○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Renoir melon-and-tomatos
Artist: Pierre-Auguste Renoir from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre-Auguste_Renoir Title : melon-and-tomatos Info Permission & Licensing : Wikiart ● [pt op tr] fr
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○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승
○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 ○ 2020_0904_092836_nik_ori_rs
片 ■ ( 조각 편, 절반 반 )
035▲ 片戶互火灬 ■ 편호호화화 35 ( 조각 편, 절반 반 )( 집 호/ 지게 호 )( 서로 호 )(불 화 ) ( 연화발 화 )
022▲ 毛木朩毋无 ■ 모목빈무무 22 ( 터럭 모 )(나무 목 )( 삼줄기 껍질 빈 )( 말 무 / 관직 이름 모 )( 없을 무 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Seven Factors of Enlightenment [san-chn]
sad-dharma-deśanā 宣說正法, 說正法 [san-eng]
vācaḥ $ 범어 the Vedas [pali-chn]
nisajjā 坐 [pal-eng]
a––aaya $ 팔리어 abs.having understood. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
attachment to (the reality of) dharmas 法執 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
三無數大劫 サンムシュダイコウ Three incalculably long great kalpas [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
WUMENKUAN☞ Syn: Mumonkan ( Jpn). See also: Blue Cliff Record; Ma-tsu Tao-i (709-788). “Chin. (Jpn. / Mumonkan), lit. the Gateless Gate; one of the two most important koan collections in Ch’an (Zen) literature, the other is the Pi-Yen-Lu. This collection of Koans compiled in China in the thirteenth century (1184-1260) is second only to the Pi-Yen-lu (Hekigan Roku) in importance.”
“The Wu-men-kuan was compiled by the Chinese Ch’an (Zen) master Wu-men Hui-k’ai. It is composed of forty-eight koans, which Wumen collected and arranged. He provided each koan with a short insightful commentary and with ‘praise’ and published the collection in 1229. The Wu-men-kuan begins with the renowned koan ‘Mu’ by which master Wu-men himself came to profound enlightenment. It is especially suitable as a koan that can help a practitioner to a first enlightenment experience. It is still given today to many beginners on the Zen path as their first koan. Since the Wu-men-kuan’s most famous koan is used with beginners and since from a literary point of view the Wu-men-kuan is much plainer than the Pi-yen-lu, it is often considered less profound than the latter.”
“The text has also attracted a great deal of attention in the West, having been translated into English a number of times by various individuals.”
22 대자대비를 증장시키며, 담미, 萏謎<二十二> dame (~!~)악한이의 마음을 조복하여 평온케 하고,
35 군사나 도적에게 포위되거나 혹은 나쁜 사람에게 재물을 빼앗길 때도 지극한 정성으로 대비주를 소리내 외우면 저들이 도리어 자비심 내어 다시 돌아가며 ● 목제이(목제려) 目帝囇<三十五> su kte le