○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Salvador-Dali-music-the-red-orchestra
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010▲ 工口久弓及 ■ 공구구궁급 10 ( 장인 공 )( 입 구 )( 오랠 구 )( 활 궁 )( 미칠 급 )
049▲ 正左主且冊 ■ 정좌주차책 49 ( 바를 정/ 정월 정 )( 왼 좌 / 증명( 證明) 낮은 자리 )(임금 주/ 주인 주/심지 주 )( 또 차, / 공경스러울 저, 도마 조 )( 책 책 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Ajahn Waen Sujinno [san-chn]
dakṣiṇīyâparimārgaṇa 不簡福田 [san-eng]
piṁḍe $ 범어 truncated or lump of a body or rice/flourball given in oblation [pali-chn]
satthā-deva-manussānaṃ 天人師 [pal-eng]
va.n.nakasi.na $ 팔리어 nt.a colour circle for the practice of meditation. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
分別經 The Fenbie jing; an abbreviation of the title 佛說阿難分別經; T 495.14.758-760. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
現前 ゲンゼン be manifested [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
MAITREYA☞ Syn: Ajita. See also: Eschatology; Letting Go. Jpn / Miroku; Vn /Di-Lặc. “Translated as Unconquerable, and ‘He who is free of the three poisons of greed, anger and stupidity.’ ” “A Bodhisattva predicted to succeed Shakyamuni as a future Buddha. Also called Ajita, meaning ‘invincible.’ Some accounts view him as a historical personage who preceded the Buddha in death. He is said to have been reborn in the Tushita Heaven where he is now expounding the [Dharma] to the heavenly beings in the inner palace. It is said that he will reappear in this world [several billion years] after Shakyamuni’s death, attain Buddhahood, and save the people in Shakyamuni’s stead. For this reason he is also sometimes called Miroku Buddha. In the fourth century, a monk named Maitreya (c. 270-350) became famous as a scholar of the Consciousness-Only (Yogacara) school, and was later indentified with this Bodhisattva.” Very popular in Buddhist art. Well known in East Asia as a laughing figure with a fat belly. Note: “As the one destined to become the next human Buddha, Maitreya enjoys the unique distinction of being the only Bodhisattva recognised throughout the entire Buddhist world, in Theravadin as well as in Mahayana lands… Though his name occurs only once in the Nikaya sutras, when the Buddha prophesies his advent, he is frequently alluded to in Pali exegetical literature: Buddhaghosa concludes the Visuddhimagga with a fervent poetical aspiration to attain Arhatship in his presence. He is also mentioned in earlier Sanskrit and Mixed Sanskrit works such as the Lalitavistara, the Divyavadana and the Mahavastu. In the Saddharma-pundarika [Lotus Sutra] he plays a prominent part, but is subordinate to Manjusri, who acts as his instructor.”
