○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 1280px-Rosa_'Abraham_Darby'_03
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rosa_'Abraham_Darby'_03.jpg English: Rosa 'Abraham Darby' in Dunedin Botanic Garden, Dunedin, New Zealand Author Krzysztof Golik ● [pt op tr] fr
○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Göreme_Valley_in_Cappadocia_edit1
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Göreme_Valley_in_Cappadocia_edit1.jpg English: Göreme Valley in w:Cappadocia.Cappadocia, a region in central Turkey, Author Brocken Inaglory Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia ● [pt op tr] fr
♥Daiichi Junior College of Infant Education
○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe'
東 ■ (동녘 동)
070▲ 金其東來門 ■ 금기동래문 70 ( 쇠 금, 성씨 김)( 그 기 / 만약( 萬若) 아마도, 혹은 기) (동녘 동) ( 올 래 / 내 )( 문 문 / 집안 문 )
018▲ 乇土下丸介 ■ 탁토하환개 18 ( 부탁할 탁/ 풀잎 탁 )( 흙 토 / 뿌리 두, 쓰레기 차 )( 아래 하 )( 둥글 환 )( 낄 개 / 낱 개, 갑자기 알 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Buddhism in Sweden [san-chn]
abhūta-saṃjñā 非相 [san-eng]
śatrutve $ 범어 because of enmity [pali-chn]
vijjā-caraṇa-sampanna 明行圓滿, 明行足 [pal-eng] [Eng-Ch-Eng]
修習位 The 'stage of practice.' The fourth among the five stages of Consciousness-only practice as explained by Vasubandhu 世親 in his Thirty Verses on Consciousness-only. This is explained as practice by repeatedly returning to the principle of Consciousness-only that has been realized through the 'path of seeing', deepening the experience of non-discriminating knowledge and cutting off delusion. This stage is correlated to the ranks of bodhisattva practice from the first bhu^mi to the tenth bhu^mi. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
鵤莊 いかるがのしょう (place) Ikaruga Manor [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
SAMATHAVIPASYANA☞ Syn: Concentration and Insight. See also: Meditation. Samatha: “A meditational technique to calm the mind to a state of tranquility and concentration. It is practically the equivalent of dhyana.” Vipasyana: “Insight, clear seeing; intuitive cognition of the three marks of existence, namely, the impermanence, suffering, and egolessness of all physical and mental phenomena. In Mahayana Buddhism, Vipasyana is seen as an analytical examination of the nature of things that leads to insight into the true nature of the world – emptiness. Such insight prevents the arising of new passions. Vipasyana is one of the two factors essential for the attainment of enlightenment (bodhi). The other is samatha (calming the mind).”
“The name given to the entire system of meditation set forth by the T’ient’ai school (q.v.) whose ultimate goal is to perceive ‘the region of the unfathomable,’ that is, the unification of the Three Truths (q.v.) within one’s mind. ‘Concentration’ (Samatha) means focusing one’s mind on one place without any distractions, and ‘insight’ (Vipasyana) means seeing all things as they are, penetrating to the ultimate reality of all phenomena.”
Note: The relationship between samadhi and wisdom (or between samatha and vipasyana) is a crucial point in Buddhism. In the Theravada tradition, the differences between them are emphasized; samadhi and wisdom are considered separate facets of cultivation, to be achieved one after another. In the Mahayana tradition (Zen, Avatamsaka, T’ien-t’ai, Pure Land), however, samadhi and wisdom are indivisible – true samadhi necessarily includes wisdom and true wisdom is inseparable from samadhi. Moreover, wisdom is not something external to be “obtained” through practice; it is inherent in all sentient beings. It is as though we have lost a pearl at the bottom of a lake. When there is no wind and the water is calm, the pearl naturally becomes visible. To recover the wisdom-pearl, the practitioner need only calm the turbid waters of his mind. Thus, in Mahayana teaching, to cultivate samadhi is to attain wisdom or Enlightenment. This relationship is clearly seen in the expression “three non-outflow, (unconditioned) studies,” linking precepts, samadhi and wisdom.
exprimés $ 불어 expressed [chn_eng_soothil]
四事供養 The four offerings or provisions for a monk. There is a sutra, the 四事經, or 阿難四事經.
18 깨달음에로 이끄는 거룩한 진리의 광명을 증장시키며, 비습라 리야참포, 毘濕婆<縛迦反>梨夜讖蒱<十八> vis-variya ksam bhu, 물처럼 흐르는 지장,
70 만약 가정에 큰 병이 생기며 백가지 좋지 못한 일들이 다투어 일어나고 귀신과 삿된 마군이가 그 가정을 해치고 어지럽게 하며 나쁜 사람들이 함부로 말을 하여 서로 모해하고 집안의 위아래와 안팎이 화목하지 목한 경우 마땅히 대비천안상(大悲千眼像) 앞에 단(壇)과 도량을 설치하고 지극한 마음으로 대비한 관세음보살 명호를 입으로 부르고 마음으로 생각한 다음 이 다라니를 천편만 외우면 이러한 나쁜 일들은 모두 다 없어지리라. ● 나라근타바가라야(나라근지바가라야) 那囉謹墀皤伽囉夜<七十> na ra kin di va ga ra ya