○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Giovanni-Battista-Piranesi-the-roman-antiquities-t-4-plate-i-cover-page-over-a-large-cylindrical-pillar-decorated-with-a.jpg!HD
Artist: Giovanni-Battista-Piranesi from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Battista_Piranesi Title : the-roman-antiquities-t-4-plate-i-cover-page-over-a-large-cylindrical-pillar-decorated-with-a.jpg!HD Info
釆 ■ ( 분별할 변 )
065▲ 釆夆束豕辛 ■ 변봉속시신 65 ( 분별할 변 )( 끌 봉 / 두터울 방) (묶을 속/ 약속할 속 )( 돼지 시 )( 매울 신 )
066▲ 身我言余吳 ■ 신아언여오 66 (몸 신 / 나라 이름 건 )(나 아 )(말씀 언, / 화기애애할 은 )( 나 여/ 남을 여 )( 성씨 오/ 큰소리칠 화, 땅 이름 우 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Antaravasaka [san-chn]
tat-sabhāgānuvartanī upapattiḥ 隨類生 [san-eng]
sainyasya $ 범어 of the soldiers [pali-chn]
vīthi 夾 [pal-eng]
vippasanna $ 팔리어 pp. of vippasiidativery clear; pure; bright. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
十堅心 Equivalent to 十回向. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
于 ウ at, in, on [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
JETA GROVE / MONASTERY☞ Syn: Jetavana; Garden of Jeta and Anathapindika. “A monastery near Sravasti presented to the Buddha by Anathapindika.” Thai: 461 Background: “At the time of the Buddha’s ministry, there was a wealthy merchant named Sudatta living in the kingdom of Sravasti. Because of his
concern and generosity towards the less fortunate, he was given the epithet ‘Anathapindika’ or ‘provider for widows and orphans’. It once happened that having invited the Buddha to preach in Sravasti, Anathapindika set about trying to find a suitable place for the Worldhonored One and his company of 1,250 monks. Determining that the estate of Prince Jeta, son of King Prasenajit, with its grassy fields and leafy trees, would be ideal, he approached the prince and offered to buy it. The prince, startled, said in jest, ‘I am prepared to sell you as much land as you can cover with gold.’ Anathapindika remained silent for a moment, at which point the Prince laughed, ‘That seems to be too much for you, does it not?’ ‘Why, no,’ replied the merchant, ‘I was simply considering which of my storehouses to take the gold from…’ Later in the day, as the prince watched in amazement, bullock cart after bullock cart arrived at his estate, and the workers laid a carpet of gold upon the land, stretching in all directions. The only patches of ground which could not be covered were those where the trees stood. Prince Jeta, realizing that the Buddha must be an exceptional man, then decided to donate these patches of land. In honor of the two benefactors, the estate was henceforth known as the Garden of Jeta and Anathapindika. “Here the Buddha spent nineteen rainy seasons. This monastery where the Buddha spent the major part of his life was the place where he delivered many of his sermons.” In Buddhist literature, the name of Anathapindika has become synonymous with selfless, extreme generosity in the cause of the Dharma (building temples, printing sutras and commentaries, etc.).”
tombèrent $ 불어 fell [chn_eng_soothil]
心水 The mind as a reflecting water-surface; also the mind as water, clear or turbids.
65 선남자야 만약 어떤 사람이 세상의 괴로움을 싫어해서 길게 삶의 줄거움을 구하면 마땅히 조용한 곳에 있으면서 청정하게 결계(結界: 깨끗이 재계를 지키고 공부할 도량을 정하는 것)하고 옷을 주문을 외우며 입고, 또 물과 음식과 향과 약을 108 편(一百八遍)씩 주문을 외우고 먹으면 반드시 목숨이 120세 되도록 길어질 것이니라. 만약 능히 여법하게 결계하고 법대로 받아 지니면 모든 것을 다 성취하나니 그 결계법이란 혹은 칼을 가지고 주문을 21 편(遍) 외우고 땅을 그어서 경계를 삼으며 혹은 깨끗한 물을 가지고 주문을 21편 외우고 사방에 뿌려 경계를 삼으며 혹은 하얀 개자(介子)를 가지고 주문을 21편 외우고 사방 상하로 던져 경계를 삼으며 혹은 깨끗한 회(灰)를 가지고 주문을 21 편 외우고 사변(四邊)을 둘러 싸 경계를 삼으며 혹은 생각 가는 곳으로 경계를 삼으며 혹은 오색실(五色線)을 가지고 주문을 21편 외우고 사변(四邊)을 둘러 싸 경계를 삼아도 되느니라. 만일 법대로 받아 지니면, 자연히 과를 얻을 것이니라. ● 사바하 娑婆訶<六十五> s vā hā