석존 일생의 설교를 세 시기로 나눈 것. 유교(有敎)ㆍ공교(空敎)ㆍ중도교(中道敎). 이는 법상종의 견해. (1) 유교. 소승교니, 실재한 아(我)가 있다는 외도의 망집(妄執)을 깨뜨리기 위하여 아공법유(我空法有)를 말한 교. (2) 공교. 물(物)ㆍ심(心)의 온갖 현상을 만드는 변치 않는 실체(實體)가 있다고 믿는 이에게 대하여 모든 법이 다 공(空)하다고 말한 『반야경』 등의 말. (3) 중도교. 위의 2교와 같이 유(有)나, 공(空)의 한쪽만을 믿는 이를 위하여 우주의 진성(眞性)을 깨닫게 하려고, 유에도 치우치지 않고, 공에도 치우치지 아니한 중도의 묘한 이치를 말한 『해심밀경』ㆍ『화엄경』 등의 말. ⇒<유사어>제이시교<참조어>제이시교(第二時敎)
035▲ 片戶互火灬 ■ 편호호화화 35 ( 조각 편, 절반 반 )( 집 호/ 지게 호 )( 서로 호 )(불 화 ) ( 연화발 화 )
061▲ 州竹至舛虫 ■ 주죽지천충 61 ( 고을 주 ) ( 대 죽 )( 이를 지, / 덜렁대는 모양 질 )( 어그러질 천 )( 벌레 충, / 벌레 훼, 찔 동)
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Prasaṅgika [san-chn]
nāma-sādṛśyānuvartin 名相似轉 [san-eng]
rohiṇī $ 범어 Fourth nakṣatra [pali-chn]
jotika 樹提伽 [pal-eng]
pa–caabhi––aa $ 팔리어 f.five physic powers, viz: power of performing miracles, clair-audience, clairvoyance, knowing other's thoughts, and collecting one's previous births. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
四緣 'four conditions', 'four causes.' {I} In the Consciousness-only 唯識 school, a broad division into four types, of the causes that produce all things. In this case, the ideograph yuan 緣 has the meaning of yin 因. This classification is used especially in explaining the "nature of dependent arising 依他起性." The explanation of the relationship of these four causes to the "six causes" 六因 differs between Consciousness-only and Abhidharma-ko/sa. The four are: (1) yinyuan 因緣 (hetu-pratyaya) a direct internal cause that produces a result. Refers to newly producing the fruit of a person--seeds and their manifestation. The production by the seeds in the a^laya Consciousness of the world cognized through the seven consciousnesses. (2) dengwujianyuan 等無間緣 (sam!anantara-pratyaya) Since the prior instant of mind/mental functioning gives rise directly to the succeeding instant of mind, there is no gap in their leading into one another. Also called cidiyuan 次第緣. (3) suoyuanyuan 所緣緣 'Object as condition' (a^lambana-pratyaya). For the mind to arise, its object must be present, so every object becomes a cause for the mind. These objects are discriminated into the two types of 親 and 疏. (4) zengshangyuan 增上緣 (adhipati-pratyaya) 'Causes beyond direct empowerment.' This group includes all indirect causes outside the above three. Not only those things which give power to the production of results, but things which merely do not impede or hinder. {II} In the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經, the Four Elements (四大). {III} In the Vajrasam!a^dhi-su^tra, the four causes are: (1) 作擇滅力取緣; (2) 本利根淨所集起緣; (3) 本慧大悲力緣; (4) 一覺通智力緣. (T vol. 9, p. 370c) [Muller-jpn-Eng]
等同 トウドウ be the same [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
TRAUMA CENTERS☞ See: Organ Donation.
insistons $ 불어 insist [chn_eng_soothil]
菩薩摩訶薩 bodhisattva-mahāsattva. mahāsattva is the perfected bodhisattva, greater than any other being except a Buddha.