■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Buddhism in Nepal [san-chn]
dharma-jñāna-pakṣa 法智品 [san-eng]
indhana $ 범어 fuel [pali-chn]
dubbhāsita 惡說 [pal-eng]
ambuja $ 팔리어 adj.aquatic. (nt.), a lotus. (m.), a fish. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
一佛世界 A Buddha-realm. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
西 サイ west [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
IMMORTALITY☞ See also: Amitabha Buddha; Pure Land Buddhism (Summary). “In Theravada Buddhist thought immortality or the deathless state is Nirvana (Nibbana). One of the adjectives applied to Nirvana from earliest days is amata, i.e. deathless (e.g. Sutra Nipata 960). The deathless realm is considered to be gained not at the end of one individual’s span of existence, but as a result of spiritual refinement which may be continued throughout many generations; it is held to be the outcome of a process of moral and spiritual refinement initiated and pursued by free choice, once the possibility of such a goal has been heard of, through the Buddha-Dhamma. A modification of this view occurs in the Pure Land Buddhism of East Asia, where an intermediate goal is introduced, attainable without the long preparation through many existences necessary for Nirvana. This short-term religious goal is rebirth in the heaven of Amitabha Buddha, known as the Pure Land or Sukhavati. Such rebirth is made possible by the compassion and spiritual power of the Buddha, faith of the believer and Buddha Recitation. Strictly, however, this is not immortality, in that even such blissful rebirth must be followed up by further cultivation before the ultimate goal, i.e., Buddhahood, is reached.” Ling: 142-143 #1140