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○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승
○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Galway_Christmas_market_2016
Galway Christmas market to go in galway wiki page under culture, sub heading festivals Author Sarahohox Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia ● [pt op tr] fr
○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe'
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Cheri Huber [san-chn]
āniñjya-asaṃskṛtā-dharma 不動滅無爲 [san-eng]
āsvāda $ 범어 tasting [pali-chn]
cakkhu-indriya 眼根 [pal-eng]
gamesi $ 팔리어 aor. of gametimade go; sent; understood. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
初轉法輪 The "first turning of the wheel of the dharma." S/a^kyamuni's first sermon. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
臨濟宗 リンザイシュウ (school) Linji zong [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
TIBETAN BUDDHISM☞ Syn: Vajrayana; Tantric School; Tibet (Buddhism in). See also: Esoteric school. “Also called Vajrayana, Tantric Buddhism and Lamaism. Type of Esoteric Buddhism found principally in Tibet, also now found in Mongolia, India, and parts of China. It is hierarchical and presided over by the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama.” Dait: 257 (I) Historical Developments “Buddhism was introduced into Tibet about 640 A.D. but made little progress until Padmasambhava arrived in the eighth century, when it seems that he introduced the Vinaya Rules, some Yogacara doctrines, and something of the Tantras of Bengal. A period of translation followed, but the newly established religion degenerated until in the eleventh century Atisa reformed the existing Buddhism and founded the Kahdam-pa Order. At about the same time, Marpa and Milarepa founded the Kargyut-pa school, and the Nyingma-pa appears as an organized school. In the fifteenth century, Tsong-kha-pa carried out sweeping reforms and founded his own Gelugpa Order, the Yellow Hats, to which the Dalai and Panchen Lama of the day belong. Tantric ritual plays a large part in all the Orders or Schools, and all levels of spiritual development are to be found, from the indigenous Bon to the greatest heights of spirituality achieved by man.” Hump: 199 (II) Recent Developments “The Tibetan diaspora [that followed the occupation of Tibet by China in the 1950s] initiated a new period in the history of the study of Tibetan Buddhism in the west … Native Tibetan works published by the refugees accumulated in depository libraries across the United States as a result of Public Law 480, under the terms of which the huge debts owed by the government of India to the United States for shipments of American wheat provided for famine relief would be repaid in the form of books. Specifically, a designated number of copies of every book published in India was to be provided to the Library of Congress, which would then distribute them to the depository libraries. In this way, the long mysterious Tibetan archives became as if magically manifest in the stacks of American university libraries. There was constant reference during this period to the present perilous state of how it differed from ‘pre-1959 Tibet.’ The change was indeed profound. Although Lhasa had been occupied by foreign armies before and the previous Dalai Lama had gone into exile to escape foreign troops, both British and Chinese, this has been the longest exile of a Dalai Lama from Tibet ever, and the damage done to Buddhist institutions in Tibet has been far greater than any before in history. Drastic changes have occurred and yet the reactions they elicited in western students of Tibetan Buddhism are not to be explained simply by taking account of the events of the day; it was not simply the fact of change that brought forth such reactions. The story is told in a Buddhist sutra of a lone blind tortoise who dwells in the depths of a vast ocean, coming up for air once every hundred years [to represent the difficulty of human rebirth in a land where the Dharma is preached]. Western students of Buddhism imbibed this rhetoric of urgency from the Buddhist texts they studied. This attempt to partake [of the Buddhist teachings before they disappeared with the death of the old masters] marked a new phase in the history of western urgency about Tibet. Here, unlike with Desideri or Waddell, the aim of study is not to defeat Tibetan Buddhism in ideological battle; instead, Buddhist doctrine is sympathetically regarded as valuable because of its salvific powers for the modern world, its own myths enlisted in the crusade for its preservation.” Lopez: 265-266 #0396 For details, see also “Esoteric School.”
brunissez $ 불어 burnish [chn_eng_soothil]
中觀 Meditation on the Mean, one of the 三觀; also meditation on the absolute which unites all opposites. There are various forms of such meditation, that of the 法相宗, the 三論宗, the 天台宗. v. 中論.
85 고관절(股關節) 각서(coxa 영어발음)= a hip joint
36 가랑이 ( crotch / 사타구니, groin )
18 아래팔뚝 (forearm)
19 자뼈 (알너 - ULNA)
105 neck
84 가자미근
13 노뼈 [radius]
■ 오늘의 경전 [이야기, 게송,선시 등] 2568_0801_000411 :
대장경 내 이야기
제목 : 27조인 반야다라般若多羅 존자는 곧 대세지大勢至 보살의 후신後身이었다.
어려서 부모를 잃고 마을을 돌아다니면서 구걸을 하면서 지냈다. 사람들이 그에게 ‘너는 어찌 그리 급하게 가느냐?’고 물으면, ‘당신은 어찌 그리 느리게 갑니까?’라고 대답하였으며, 혹은 ‘네 성이 뭐냐?’고 물으면 ‘당신의 성과 같습니다’라고 대답했는데, 그 이유를 알지 못했다.[이상 진자함振字函 제2권]