053▲ 曲共光交臼 ■ 곡공광교구 53 ( 굽을 곡/ 잠박 곡, 누룩 국 )( 한가지 공 )( 빛 광 )( 사귈 교 )( 절구 구 )
014▲ 卂也广兀幺 ■ 신야엄올요 14ㅡ 빨리 날라가니 집들이 우뚝하지만 작게 보인다. ( 빨리 날 신 )( 잇기 야/ 어조사 야, 대야 이/이것 이 )( 집 엄 / 넓을 광, 암자 암 )( 우뚝할 올 )( 작을 요 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Citta [san-chn]
alabdha-śarīra 無相 [san-eng]
kuṭumbaka $ 범어 family [pali-chn]
loka-dhamma 世間法 [pal-eng]
santikaavacara $ 팔리어 adj.keeping near; intimate. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
Sutra of the Twelve Buddha Names 十二佛名神咒校量功德除障滅罪經 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
名想 ミョウソウ concepts; notions; names [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
PARITTA☞ See also: Angulimala Paritta; Mantra. Pali, lit. “protection;” a Dharani, a mantra. “The modern explanation of the meaning of paritta recital [as producing mental well-being] contrasts with the widely held belief among lay people in the efficacy of paritta chant to bring about particular ends, such as curing physical illness. Even in the Pali texts themselves, the Buddha is said to have approved chanting the Karaniya Metta Sutta to ward off evil spirits, and the Angulimala Paritta was specifically sanctioned for a difficult childbirth.” Swear: 27 “Such chanting is especially common in the form of ‘protection’ (parita) discourses. The practice is mentioned only rarely in the Pali Canon and always in contexts of healing and protection. There is a recognized manual of such discourses, selected from the more aweinspiring and potent contexts. At some point (we do not know when) many new Pali verses and formulae were added in order to create a complex set of recognized forms for ritual purposes. Indeed its strong ritual component has been a major factor in the growth and success of Southern Buddhism. Together with other merit-making activities the chanting of Pali discourses accompanies ceremonial occasions of many kinds, including some of the major events of the individual life-cycle. There are also many traditional ceremonies in which specifically Buddhist ritual plays little part. Chanting paritta comes into its own, however, with events which are in some way dangerous or potentially so: death, illness, possession … embarking upon some new activity or entering a new house. It may take place on quite a small scale, but often there is an impressive and colourful ceremonial context, involving a great deal of careful preparation, all of which is, of course, also meritorious activity.”
For an in-depth explanation of Paritta, see the Pure Land Buddhism section of entry “Cause and Effect”. #1925
fascinâmes $ 불어 fascinated [chn_eng_soothil]
八會 The 華嚴經 Hua-yen sūtra, as delivered at eight assemblies.