【범】upāsikā 우바사(優婆斯)ㆍ오바시가(鄔波斯迦)라 음역. 근사녀(近事女)ㆍ근선녀(近善女)ㆍ청신녀(淸信女)라 번역. 속가에 있으면서 불교를 믿는 여자. 착한 일을 행하고 비구니에 친근승사(親近承事)하고 삼귀계(三歸戒)를 받고, 5계를 갖는 여자. 오바시가(鄔波斯迦)에서 시(斯)는 밀교의 진언(眞言)식 발음. ⇒<유사어>오파사가<참조어>오파사가(鄔波斯迦)
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Thirty-five Buddhas [san-chn]
mahā-utsāhatā 大堪能 [san-eng]
sahasrākṣaḥ $ 범어 thousand-eyed [pali-chn]
sambhāra 資用 [pal-eng]
dakkhi.nanaavatta $ 팔리어 adj.winding to the right. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
偏袒右肩 To bare the right shoulder and turn it toward (the Buddha). An Indian ritual for showing respect to a sagely teacher. CP [Muller-jpn-Eng]
瞿史羅 グシラ (person) Ghoṣira [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
VAIDEHI☞ See also: Ajatasatru; Bimbisara; Meditation Sutra. The Queen of King Bimbisara of Magadha, India. It was in response to her entreaties that Buddha Shakyamuni preached the Meditation Sutra, which teaches a series of sixteen visualizations (of Amitabha Buddha, the Pure Land) leading to rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. “Wife of Bimbisara, king of Magadha, and the mother of Ajatashatru. She is said to have been the sister of King Prasenajit of Kosala. According to the Kammuryoju (Meditation) Sutra, when Ajatashatru imprisoned his father Bimbisara and attempted to starve him to death, Vaidehi regularly covered her body with a mixture of honey and flour and went to visit Bimbisara in prison; thus the king was able to eat and survive. When Ajatashatru discovered this, he was enraged and attempted to kill his mother but was restrained by his ministers Jivaka and Chandra. Instead, Ajatashatru had her confined to the interior of the palace. She faced Eagle (Vulture) Peak where Shakyamuni was preaching and prayed to him. Out of compassion for her, the Buddha interrupted his preaching and appeared in the palace with Ananda and Maudgalyayana. At her request, he taught her how to reach the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. On that occa- sion, Vaidehi asked Shakyamuni why she should be destined to have a son as evil as Ajatashatru, and why Shakyamuni himself should have to be associated with someone as wicked as Devadatta, but these questions are not answered in the Meditation (Kammuryoju) Sutra.”
carambolée $ 불어 collided [chn_eng_soothil]
斷德 The power or virtue of bringing to an end all passion and illusion—one of the three powers of a buddha.
“석가께서 생존하시던 때와 무엇이 다릅니까?” 이에 선사가 말했다. “대중이 너무 오래 서 있었으니, 속히 삼배하라.” “어떤 것이 부처와 조사를 초월하는 말씀입니까?” 선사가 대답했다. “포주蒲州의 마황麻黃과 익주益州의 부자苻子니라.” “한 입에 다 삼켜버릴 때는 어떠합니까?” 선사가 대답했다. “노승이 그대의 뱃속에 있느니라.” “화상께서는 어찌하여 저의 뱃속에 계십니까?” 이에 선사가 대답했다. “나의 이야기를 돌려다오.” “어떤 것이 선禪입니까?” 선사가 대답했다. “노주露柱가 두꺼비를 삼키느니라.” “어떻게 들어 제창하여야 다가오는 계기를 저버리지 않을 수 있습니까?” “무슨 소리를 하는가?” “찾아온 뜻을 인정하시겠습니까?” 이에 선사가 말했다. “좀더 차근차근 물어라.”