■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Esala Perahera [san-chn]
kapiñjala 迦迦婆迦頻闍邏, 迦頻闍羅, 雉, 鷓鴣 [san-eng]
kādaṃbarī $ 범어 name of a girl or title of a novel [pali-chn]
kiriyā-samādhi 事定 [pal-eng]
aaki–ca––a $ 팔리어 nt.nothingness; absence of any possession. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
LAW OF DEPENDENT ORIGINATION Law of Dependent Origination 緣起法 It states that all phenomenon arise depending upon a number of casual factors. In other word, it exists in condition that the other exist; it has in condition that others have; it extinguishes in condition that others extinguish; it has not in condition that others have not. For existence, there are twelve links in the chain: Ignorance is the condition for karmic activity; karmic activity is the condition for consciousness; consciousness is the condition for the name and form; name and form is the condition for the six sense organs; six sense organs are the condition for contact; contact is the condition for feeling; feeling is the condition for emotional love/craving; emotional love/craving is the condition for grasping; grasping is the condition for existing; existing is the condition for birth; birth is the condition for old age and death; old age and death is the condition for ignorance; and so on. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
大集法門經 ダイシュウホウモンキョウ (title) Daji famen jing [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
LALITAVISRARA☞ “An early Mahayana scripture dealing with the life of the Buddha.” “Some Mahayana scriptures speak the language of images almost entirely. There’s the Lalita-vistara, for example – the ‘Extended Account of Sports or Games’. Now we may be forgiven for wondering what kind of spiritual text this might be. And it may come as a surprise to learn that the sports or games are those of the Buddha, that we have here a sutra which offers us what we may say is the Buddha’s playful nature. The Lalita-vistara recounts various incidents of the Buddha’s career which were to him ‘child’s play’, incidents in which he acted freely, easily, naturally, spontaneously – in other words, in a truly spiritual manner. So this sutra is a kind of biography of the Buddha, but it is not biography as we usually understand the term, because it contains a great deal of what scholars like to call ‘legendary material’. But this is not just ‘legend’: the Lalita-vistara speaks the language of images…” [fra-eng]
accouchent $ 불어 confine [chn_eng_soothil]
沐 To bathe; translit. mu, mo.
제목 : 동쪽으로 5백여 리 가면 나복지국(那僕之國)[북인도이다]에 이른다. 둘레는 2천여 리요 도성의 둘레는 14ㆍ15리쯤 되며 사찰은 열 군데이고 천사는 여덟 군데이다.
성의 동남쪽으로 5백여 리 가면 사림사(闍林寺)에 이르고 둘레는 20여 리이며 부처님의 사리탑(舍利塔) 수효는 백 또는 천 구(區)이다. 아울러 석실(石室) 등이 있고 승려는 3백 명이 있으며 소승의 설유부(說有部)를 배운다. 덕행은 맑고 높되 학문에 박식(博識)한 이는 적다. 현겁(賢劫)의 천불(千佛)이 다 같이 여기서 설법하시게 된다. 석가부처님께서 열반하신 뒤의 3백 년이 되는 때에 가다연나(迦多衍那)[가전연(迦栴延)이다]가 여기서 『발지론(發智論)』을 지었으며 절의 탑 높이는 20여 장(丈)이요 네 분의 부처님께서 다니고 앉았던 흔적이 있는 곳이다.