■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Robert Baker Aitken [san-chn]
eka-cittena 一心 [san-eng]
phalāni $ 범어 results [pali-chn]
dibba-vihāra 天住 [pal-eng]
ohita $ 팔리어 pp. of oharatihidden; laid down. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
人民 The common people (Skt. manus!ya; Pali manussa^). 〔法華經 T 262.9.38c15〕 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
二應身 ニオウジン two kinds of response body [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
NIRVANA☞ See also: Nirvana with Residue; Parinirvana. “Originally meant total extinction of desire and suffering. Today it refers to the state of liberation through full enlightenment. In Mahayana, Nirvana is classified into four categories: 1. Nirvana with residue, the state of a person who has realized the nature of Nirvana, but has not yet eliminated the five aggregates; 2. Nirvana without residue, wherein the aggregates have been eliminated; 3. Svabhava Nirvana, the primeval Nirvana which is always present, whether we realize it or not, and 4. Nonabiding Nirvana, in which one abides in neither Samsara nor ultimate quiescence. This is the Nirvana of the Buddhas and the highest Bodhisattvas.” Chan: 479 #0403 “In the West, Nirvana has often been misunderstood as mere annihilation; even in early Buddhism it was not so conceived. In many texts, to explain what is described as Nirvana, the simile of extinguishing a flame is used. The fire that goes out does not pass away, but merely becomes invisible by passing into space. Thus the term Nirvana does not indicate annihilation but rather entry into another mode of existence. The fire comes forth from space and returns back into it; thus Nirvana is a spiritual event that takes place in time but is also, in an unmanifest and imperishable sphere, always already there. This is the ‘abode of immortality,’ which is not spatially located, but is rather transcendent, supramundane and only accessible to mystical experience.” Sham: 159
enseignèrent $ 불어 taught [chn_eng_soothil]
醧忘臺 The terrace of the potation of forgetfulness, e.g. the waters of Lethe. Also the birds, animals, fish, and creeping things about to be reincarnated as human beings are taken to this terrace and given the drink which produces oblivion of the past.
77 선남자야 이 다라니의 위신력은 불가사의하여 찬탄하되 다할 수 없나니라. 만약 과거 아득한 옛날부터 널리 선근(善根)을 심어 놓지 않았으면 이 주문의 이름도 듣지 못하는데 어찌 볼 수 있겠느냐. 너희들 대중과 하늘 사람과 용과 신들은 내가 이렇게 찬탄하니 모두 따라 기뻐할 지니라. 만약 이 주문을 비방하는 자는 곧 저 99억 항하사의 모든 부처님을 비방함이 되나니라. ● 새바라야 爍皤囉耶<七十七> ś va ra ya
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