또는 경천사 10층 석탑. 경천사 터에 있던 세칭 13층탑. 1348년(고려 충목왕 4) 원나라 기술자의 도움으로 세워졌다. 파고다 공원의 탑과 흡사한 모습. 12불회상(佛會上)을 새겼으며, 그 수법이 뛰어나다. 양식은 라마교의 영향을 받아 원나라 특질을 띠고 있다. 1918년 일본 사신 전중광현(田中光顯)[당시 궁내(宮內) 대신]이 일본으로 훔쳐갔던 것을 다시 찾아왔다. 일본에서 돌아온 탑은 1960년 경복궁 경내에 복원되었다. 그후 탑의 훼손이 심해 1995년 전면 해체 보수에 들어갔고, 복원공사 10년만에 용산 국립중앙박물관에 안치되었다. ⇒<유사어>경천사<참조어>경천사(敬天寺)
답 후보
● 경천사탑(敬天寺塔)
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Buddhism in Panama [san-chn]
sarāgatā 有欲, 有貪 [san-eng]
iccan.h $ 범어 present participle of iṣ, to wiś [pali-chn]
ānāpānasati 三十八行處, 十念, 念安般 [pal-eng]
pisu.naavaacaa $ 팔리어 f.malicious speech. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
THREE SUFFERINGS Three Sufferings 三苦(苦苦、樂苦、不苦不樂苦) 1.Feeling of suffering 2.Feeling of happiness - suffering of decay 3.Feeling of neither suffering nor happiness - suffering of the activity of the Five Skandhas. (五蘊) [Muller-jpn-Eng]
七支業 シチシゴウ Karma of the seven sins [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
CRITICISM AND SLANDER☞ “When a cultivator is subjected to criticsm and slander, he should think: ‘that person is bringing me merit.’ Why is this so? It is because, from time immemorial, we have committed obstructive transgressions. If we are the object of one word of scorn and belittlement, our bad karma has been lightened by one part. Are we not then receiving merit and benefit? Those who engage in scornful speech and slander will certainly suffer retribution; through delusion, they bring calamity upon themselves.” Tam: 157 “Listen, for example, to the following from Asanga: ‘If another does harm to the Bodhisattva, the latter endures with patience the worst injuries, with the idea that it is a benefit he has received. To think that the offender does one a service, this is to conduct oneself in accord with the example of the Perfect Ones, i.e., the Buddhas.’ ” (From Asanga’s Mahayana Sutralamkara.) Pratt: 219 #1332
requise $ 불어 required [chn_eng_soothil]
舍多提婆魔 M077447 舍諵 śāstādevamanuṣyāṇām, intp. as 天人師 teacher of gods and men, one of the ten titles of a buddha.