○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Buddhist_Temple_at_Summer_Palace
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Buddhist_Temple_at_Summer_Palace.jpg English: This is a view from the ground up of the Tower of Buddhist Incense at Summer Palace. Author Vrw2016 10 Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia ● [pt op tr] fr
011▲ 己女大万亡 ■ 기녀대만망 11 ( 몸 기 )( 여자 녀 / 너 여 )( 클 대 / 클 태 )( 일 만 만 )( 망할 망 / 없을 무 )
050▲ 凸出平包勹 ■ 철출평포포 50 ( 볼록할 철 )( 날 출/ 단락 척 )( 평평할 평 / 다스릴 편 )( 쌀 포/ 꾸러미 포 )( 쌀 포 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Gaya [san-chn]
vigaḍita 傾斜, 朽 [san-eng]
asvasthatā $ 범어 illness [pali-chn]
navânupubba-vihāra-samāpattiyo 九次第定 [pal-eng]
jaatiphala $ 팔리어 nt.nutmeg. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
他受用身 (1) The actual manifest body of the Buddha, for the enjoyment of the beings in the world. One of the four bodies of the Buddha. The complement of zi shouyongshen 自受用身.(2) The reward body of the Buddha that causes other beings to receive and enjoy the dharma. (3) The buddha-body that appears and expounds the dharma for bodhisattvas of the first level (bhu^mi) and above. Also called the 'response body' 應身 (yingshen). [Muller-jpn-Eng]
天界 テンカイ heavenly realm\n\nテンガイ\nheavenly realm [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
AFFLICTIONS ARE BODHI☞ Syn: Samsara is Nirvana. See also: Ultimatism. A Mahayana teaching of the highest level, for those already awakened/enlightened (see “Ultimatism” for explanation). “A basic Zen teaching. Afflictions are inseparable from Buddhahood. [At the noumenon or the theoretical level ], afflictions and Buddhahood are considered to be two sides of the same coin. Since all existence has the tathata (thusness) as its underlying essence, afflictions too must rest on this tathata. Enlightenment, i.e., identity with the tathata, is achieved only when one realizes that afflictions in themselves can have no real, independent existence. The doctrine is considered to express the ultimate teaching of Mahayana.”
Turn Afflictions into Bodhi This is a key Mahayana concept. As an example, supposing a woman returns home, only to discover that her only child has suddenly died. This is the worst affliction imaginable. Yet, if through this affliction she understands that disease and death are the common lot of all sentient beings, she will have realized the truth of impermanence. She will have turned an affliction (loss of a loved one) into Bodhi (Enlightenment).
escadron $ 불어 squadron [chn_eng_soothil]
三種止觀 Three Tiantai modes of entering dhyāna: (a) 漸次 gradual, from the shallow to the deep, the simple to the complex; (b) 不定 irregular, simple, and complex mixed; (c) 圓頓 immediate and whole. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 「復次須菩提, 隨說是經, 乃至四句偈等, 當知此處, 一切世間天人阿修羅皆應供養, 如佛塔廟, “또 수보리야, 어디서나 이 경을 4구게 만 설명하더라도 온 세계의 하늘무 리나 세상사람들이나 아수라(阿修羅)들이 그곳을 모두가 부처님의 탑과 같 이 공경할 것이어늘, [玄奘] 復次, 善現, 若地方所, 於此法門乃至為他宣說開示四句伽他, 此地方所, 尚為世間諸天、及人、阿素洛等之所供養, 如佛靈廟. [義淨] 妙生! 若國土中, 有此法門, 為他解說, 乃至四句伽他, 當知此地, 即是制底, 一切天、人、阿蘇羅等皆應右繞而為敬禮. 