○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Utagawa-Kuniyoshi-from-suikoden-of-japanese-heroes
Artist: Utagawa-Kuniyoshi
Utagawa Kuniyoshi (歌川 國芳, January 1, 1798[1] – April 14, 1861) was one of the last great masters of the Japanese ukiyo-e style of woodblock prints and painting. 구니 요시의 주제에는 풍경, 아름다운 여성, 가부키 배우, 고양이, 신화 동물 등 다양한 장르가 포함 됩니다. 그는 전설적인 사무라이 영웅 들의 전투를 묘사 한 것으로 유명합니다. [...이하 줄임...] from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utagawa_Kuniyoshi Title : from-suikoden-of-japanese-heroes Info
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Pali [san-chn]
catvāriṃśad-danta 四十齒 [san-eng]
vivṛddhe $ 범어 when developed [pali-chn]
niyyatta 出要 [pal-eng]
hikkaa $ 팔리어 f.hiccup. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
non-retrogression 不退 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
篇聚 ヒンジュ two kinds of classifications of precepts\n\nヘンジュ\ntwo kinds of classifications of precepts [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
BUDDHA☞ See also: Devotion; Funerary Rites for the Buddha; Sakyamuni Buddha. “A Supremely Enlightened One, or ‘Awakened One’. According to Mahayana tradition, Buddha Sakyamuni is the present one in a series of Buddhas, past and future.”
“Nowadays, the term ‘Buddha’ refers to the historical Buddha Sakyamuni. ‘Buddhas’ naturally refers to all enlightened beings.”
“For many of us, the expressions ‘Buddha’ or ‘the Buddha’ refer to one historical person. This person is known to us as Siddharta Gautama, the Buddha who lived in India more than two thousand five hundred years ago and founded the religion of Buddhism. Another common name for this historical person, Shakyamuni (‘The Sage of the Shakya Clan’), may also come to mind when we speak of ‘Buddha.’ But in the mythology of Mahayana Buddhism, Shakyamuni is a Buddha, certainly an important figure, and yet one of many Buddhas. He may serve as the mouthpiece, and the vehicle for revelation, but he is not unique.” “The word Buddha means ‘one who has woken up’ – i.e. from the mental sleep of the untrained mind – but Buddhists have often preferred a traditional explanation. A Buddha is ‘one who knows’ the Dharma or basic truth of things. So anyone is a Buddha who has achieved the goal of the Buddhist path. More usually the word is used only of an individual of much greater cosmic significance: the Samma-sambuddha, ‘one who has fully awakened in the right way’ or ‘one who has fully known in the right way’. Such a Buddha is extremely rare in the universe. Whole eons may pass before one is born. Buddhist modernists often lay stress on the human nature of the Buddha, partly as an understandable reaction to pressure from the theistic missionaries. This can be misleading. Buddhahood is achieved in human circumstances as the culmination of many lives, but the penultimate life is always divine. It is in fact the result of striving for perfection for countless lives, being reborn in many different forms and conditions of being. Traditional Buddhism understands by the word Buddha neither man nor god, but one who has far transcended the nature of both – the Teacher of gods and men. From an early date, accounts of the life of the Buddha contained both human and cosmic elements. Modern historical scholarship attempted at first to construct a biography by eliminating all miraculous and marvellous elements as later additions, but there are serious methodological objections to this. Moreover by removing the more poetic and mythic elements of the Buddhist tradition, it creates a false impression of a rather dry intellectual philosophy. This obscures the devotional aspect of early Buddhism.” “The primary object of Buddhist teachings as a whole may be said to be Buddhahood. The term ‘Buddha’ means enlightened, and as such refers to the fully awake, fully realized, complete human being; what is perhaps more outstanding in the Avatamsaka sutra, however, is the universal or cosmic sense of Buddha. The scripture explicitly states that ‘Buddha’ is to be seen in all lands, all beings, and all things. This is a basic premise of the scripture’s grand descriptions of the scope of Buddhahood; the individual human Buddha may be said to be one who is open to this level of awareness. Buddha is said to have many dimensions of embodiment. The multiplicity of Buddha-bodies at times may refer to all things or beings, or to the potential or realization of full awakening in individual human beings.”
29 그 사람이 만약 빈 산이나 넓은 들에 홀로 잠자고 있을 때 이 모든 선신들은 교대로 보호해서 재앙을 없애줄 것이며, ● 마하벌사야제(마하바사야제) 摩訶罰闍耶帝<二十九> ma ha va ja ya te
17 사니 하바라 싣리 다 娑你<二合引>賀鉢囉<二合>悉哩<二合>哆<十七>