車 ■ (수레 차 / 수레 거 )
068▲ 走辰車车豸 ■ 주진차차치 68 ( 달릴 주 )( 별 진/ 때 신 )(수레 차 / 수레 거 ) ( 수레 차 / 수레 거)( 벌레 치 / 해태 채, 해태 태 ) CF 笏 홀 홀
042▲ 北弗比匕氷 ■ 북불비비빙 42 ( 북녘 북 / 달아날 배 )( 아닐 불/ 근심할 불 )( 견줄 비 )( 비수 비 )( 얼음 빙 / 엉길 응 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Shangpa Kagyu [san-chn]
bhūta-jñāna 如實智, 眞智 [san-eng]
viduḥ $ 범어 understood [pali-chn]
thokikā 寡 [pal-eng]
upayu–ji $ 팔리어 aor. of upayu–jaticonnected with; practised. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
Doctrine of the Two Hindrances 二障義 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
六種印 ロクシュイン six seals [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
BODHISATTVA PRECEPTS☞ See also: Brahma Net Sutra; Four Great Vows; Precepts; Three Bodies of Pure Precepts. The Bodhisattva Precepts, 58 in number (10 major, 48 minor), are listed and explained in the Brahma Net Sutra (q.v.). However, these precepts all derive from three key precepts called the Three Bodies of Pure Precepts (q.v.). The concept that receiving the precepts is not necessarily dependent upon their being administered by the clergy is a high-level teaching of Mahayana Buddhism, which emphasizes the all-encompassing Mind. Any practitioner who wishes to receive the precepts, and sincerely and earnestly accepts them, has in fact received them. This is in line with the teachings of the Brahma Net Sutra, though in the case of the Bodhisattva precepts (the loftiest and most difficult set of precepts), the witnessing of an auspicious sign (light, flowers, the Buddhas coming to rub one’s crown, etc.) is additionally necessary.
“The twenty-third minor Bodhisattva precept [taught that] whenever a person with wholesome intention sincerely wishes to receive the Bodhisattva precepts, he should first vow before the Buddhas and Boddhisattva images to accept and uphold the precepts and then cultivate repentance and reform for seven days. If during that period he experiences a vision of auspicious signs, he has received the precepts … It is essential that he experience an auspicious sign, for only then has he received the precepts before the Buddha and Bodhisattva images. If he has not obtained such auspicious signs, though he may have vowed before the Buddha images to accept and uphold the precepts, he has not actually received them.” (The Buddha Speaks the Brahma Net Sutra, Part II, Commentary by Elder Master Hui Sheng, p.6.). Note: Auspicious signs attest to the utter sincerity and earnestness of the practitioner. Self-administration of the precepts is recommended only when there are no competent monks or nuns available within a reasonable distance. Otherwise, the practitioner may be guilty of arrogance.
42 그리고 보살은 곧 다음 주문을 외웠다. 미례, 弭㘑<四十二> mile (~!~) 현세의 왕이시여! 지옥과 불에 떨어진 이들을 보호하고 보호 하소서.
68 만약 정성스럽게 마음을 쓰며 몸으로는 재계(齋戒)를 지녀 일체 중생을 위해서 전생부터 지금까지 지어온 업을 정성껏 참회하며 또한 자신이 무량겁이래 지은 악업과 무거운 죄를 참회하고 빨리빨리 이 다라니를 외우되 소리소리마다 끊어지지 아니하면 네 가지 성문과(聲聞果)를 이 생에서 곧 중득함에 어려움이 없을 것이며, 그 중에 날카로운 근기와 지혜가 있어 방편(方便)을 관(觀)하는 자는 십지과위(十地果位)를 어렵지 않게 증득하거늘 하물며 세상의 조그마한 복이겠는가. 구하고 원하는 바에 얻지 못할 것이 없으리라. 이것은 다 이 관세음보살의 대비원력이 깊고 중한 까닭이며, 또 이 다라니의 위신력이 광대(廣大)한 까닭이니라. ● 파마갈실다야 波摩羯悉哆夜<六十八> pad ma ka s ta ya