화엄종 십현연기(十玄緣起)의 제7. 수행하는데 일ㆍ다(一ㆍ多)의 행이 서로 즉입(卽入)함을 말하는 한편, 순일(純一)한 행 가운데 복잡한 행이 그대로 덕으로서 갖추어져 서로 방해하지 않는 것을 말함. 예를 들어 보시의 행 가운데 다른 일체의 행을 갖추었다고 하는 것같이, 보시의 행이 곧 만행(萬行)이라는 뜻. 신십현(新十玄)에서 이것을 광협자재무애문(廣狹自在無碍門)이라한 것은 특히 현상(現象)인 사(事)에서 말한 것으로 본체(本體)인 이(理)에는 관계 없음을 보인 것.
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Mantra [san-chn]
vi-√naś 失壞, 損壞, 斷壞 [san-eng]
duṣpūraṃ $ 범어 insatiable [pali-chn]
āloka 覺 [pal-eng]
vaatapaana $ 팔리어 nt.a window. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
佛垂般涅槃略說教誡經 The Fochui boniepan lueshuo jiaojie jing; T 389.12.1110c-1112b. Trans. Kuma^raji^va 鳩摩羅什. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
自相 ジソウ (term) defining characteristic [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
TEN MYSTERIOUS GATES☞ Syn: Flower Bank Mysterious Gates; Ten Esoteric Doors; Ten Mysteries; Ten Profound Propositions. Avatamsaka Sutra: “Ten aspects of the interrelationship of all phenomena, as seen from the enlightened point of view. To explain such relationship and harmony, the [Avatamsaka] school advances the Ten Profound Propositions (Ten Mysterious Gates): 1) All things are co-existent, corresponding to one another. 2) The intension and extension of one thing involve those of others without any obstacle. 3) The One and the Many are mutually inclusive. 4) All things are identical with one another. 5) The hidden and the manifested mutually perfect each other. 6) All minute and abstruse things mutually penetrate one another. 7) All things reflect one another. 8) Truth is manifested in facts and facts are the source of Enlightenment. 9) The past, present and future are inter-penetrating. 10) All things are manifestations and transformations of the mind.’ (Vergilius Ferm.)” Editor / Tam: 349 #0971