soi disant $ 불어 as it were, pretended [chn_eng_soothil]
肉 māṃsa. Flesh. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 佛告須菩提: 「若善男子善女人, 於此經中, 乃至受持四句偈等, 爲他人說, 而此福德, 勝前福德.」 부처님께서 수보리에게 말씀하셨다. “만일 어떤 선남자나 선녀인이 이 경에 서 4구게(四句偈) 만이라도 받아지니고 다른 사람에게 설명해주면 그 복덕 은 앞에서 칠보로 보시한 복덕보다 더 수승(殊勝)하니라.” [玄奘] 佛復告善現: 「若以七寶盛滿爾所沙等世界, 奉施如來、應、正等覺; 若善男子或善女人, 於此法門乃至四句伽他, 受持、讀誦、究竟通利, 及廣為他宣說開示、如理作意. 由此因緣所生福聚, 甚多於前無量無數. [義淨] 妙生, 若復有人, 於此經中受持一頌, 并為他說, 而此福聚勝前福聚無量無邊. 11-05 भगवानाह- यश्च खलु पुनः सुभूते स्त्री वा पुरुषो वा तावतो लोकधातून् सप्तरत्नपरिपूर्णं कृत्वा तथागतेभ्योऽर्हद्भयः सम्यक्संबुद्धेभ्यो दानं दद्यात्, यश्च कुलपुत्रो वा कुलदुहिता वा इतो धर्मपर्यायादन्तशश्चतुष्पादिकामपि गाथामुद्गृह्य परेभ्यो देशयेत् संप्रकाशयेत्, अयमेव ततोनिदानं बहुतरं पुण्यस्कन्धं प्रसुनुयादप्रमेयमसंख्येयम्॥११॥ bhagavānāha | yaśca khalu punaḥ subhūte strī vā puruṣo vā tāvato lokadhātūn saptaratnaparipūrṇaṁ kṛtvā tathāgatebhyo'rhadbhyaḥ samyaksambuddhebhyo dānaṁ dadyāt | yaśca kulaputro vā kuladuhitā veto dharmaparyāyādantaśaścatuṣpādikāmapi gāthāmudgṛhya parebhyo vistareṇa deśayetsamprakāśayet | ayameva tatonidānaṁ bahutaraṁ puṇyaskandhaṁ prasunuyādaprameyamasaṁkhyeyam ||11|| 복덕갖춘분께서 말씀하셨다. “그리고 참으로 다시, 수보리여! 어떤 여자거나 남자가 그만큼의 세계영역들을 일곱 가지 보석으로 가득 차게 만들고 응당공양올려야될분들이자 바르고동등하게깨달으신분들인 그렇게오신분들을 위해 보시를 드릴 수 있더라도, 다시 어떤 귀족자제거나 귀족여식이 이 법문에서 단지 네 구절로 된 게송만 가지고라도 다른 이들을 위해 상세하게 가르쳐줄 수 있고 설명해줄 수 있다면, 이것이 오직 그 원인이 되어 측량할 수 없고 헤아릴 수 없는 더욱 많은 공덕무더기를 생성해낼 수 있다.” ▼▷[bhagavānāha] ① bhagavān(ƾ.nom.) + āha(ƺ.) → [복덕갖춘분께서、 말씀하셨다.] ▼▷[yaśca] ① yaḥ(pn.ƾ.nom.) + ca(ƺ.) → [그리고、 (어떠한) 그인] ▼[khalu] ① khalu(ƺ.) → [참으로] ▼[punaḥ] ① punaḥ(ƺ.) → [다시] ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[strī] ① strī(Ʒ.nom.) → [여자가] ▼[vā] ① vā(ƺ.) → [또는] ▼[puruṣo] ① puruṣaḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [남자가] ▼[vā] ① vā(ƺ.) → [또는] ▼[tāvato] ① tāvataḥ(nj.→ƾ.acc.pl.) → [그만큼인] ② tāvat(nj. so much, so many; so great, so large: ƺ. first; just, now; indeed; truly) ▼[lokadhātūn] ① lokadhātūn(ƾ.acc.pl.) → [세계영역들을] ▼[saptaratnaparipūrṇaṁ] ① sapta+ratna+paripūrṇaṁ([nj.→]ƿ.acc.→adv.) → [일곱 보석으로 가득 차게] ▼[kṛtvā] ① kṛtvā(ger.) → [만들고] ▼[tathāgatebhyo'rhadbhyaḥ] ① tathāgatebhyaḥ(ƾ.dat.pl.) + arhadbhyaḥ(nj.→ƾ.dat.pl.) → ▼[그렇게오신분들을 위해、 응당공양올려야될] ▼[samyaksambuddhebhyo] ① samyaksambuddhebhyaḥ(nj.→ƾ.dat.pl.) → ▼[바르고동등하게깨달으신] ▼[dānaṁ] ① dānaṁ(ƿ.acc.) → [보시를] ② dāna(ƿ. giving, granting, teaching; delivering, handing over; a gift, donation) ▼[dadyāt] ① dadyāt(pot.Ⅲ.sg.) → [드릴 수 있다. → 드릴 수 있더라도,] ② dā(1.ǁ. to give, bestow, grant: 2.ǁ. to cut: 4.ǁ. to bind: 3.dž. to give, bestow, grant) ▼▷[yaśca] ① yaḥ(pn.