 의해 베풂이 시행되어야 하며, 또한 그처럼 모양다리의 산냐에도 머물러서는 안 된다. ▼▷[evaṁ] ① evaṁ(ƺ.) → [이렇게] ② evam(ƺ. thus, so, in this manner or way) ▼[hi] ① hi(ƺ.) → [참으로] ② hi(ƺ. really, indeed, surely; for because; just, pray, do) ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ② subhūti(ƾ. N. of …; wellbeing, wellfare) ▼[bodhisattvena] ① bodhisattvena(ƾ.ins.) → [깨달음갖춘이에 의해] ② bodhisattva(ƾ. a Buddhist saint) < bodhi(ƾ. perfect wisdom or enlightenment) + sattva(ƿ. being, existence; nature character) < sat(nj. existing) + tva('state of') ▼[mahāsattvena] ① mahāsattvena(nj.→ƾ.ins.) → [위대함갖춘상태인] ② mahāsattva(nj. noble; very strong or powerful: ƾ. a large animal) < mahat(nj. great) ▼[dānaṁ] ① dānaṁ(ƿ.nom.) → [베풂이] ▼[dātavyam] ① dātavyam(njp.→ƿ.nom.) → [주어져야 한다. → 주어져야 하며,] ▼[yathā] ① yathā(ƺ.) → [그처럼] ② yathā(ƺ. in which manner or way, according as, as it is or was; as, as like) ▼[na] ① na(ƺ.) → [(否定)] ▼[nimittasaṁjñāyāmapi] ① nimitta+saṁjñāyām(Ʒ.loc.) + api(ƺ.) → [형상산냐에、 또한] [序] vastu 경계 경계에 머물지 말아야할지니, [本] rūpa etc. 색성향미촉법 그것은 색 등을 말하는 것인데, [結] nimitta 형상 결국 형상화된 것들일 뿐이다. ② nimitta(ƿ. a cause, motive, ground reason) < ni(ƺ. down, back, into, in) + mi(5.dž. to throw, cast, scatter; to build, erect; to measure) +|t|+ ta(kṛt) ② saṁjñā(Ʒ. consciousness; knowledge, understanding; intellect, mind) ② api(ƺ. and, also, besides; often used to express emphasis. even, also, very) ▼[pratitiṣṭhet] ① pratitiṣṭhet(pot.Ⅲ.sg.) → [머물러서는 안 된다.] ② pratiṣṭhā(1.ǁ. to stand firm, be established; to be supported; to rest or depend upon) < prati(ƺ. towards, near to) + sthā(1.dž. to stand, stand firmly; to stay, remain)