十 ■ ( 열 십 )
006▲ 十乂又二人 ■ 십예우이인 6 ( 열 십 )( 벨 예 / 징계할 애 )( 또 우 / 용서할 유 )( 두 이 )( 사람 인 )
045▲ 世示礻矢市 ■ 세시시시시 45 ( 인간 세/ 대 세 )( 보일 시 / 땅귀신 기, 둘 치 )( 보일시변 시 )( 화살 시 )( 저자 시/ 상품을 팔고 사는 시장, 장사 시 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Buddhism in Japan [san-chn]
vyāyacchate 勇猛勤精進, 策勵 [san-eng]
kalakattānagaraṃ $ 범어 Calcutta [pali-chn]
disāmukhâhārā 方口食 [pal-eng]
yahi.m $ 팔리어 adv.where; wherever. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
別境 (vibha^vana^): the ideas, or mental states which arise according to the various objects or conditions toward which the mind is directed. A special mental function that does not necessarily arise through all minds but rather accords to the 'mind-king' only in special situations--a mental function that judges special objects. The complement of the 'pervasively functioning' (bianxing 遍行) elements. According to the Faxiang 法相 sect, this group of elements falls under the general category of 'mental function' (心所) elements. 別境 includes five elements, which are desire (欲), verification (勝解), recollection (念), meditation (定) and wisdom (慧). [Muller-jpn-Eng]
玄 ゲン deep, profound, mysterious, occult, esoteric [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]