12-01 अपि तु खलु पुनः सुभुते यस्मिन् पृथिवीप्रदेशे इतो धर्मपर्यायादन्तशश्चतुष्पादिकामपि गाथामुद्गृह्य भाष्येत वा संप्रकाश्येत वा, स पृथिवीप्रदेशश्चैत्यभूतो भवेत् सदेवमानुषासुरस्य लोकस्य, api tu khalu punaḥ subhūte yasmin pṛthivīpradeśa ito dharmaparyāyādantaśaścatuṣpādikāmapi gāthāmudgṛhya bhāṣyeta vā samprakāśyeta vā | sa pṛthivīpradeśaścaityabhūto bhavet sadevamānuṣāsurasya lokasya | “그런데 참으로 또한, 수보리여! 어떤 지역에서라도 이 법문에서 단지 네 구절로 된 게송만 가지고라도 말해주거나 설명해줄 수 있다면 그곳은 신과 인간과 아수라가 함께하는 세상을 위한 塔廟가 존재하는 지방이 될 것이다. ▼▷[api] ① api(ƺ.) → [또] ▼[tu] ① tu(ƺ.) → [그런데] ▼[khalu] ① khalu(ƺ.) → [참으로] ▼[punaḥ] ① punaḥ(ƺ.) → [다시] ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[yasmin] ① yasmin(pn.ƾ.loc.) → [(어떠한) 그(곳에서)] ② yasmin(pn.ƾ.loc.sg.) < yad(pn. who, which, what) ▼[pṛthivīpradeśa] ① pṛthivī+pradeśe(ƾ.loc.) → [지역에서] ② pṛthivī(Ʒ. the earth; ground, soil) ② pradeśa(ƾ. pointing out, indicating; region, place; decision, determination) ▼[ito] ① itaḥ(ƺ.) → [이(로부터)] ② itas(ƺ. hence, from here or hence; from this person; in this direction towards me) ▼[dharmaparyāyādantaśaścatuṣpādikāmapi] ① dharma+paryāyāt(ƾ.abl.) + antaśaḥ(adv.) + catur+pādikām(nj.→Ʒ.acc.) + api(ƺ.) → [법문으로부터、 내지는、 네 구절로 된、 단지] ▼[gāthāmudgṛhya] ① gāthām(Ʒ.acc.) + udgṛhya(ger.) → [게송을、 가지고 → ~ 가지고라도 api ] ▼[bhāṣyeta] ① bhāṣyeta(pot.Ⅲ.sg.) → [말해줄 수 있다. → 말해줄 수 있다면,] ② bhāṣ(1.Ʋ. to say, speak, utter; to speak to, address; to tell, announce) ▼[vā] ① vā(ƺ.) → [또는] ▼[samprakāśyeta] ① samprakāśyeta(pass.pot.Ⅲ.sg.) → [보이게 해 줄 수 있다. → 보여줄 수 있다면, → 설명해줄 수 있다면, ② samprakāś(1.Ʋ.) < sam(ƺ. with, together with) + prakāś(1.Ʋ. to shine, gleam; to become visible or manifest: [caus.] to show, display; manifest) ▼[vā] ① vā(ƺ.) → [또는] 말해줄 수 있거나 설명해줄 수 있다면… ▼▷[sa] ① saḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [그것은 → 그곳은] ▼[pṛthivīpradeśaścaityabhūto] ① pṛthivī+pradeśaḥ(ƾ.nom.) + caitya+bhūtaḥ(nj.→ƾ.nom.) → [지방이、 탑묘가 존재하는] 탑묘가 존재하는 지방 → 聖地 ② pṛthivī(Ʒ. the earth; ground, soil) ② pradeśa(ƾ. pointing out, indicating; region, place; decision, determination) ② caitya(nj. relating to a pile: ƾ. the individual soul: ƿ. the anthill; a pile of stones forming a landmark; a monument, tombstone; a sacrificial shed; a place of religious worship, sanctuary; a temple; a religious figtree growing by the side of streets) ② bhūta(p.p. become, being, existing; produced, formed; right, proper) ▼[bhavet] ① bhavet(pot.Ⅲ.sg.) → [될 것이다] ② bhū(1.ǁ. to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen) ▼[sadevamānuṣāsurasya] ① sa+deva+mānuṣa+asurasya(nj.→ƾ.gen.) → [神과 인간과 아수라가 함께하는] ② sa(ƺ. with, along with; similar, like) ② deva(nj. divine; shining; fit to be worshipped: ƾ. a god, deity; the god of rain) ② mānuṣa(nj. human: ƾ. a man, human being: [ṣī]Ʒ. a woman) ② asura(ƾ. an evil spirit, a demon; the chief of the evil spirit) ▼[lokasya] ① lokasya(ƾ.gen.→dat.) → [세상의. → 세상을 위한.] ② loka(ƾ. free or open space, room, place; the sky or heaven; the human race, mankind)
●주문을 시작한 제일 겁으로부터 최후의 몸[後身]을 받을 때까지 태어날 때마다 약차(藥叉)와 나찰(羅刹)과 부단나(富單那)와 가타부단나(迦吒富單那)와 구반다(鳩槃茶)와 비사차(毘舍遮)들과 모든 아귀(餓鬼)와 형상이 있는 것과 형상이 없는 것과 생각이 있는 것과 생각이 없는 것 등 이와 같은 나쁜 곳에 태어나는 일이 없느니라.