○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Giovanni-Battista-Piranesi-the-roman-antiquities-t-3-plate-xvii-circumference-of-the-earth-and-plant-the-previous-exterior.jpg!HD
Artist: Giovanni-Battista-Piranesi from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Battista_Piranesi Title : the-roman-antiquities-t-3-plate-xvii-circumference-of-the-earth-and-plant-the-previous-exterior.jpg!HD Info
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Rime movement [san-chn]
saṃskṛta-dharmāh 有爲法 [san-eng]
manorugṇa $ 범어 mental patient [pali-chn]
kaṭhina-cīvara 迦絺那衣 [pal-eng]
ghanapuppha $ 팔리어 nt.a woollen coverlet embroidered with flowers. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
和伽羅那 A transcription of the Sanskrit vya^karan!a, which means the prediction of future buddhahood, given by the Buddha toward one of his disciples; most commonly translated as 授記 and 受記. One of the twelve traditional genre divisions of the Buddhist canon 十二部經. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
抑止攝取 オクシセッシュ rejection and acceptance [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
FORGIVENESS☞ See also: Sin. “Sin is, first of all, an inheritance: ‘The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children unto the third and fourth generation,’ says the commandment. And that’s optimistic. The chain of blindness, of compulsion, continues a lot longer than that, is handed down endlessly, l’dor vador, from generation to generation. We inherit our sins, pass them on to our children, and they to theirs; and all of this we do in the most profound ignorance. Our childhoods are contaminated as were those of our parents, and their parents before them, back and back and back. We are involved and participate in this ignorant sin, and the world around us, with its wars, addiction, pollution, exploitation, testifies to this truth. But it is not our intention, there are no personal villains; but all are victims, receivers and dispensers of the inheritance, unless, at some point, the chain is broken. Forgiveness is the weapon that permits us to open our eyes and see through our veil of protective lies. Your sins are forgotten… Take up your pallet, and walk.” Bruder: 225-226
40 일체의 수용(受用)하는 자구를 증장시켰습니다. 다례, 闥㘑<四十> dare (~!~) 현세의 왕이시여! 지옥과 불에 떨어진 이들을 보호하고 보호 하소서.
66 만약 이 다라니를 이름만 들어도 오히려 무량겁토록 나고 죽으면서 지은 큰 죄[生死重罪]가 없어질 것인데 하물며 외우고 지니는 이이겠는가. 만약 이 다라니를 얻어서 읽고 외우는 이는 마땅히 알라. 이미 일찍히 무량한 모든 부처님께 공양하여 널리 선근을 심었나니라. ● 자길라아실타야(자길라아싯다야) 者吉囉阿悉陁夜<六六十> ca k rā sid dhā ya
43 꼬마(새끼)발가락 the little toe
40 중앙 발가락 [신조어 ] center part (middle) toe
66 상완(上腕)
3 밥통 【위】
84 가자미근
42 발 옆면 foot side
100 네이블navel, 옴파로스Ompharos 臍 【배꼽 제】 / 벨리버튼belly button,