牙 ■ (어금니 아/ 관아 아 )
027▲ 㣺氏牙歹歺 ■ 심씨아알알 27 마음 심 )(각시 씨 / 성씨 씨, 나라 이름 지, 고을 이름 정 )(어금니 아/ 관아 아 )( 살 바른 뼈 알 / 몹쓸 대 )( 살 바른 뼈 알 )
040▲ 卯卬戊民半 ■ 묘앙무민반 40 ( 토끼 묘 /넷째 지지 묘 )( 나, 자신( 自身) 앙 / 위풍당당( 威風堂堂)한 모양 앙) ( 다섯째)천간( 天干) 무 / 무성하다( 茂盛--) 무 )( 백성 민 / 잠잘 면 )( 반 반 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Sankassa [san-chn]
upariṣṭatas 上 [san-eng]
pṛthivīṃ $ 범어 Earth [pali-chn]
thīnamiddha 懈怠睡眠 [pal-eng]
pamohita $ 팔리어 pp. of pamohetideceived; bewildered; fascinated. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
sprinkling water on the head 灌頂 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
淨飯王子 ジョウハンオウシ "son of King Suddhodhana"--Śākyamuni Buddha [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
PRECEPTS☞ See also: Bhiksu; Bhiksuni; Bodhisattva Precepts; Brahma Net Sutra; Five Precepts. (Skt /Sila) “The rules of conduct and discipline established by the Buddha.”
Broadly speaking, Buddhist precepts are divided into two categories: the basic precepts common to all traditions, Theravada or Mahayana; and the Bodhisattva Precepts, followed by Mahayana practitioners, both monks and laymen. (I) Basic Precepts: “Throughout the Buddhist traditions, one of the most important tools for the formation, continuity, and sense of identity of a Buddhist community has been precepts. a) In addition to taking refuge in the Three Jewels, laypeople took up Five Precepts: not to kill, not to steal, not to engage in sexual misconduct, not to lie, and not to use intoxicants. [One who observes these precepts is reborn as a human being.] b) Some laypeople would take Eight Precepts which they would maintain [on certain special days] each month. These were precepts not to kill; steal; engage in sexual activity; lie; use intoxicants; attend musical performances /adorn their bodies; sleep on high and wide beds; or eat after noontime. c) This same set of precepts, with the addition of two, i) not to sing, dance / perform on stage and ii) not to handle gold or silver, constitutes the ten precepts of novice monks and nuns. d) Fully ordained monks and nuns held many more precepts; under one of the codes, monks held 250 precepts, nuns 348. All of these precepts, whether lay or monastic, are called Pratimoksa Precepts, precepts of liberation. These precepts are regarded as the foundation of the life of a Buddhist. For laypeople, maintaining precepts was a way to accumulate virtuous karma … For monks and nuns, precepts were regarded as defining monastic identity, a lifestyle designed by the Buddha himself as most conducive to the pursuit of liberation from rebirth. It was the maintenance of these precepts by monks and nuns that was said to justify the alms they received from the laity. Hence, perhaps, the most important of monastic ceremonies was the Uposadha ceremony, in which the monks of a given monastery or area gathered together to recite the precepts. Prior to the ceremony, monks would gather in small groups of two or three to confess any transgressions of the monastic code to each other. The senior monk would then recite each of the categories of precepts, asking three times at the end of each category whether there were any transgressions to be revealed. Hearing none, because whatever transgressions had occurred would already have been confessed privately, he declared the Sangha to be pure. (II) Bodhisattva Precepts: With the rise of the various groups that came to be called the Mahayana, we find the development of more precepts, the Bodhisattva Precepts. It seems that in the early Mahayana, persons publicly took the famous Bodhisattva Precepts, promising to achieve Buddhahood in order to liberate all beings from Samsara. In time, a more formal code of conduct was developed, derived from a number of sources, with categories of root infractions and secondary infractions. The Bodhisattva Precepts, however, could be taken equally by laypeople and monastics, men and women. Formal ceremonies for doing so are set forth in a number of Mahayana treatises. In addition, there [are] ceremonies for the confession of infractions, modeled on the Uposadha. There is a great deal that could be said about the content of the Bodhisattva Precepts. Some of the precepts have to do with interpersonal relations, prescribing the kind of altruistic behavior that one might expect from a Bodhisattva. Others are more grand. There is also the suggestion that the Bodhisattva Precepts supersede the Pratimoksa Precepts.” Lopez: 504 #2388 The Bodhisattva Precepts include ten major and forty-eight minor precepts. These precepts are derived from the Three Bodies of Pure Precepts (q.v.). (III) Note: “In Buddhism, there is no cultivation without Discipline (precepts), Concentration and Wisdom, and also there is no Dharma without Discipline, Concentration and Wisdom.” (Hsu Heng Chi, What’s Buddhism?, p.39.)
40 일체의 수용(受用)하는 자구를 증장시켰습니다. 다례, 闥㘑<四十> dare (~!~) 현세의 왕이시여! 지옥과 불에 떨어진 이들을 보호하고 보호 하소서.
27 만약 법대로 외우고 지니며, 모든 중생에게 자비심을 일으키는 자는 내가 이때 일체 착한 신과 용왕과 금강밀적(金剛密迹)을 보내서 그를 항상 따라 옹호하게 하고, 그 곁을 떠나지 않고, 마치 자기 눈동자나 자기 목숨을 보호하고 아끼듯이 하게 하리라. 그리고 곧 분부하며 말씀하시길, 나는 밀적금강사(密迹金剛士) 오추군다앙구시(烏芻君茶鴦俱尸) 팔부역사상가라(八部力士賞迦羅)를 보내 .. 마혜나라연(摩醯那羅延)과 금비라타가비라(金毘羅陁迦毘羅)를 보내 .. 바삽바루나(婆馺婆樓那)와 만선차발진다라(滿善車鉢眞陁羅)를 보내 .. 살차마화라(薩遮摩和羅)와 구란단탁반지라(鳩蘭單咤半祇羅)를 보내 .. 필바가라왕(畢婆伽羅王)과 응덕비다살화라(應德毘多薩和羅)를 보내 .. 범마삼발라(梵摩三鉢羅)와 오정거등염마라(五淨居等炎摩羅)를 보내 .. 제석천과 삼십삼천과 대변공덕바달라(大辯功德婆怛那)를 보내 .. 제두뢰타왕(提頭賴咤王)과 신묘녀(神母女) 등 힘센 무리들을 보내 .. 비루륵차왕(毘樓勒叉王)과 비루박차(毘樓博叉)와 비사문(毘沙門)을 보내 .. 금색공작왕(金色孔雀王)과 이십팔부대선중(二十八部大仙衆)을 보내 .. 마니발타라(摩尼跋陁羅)와 산지대장불라바(散脂大將弗羅婆)를 보내 .. 난타(難陁) 발난타(跋難陁) 사가라용(娑伽羅龍) 이발라(伊鉢羅)를 보내 .. 수라(脩羅), 건달바(乾闥婆)와 가루라[迦樓], 긴라라[緊那], 마후라(摩睺羅)를 보내 .. 수화뇌전신(水火雷電神)과 구반다왕(鳩槃茶王) 비사차(毘舍闍)를 보내 이 주문을 받아 지니는 자를 항상 옹호하게 하리라. ● 구로구로갈몽(구로구로갈망) 俱盧俱盧羯懞<二十七> ku ru ku ru kar maṃ
105 살- 바 라다나 카지다 薩哩嚩<二合>囉怛曩<二合>佉喞哆<一百五>