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■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Buddhism in Maldives [san-chn]
anu-√śru 白, 言 [san-eng]
kendraka $ 범어 nucleus [pali-chn]
iddhi 神力 [pal-eng]
cittakkhepa $ 팔리어 m.derangement of the mind. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 The Foding zunsheng tuoluoni jing; Skt. Us!n!i^s!avijaya^dha^ran!i^; Tib. de bzhin ghegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ba shes bya ba'i gzungs rtog pa dang bcas pa (To.594, P.199; To. 595, P.197; To.596, P.201); (Dha^ran!i^ of the Jubilant Corona). An evocation of the Jubilant Buddha-Corona, Us!n!i^s!avijaya^ 尊勝佛頂, whose powers can prolong life and destroy the hardships of sam!sa^ra; fourth text of the Saptava^ra corpus. Translations exist in Khotanese, Uighur, Tangut and Mongolian ('Phags pa script) in addition to the many Tibetan and Chinese versions. The translations used in Shingon are those of Buddhapa^li (T 967), Fatian (T 978) and Wuche 武徹 (T 974c). Among the Chinese translations, Fatian's version corresponds to four Tibetan versions (To.598, P.200), while the earlier versions (1-5) match another Tibetan translation (To.597/984, P.198/609). The extant Chinese translations are: (1) 1 fasc. (T 967.19.349-353), Dha^ran!i^ of the Jubilant Buddha-Corona 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 tr. Buddhapa^li 佛陀波利. Chinese commentary: Fachong's 法崇 Meanings of the Doctrinal Traces 教跡義記 (T 1803). (2) 1 fasc. (T 968.19.353-355), Dha^ran!i^ of the Jubilant Buddha-Corona 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 tr. Du Xingkai 杜行顗. Chinese commentary: Xufa's 讀法 Commentary 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經釋 (Z.92.146-163). (3) 1 fasc. (T 969.19.355-357), Triumphant Dha^ran!i^ 最勝陀羅尼經 tr. Diva^kara 地婆訶羅. The dha^ran!i^ of this recension appears in various Tang-era ritual manuals: Amoghavajra's 不空 Ritual Procedure for Recitation 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼念誦儀軌法 (T 972) and Ritual Procedures from the Yoga Collection for Feeding the Searing Mouths 瑜伽集要焰口施食儀軌, and S/ubha^karasim!ha's 善無畏 Ritual Procedure of Yoga 尊勝佛頂修瑜伽法儀軌 (T 973) (T 1320). (4) 1 fasc. (T 970.19.357-361), Sutra of the Dha^ran!i^ Spell of the Jubilant Buddha-Corona which Cleanses and Abolishes Karmic Burdens 最勝佛頂陀羅尼淨除業障咒經 tr. Diva^kara 地婆訶羅. (5) 1 fasc. (T 971.19.361-364), Dha^ran!i^ of the Jubilant Buddha-Corona 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 tr. Yijing 義淨. (6) 1 fasc. (T 974a.19.383-384), Dha^ran!i^ of Buddha-Corona the Triumphant 最勝佛頂陀羅尼經 tr. Fatian 法天. (7) 1 fasc. (T 978.19.407-410), Sarvatatha^gatos!n!i^s!avijaya^-dha^ran!i^ (de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor rnam par rgyal ma'i gzungs shes bya) 一切如來烏瑟膩沙最勝總持經 tr. Fatian 法天. A phonetic transcription which corresponds to Dhya^nabhadra's version. (8) 1 fasc. (T 979.19.410) Us!n!i^s!avijaya^-dha^ran!i^ 于瑟沙毗左野陀囉尼 tr. Dhya^nabhadra 指空. BGBT4/102-5. Sanskrit Edition: F. Max Muller and Bunyu Nanjio. Anecdota Oxonensia^ryan Series vol.1 part III, Oxford, 1884. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
魔光 マコウ Mara's light [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
EATING WHEN HUNGRY☞ See also: Zen School. “Eating when hungry, sleeping when tired ”: this Zen statement, which usually baffles non-Buddhists, actually reflects a deep truth. Most people do not eat when hungry, that is, they do not eat what is available or what is good for them, but rather seek special dishes prepared to their taste. Likewise, they do not sleep when tired, but are likely to do other things, such as tossing and turning in bed recalling past wrongs or mulling over future events. … “ All eagerness for study gone;” the goal of all Buddhist teaching is to stop the mind from wandering, keeping it empty and still, so that our innate wisdom can surface. In that context, love, hatred and eagerness for study are all attachments that disturb the mind. Editor /Tam: 316-317 #2252
26 모든 대지의 정기(精氣)와 자양분을 증장시키며, 첨 례, 廁<初凡反>隸<二十六> ksine (~!~) 윤회에 얽매이지 않고 법륜을 펼쳐,
65 선남자야 만약 어떤 사람이 세상의 괴로움을 싫어해서 길게 삶의 줄거움을 구하면 마땅히 조용한 곳에 있으면서 청정하게 결계(結界: 깨끗이 재계를 지키고 공부할 도량을 정하는 것)하고 옷을 주문을 외우며 입고, 또 물과 음식과 향과 약을 108 편(一百八遍)씩 주문을 외우고 먹으면 반드시 목숨이 120세 되도록 길어질 것이니라. 만약 능히 여법하게 결계하고 법대로 받아 지니면 모든 것을 다 성취하나니 그 결계법이란 혹은 칼을 가지고 주문을 21 편(遍) 외우고 땅을 그어서 경계를 삼으며 혹은 깨끗한 물을 가지고 주문을 21편 외우고 사방에 뿌려 경계를 삼으며 혹은 하얀 개자(介子)를 가지고 주문을 21편 외우고 사방 상하로 던져 경계를 삼으며 혹은 깨끗한 회(灰)를 가지고 주문을 21 편 외우고 사변(四邊)을 둘러 싸 경계를 삼으며 혹은 생각 가는 곳으로 경계를 삼으며 혹은 오색실(五色線)을 가지고 주문을 21편 외우고 사변(四邊)을 둘러 싸 경계를 삼아도 되느니라. 만일 법대로 받아 지니면, 자연히 과를 얻을 것이니라. ● 사바하 娑婆訶<六十五> s vā hā