○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 gustave-dore-the-army-of-the-second-crusade-find-the-remains-of-the-soldiers-of-the-first-crusade-1877
Artist: gustave-dore from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustave_Doré Title : the-army-of-the-second-crusade-find-the-remains-of-the-soldiers-of-the-first-crusade-1877 Info
037▲ 去巨古瓜丱 ■ 거거고과관 37 ( 갈 거 ) ( 클 거/ 어찌 거 ) ( 옛 고 ) ( 오이 과 ) ( 쌍상투 관 / 쇳돌 광 )
063▲ 角見更系求 ■ 각견경계구 63 (뿔 각 / 사람 이름 록( 녹), 꿩 우는 소리 곡 )( 볼 견 / 뵈올 현, 관의 천 )( 고칠 경 / 다시 갱 )( 맬 계 ) (구할 구 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Wisdom [san-chn]
anupâlipta 淨, 淸淨, 無所染, 無所著, 無染, 無染著, 無著 [san-eng]
me $ 범어 mine [pali-chn]
bahulaṃ viharati 多行 [pal-eng]
mata $ 팔리어 pp. of ma––atiknow; understand. (pp. of marati), died. (nt.) a view. (pp. of marati) dead. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
優缽羅 (1) The utpala; the name of a flower, which is described as being red, green, or white, according to different texts. (2) In the Lotus Sutra, the name of a dragon-king. 〔法華經 T 262.9.2a23〕 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
明顯 ミョウケン clear; obvious; apparent [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
SOUTH☞ See also: Akasagarbha Bodhisattva. Represents clarity, detachment, uprightness. In ancient times rulerkings sometimes sat on their thrones facing south. Also represents the Mind. The youth Sudhana (Avatamsaka Sutra) heading south is a metaphor for investigating the deepest recesses of one’s own mind. Editor: na “South, the direction of Sudhana’s pilgrimage in the Avatamsaka Sutra, stands for truth, clarity, and openness. When you arrive at open, clear, true knowledge without subjectivity, then everywhere is the South.” “The esoteric tradition considers this the direction from which all treasures come, and South is also associated with the Buddha Hosho [Ratnasambhava], whose name means ‘giving birth to treasure.’ ”
citerne $ 불어 cistern [chn_eng_soothil]
願心 The heart of resolve (of Buddha to save all beings).
●아난아, 만일 모든 세계의 여러 국토에 있는 중생들이 그 나라에서 나는 자작나무 껍질[樺皮]이나 패엽(貝葉)이나 종이나 흰 천[白疊]에 이 주문을 쓰고 베껴서 향주머니에 넣어 두거나, 이 사람의 마음이 어두워서 외울 수 없을 경우, 몸에 지니고 다니거나 집안에 써둔다면, 마땅히 알라. 이 사람의 일생 동안에는 온갖 독이 해칠 수 없느니라.