041▲ 犮发白丙本 ■ 발발백병본 41 ( 달릴 발 ) (터럭 발 / 필 발 )( 흰 백/ 아뢸 백 )( 남녘 병/ 셋째 천간 병 )( 근본 본, / 달릴 분 )
002▲ 一丶凵犭冂 ■ 일주감견경 2 ( 하나 일 )( 점 주 )( 입 벌릴 감 )( 개사슴록변 견 / 개견( -犬) 부수( 部首)의 이체자( 異體字). )( 멀 경 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Pali [san-chn]
duḥkha-vedanā-hetu 苦因 [san-eng]
dāyinī $ 범어 giver [pali-chn]
parāmāsa 所觸 [pal-eng]
mattigha $ 팔리어 m.a matricide. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
Dharani of the Bodhisattva Mother who Heeds the World's Sounds 觀自在菩薩母陀羅尼經 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
大乘二十二問 ダイジョウニジュウニモン Twenty-two Dialogues on the Great Vehicle [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
NOMIND☞ “Phrase used to translate various terms in Zen Buddhism. It describes a state of consciousness before the division into duality created by thought takes place. Wu-hsin (No-Mind) means no-mindness, or no-thoughtness, as the Unconscious behind all conscious activity. Yet this Unconscious is at the same time conscious, a mind unconscious of itself. This is a paradox without meaning save as achieved in direct spiritual experiences. It is the purpose of Zen training to achieve and maintain this state of mind.” Hump: 139 #0425
fermier $ 불어 farmer [chn_eng_soothil]
絍婆 任婆 nimba, the Neemb tree, which has a small bitter fruit like the 苦棟; its leaves in India are 'chewed at funeral ceremonies'. M. W.