ƾ.nom.) + ca(ƺ.) → [그리고(→다시)、 (어떠한) 누구인] ▼[kulaputro] ① kulaputraḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [貴族子弟가] ② kulaputra(ƾ. a nobleborn youth man) < kula(ƿ. a race, family) + putra(ƾ. a son) ▼[vā] ① vā(ƺ.) → [또는] ▼[kuladuhitā] ① kuladuhitā(Ʒ.nom.) → [貴族女息이] ② kuladuhitṛ(Ʒ.) = kulaputrī(Ʒ. a nobleborn youth woman) ▼[veto] ① vā(ƺ.) + itaḥ(ƺ.) → [또는、 이(로부터)] ② itas(ƺ. hence, from here or hence; from this person; in this direction towards me) ▼[dharmaparyāyādantaśaścatuṣpādikāmapi] ① dharma+paryāyāt(ƾ.abl.) + antaśaḥ(adv.) + catur+pādikām(nj.→Ʒ.acc.) + api(ƺ.) → [법문으로부터、 내지는、 네 구절로 된、 단지] ▼[gāthāmudgṛhya] ① gāthām(Ʒ.acc.) + udgṛhya(ger.) → [게송을、 가지고] → 게송을 가지고라도… ② gāthā(Ʒ. verse; a religious verse; a stanza; a song) < gātha(nj. a song, singing) < gai(1.ǁ. to sing, sing a song; to speak or recite in a singing tone; to relate, declare) | gā(1.2.Ʋ.3.ǁ. to go; to come to any state or condition; to praise, sing) ② udgrah(9.dž. to take up, lift up; to take or draw out, take away; to deposit) ▼[parebhyo] ① parebhyaḥ(ƾ.dat.pl.) → [다른 이들을 위해] ② para(nj. different: ƾ. another person, foreigner; an enemy: ƿ. the highest point) ▼[vistareṇa] ① vistareṇa(ƾ.ins.→adv.) → [상세함으로 → 상세하게] ② vistara(ƾ. extension, expansion; minute details, detailed description; diffuseness) < vi(ƺ. separation, disjunction) + stṛ(5.dž. to spread, strew, cover; to expand, diffuse; to scatter, spread about) |or| viśaṣa(nj. peculiar, special) + √stṛ ▼[deśayetsamprakāśayet] ① deśayet(caus.pot.Ⅲ.sg.) + samprakāśayet(caus.pot.Ⅲ.sg.) → ▼[가르쳐주고자 하고、 보여주고자(→설명해주고자) 한다.] → ~ 한다면… ② deśay(caus. to show, point out; to teach, communicate, inform; to direct, order) < diś(6.dž. to point out, show, exhibit; to assign, allot; to give, grant) ② saṁ(ƺ. with) + prakāśay(caus. to show, display) < prakāś(1.Ʋ. to shine, gleam; to become visible or manifest) ▼▷[ayameva] ① ayam(pn.ƾ.nom.) + eva(ƺ.) → [이것이、 오직] ‘이것’이란 前述 2가지 사항 가운데 문장의 위치로 보아 가까운 것을 지칭한다. ▼[tatonidānaṁ] ① tataḥ(ƺ.) + nidānaṁ(ƿ.acc.→adv.) → [그것으로부터、 까닭하여 → 그것이 원인이 되어] ② tatas(ƺ. from that, thence; then, thereupon; therefore) ② nidāna(ƿ. a band, rope, halter; a primary cause, the first or essential cause; a cause) ▼[bahutaraṁ] ① bahu+taraṁ(nj.→ƾ.acc.) → [더욱 많은] ▼[puṇyaskandhaṁ] ① puṇya+skandhaṁ(ƾ.acc.) → [공덕무더기를] ▼[prasunuyādaprameyamasaṁkhyeyam] ① prasunuyāt(pot.Ⅲ.sg.) + aprameyam(nj.→ƾ.acc.) + asaṁkhyeyaṁ(nj.→ƾ.acc.) → [생성해낼 수 있다、 측량할 수 없는、 헤아릴 수 없는.] ② prasu(1.ǁ.2.4.Ʋ. to beget, generate, produce; to bring forth, be delivered of) ② aprameya(nj.[pot.p.] immeasurable, boundless; inscrutable, unfathomable) ② asaṁkhyeya(nj.[pot.p.] innumerable: ƿ. an exceedingly large number)