■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Tathagatagarbha doctrine [san-chn]
trīṇi smṛty-upasthānāni granthataḥ 三念住文 [san-eng]
kalmaṣaḥ $ 범어 all material contamination [pali-chn]
uddhacca-kukkucca 掉悔, 調悔 [pal-eng]
gamesi $ 팔리어 aor. of gametimade go; sent; understood. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
五比丘 Five Bhikshus 五比丘 The first five of Buddha's converts: Ajnata-Kaundinya, Asvajit, Bhadrika, Dasabala-Kasyapa, and Mahanama-Kulika. They were the first five disciples that Shakyamuni preached when he became Buddha.\nThe five bhiks!us who first practiced asceticism with S/a^kyamuni, and then later were the recipients of his first sermon 初轉法輪, subsequently becoming his first disciples. They are: Kaun!d!inya憍陳如, A/svajit 額鞞, Bhadrika 跋提, Da/sabala-Ka^/syapa 十力迦葉, and Maha^na^man 摩男俱利. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
妙法蓮華經憂波提舍 ミョウホウレンゲキョウウバダイシャ (title) Saddharmapundarīka-sūtra-upadeśa [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
RAIN☞ “Rain is used as a metaphor for teaching; showering rains of all manner of jewels and ornaments and other beautiful things refers to the exposition of many principles and teachings.” Clea /84: 22 #1965
ouvrier qualifié $ 불어 skilled worker [chn_eng_soothil]
中乘 The middle vehicle to nirvana, includes all intermediate or medial systems between Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna. It also corresponds with the state of a pratyekabuddha, who lives chiefly for his own salvation but partly for others, like a man sitting in the middle of a vehicle, leaving scarcely room for others. It is a definition made by Mahayanists unknown to Hīnayāna.
● 가령 모든 국토의 큰 고을과 작은 고을과 촌락에서 흉년이 들고 전염병이 돌고, 혹은 군사의 난리와 도적난리가 일어나고 투쟁이 벌어지거나, 그 외에 일체 재난이 발생한 곳일지라도, 이 신비한 주문을 베껴서 성의 네 문에 붙이든지, 공양하는 곳[支提]에 모시든지, 혹은 깃대[脫闍]에 달아 올려서, 그 국토 중생들에게 이 주문을 받들어 맞이하게 하고 예배 공경하여 일심으로 공양케 하고, 그 백성들이 각기 몸에 차기도 하고 혹은 각기 살고 있는 집에 모시게 한다면, 일체 재앙[災厄]이 모두 다 소멸하느니라.