■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]9th Dalai Lama [san-chn]
ajñāna-timira 無明覆 [san-eng]
paropadeśe $ 범어 (Loc.S) in advising others [pali-chn]
subha-kiṇṇa 遍淨天 [pal-eng]
naavaatittha $ 팔리어 nt.a harbour; ferry. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
recite 誦 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
半託迦 ハンタクカ (name) Panthaka [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
PRATIMOKSA SUTRA☞ See also: Pratimoksa; Precepts. “Monastic disciplinary text included in the Vinaya, and preserved in separate versions for monks and nuns. The Pratimoksa Sutra is an inventory of offenses organized into categories classified according to the gravity of the offense. It is recited twice monthly, at the Posadha observance on the new moon and full moon, and is employed as a device for insuring proper monastic discipline. As a ritual liturgy, it includes in addition to the categories of offenses, a series of verses that introduce and conclude the text, an introduction (nidana) used to call the sangha together and initiate the confessional procedure, and an interrogatory formula, recited after each category of offenses, aimed at discovering who was pure and who was not. In the monks’ version, the categories of offenses include the (1) Parajika dharmas (offenses requiring expulsion from the community), (2) Samghavasesa dharmas (offenses involving temporary exclusion from the sangha while undergoing a probationary period), (3) undetermined cases involving sexual matters, (4) offenses requiring expiation and forfeiture, (5) offenses requiring simple expiation, (6) miscellaneous matters which should be confessed, (7) rules concerning matters of etiquette, and (8) legalistic procedures utilized in settling disputes. The nuns’ version contains seven categories, the third listed above being excluded. The monks’ version ranges from 218 to 263 rules while the nuns’ version ranges from 279 to 380 rules. The Posadha observance was not considered concluded until all offenses listed in the Pratimoksa Sutra had been confessed and appropriate punishment had been meted out, thus guaranteeing on a fortnightly basis that all members of the sangha were pure in their behavior and worthy of community respect.”
sows locataire $ 불어 lodger, roomer [chn_eng_soothil]
多體 Many bodies, or forms: many-bodied. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 何況有人, 盡能受持讀誦. 須菩提, 當知是人, 成就最上第一希有之法, 하물며 어떤 사람이 끝까지 다 지녀 읽거나 외울 때이겠는가. 수보리야, 이 사람은 가장 높고 제일이고 희유(希有)한 법을 성취하게 되리니, [玄奘] 何況有能於此法門, 具足究竟書寫、受持、讀誦、究竟通利, 及廣為他宣說開示, 如理作意! 如是有情成就最勝希有功德! [義淨] 何況盡能受持、讀誦! 當知是人, 則為最上第一希有! 12-02 कः पुनर्वादो ये इमं धर्मपर्यायं सकलसमाप्तं धारयिष्यन्ति वाचयिष्यन्ति पर्यवाप्स्यन्ति, परेभ्यश्च विस्तरेण संप्रकाशयिष्यन्ति। परमेण ते सुभूते आश्चर्येण समन्वागता भविष्यन्ति। kaḥ punarvādo | ye imaṁ dharmaparyāyaṁ sakalasamāptaṁ dhārayiṣyanti vācayiṣyanti paryavāpsyanti | parebhyaśca vistareṇa samprakāśayiṣyanti | parameṇa te subhūte āścaryeṇa samanvāgatā bhaviṣyanti | 하물며, 누구든지 완전히 갖춰진 이 법문을 외우고 독송하고 깊이 이해하여 남들을 위해 상세하게 설명해주고자 한다면 더 말해 무엇하겠느냐? 수보리여! 그들은 최상의 경이로움으로 완벽하게 될 것이다. ▼▷[kaḥ] ① kaḥ(pn.ƾ.nom.) → [누가] ▼[punarvādo] ① punar(ƺ.) + vādaḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [다시、 말하겠는가?] → 다시 말해 뭣하겠는가! ② punar(ƺ. again, once more, anew; back; on the other hand) ② vāda(ƾ. talking, speaking; speech, words, talk; a statement, an assertion) ▼▷[ye] ① ye(pn.ƾ.nom.pl.) → [(어떠한) 사람들이] ye(어떤 누구라도) ~한다면, te(바로 그들은) ~하게 될 것이다. ② ye(pn.ƾ.nom.pl.|ƿƷ.nom.acc.sg.) < yad(pn. who, which) ▼[imaṁ] ① imaṁ(pn.ƾ.acc.) → [이] ② imaṁ(pn.ƾ.acc.sg.) < idam(pn. this) ▼[dharmaparyāyaṁ] ① dharma+paryāyaṁ(ƾ.acc.) → [법문을] ② dharma(ƾ. that which is established or firm, law; usage, practice, duty; right, justice) ② paryāya(ƾ. going or winding round, revolution; lapse, course; regular repetition) ▼[sakalasamāptaṁ] ① sakala+samāptaṁ(nj.→ƾ.acc.) → [완전히 갖춰진] ② sakala(nj. together with the parts; all, whole, entire) ② samāpta(p.p. finished, concluded, completed; clever; ample, full) < sam(ƺ. with, together with) + āp(5.ǁ. to obtain, attain, get; to reach, go to) + ta('the state of') ▼[dhārayiṣyanti] ① dhārayiṣyanti(caus.fut.Ⅲ.pl.) → [간직하게 할 것이다(→외우고)] ② dhāray(caus.) < dhṛ(1.ǁ.10.dž. to hold, bear; maintain, support; to intend in mind) ▼[vācayiṣyanti] ① vācayiṣyanti(caus.fut.Ⅲ.pl.) → [말하게 할 것이다(→독송하고)] ② vac(2.ǁ. to speak, say, tell) > vācay(caus. to cause to speak; to go over, read; to say) ▼[paryavāpsyanti] ① paryavāpsyanti(fut.Ⅲ.pl.) → [깊이 취하게 할 것이다(→깊이 이해하며),] ② paryavāp(5.ǁ. to study) < pari(ƺ. about; towards) + avāp(5.dž. to get, obtain; to reach) < ava(ƺ. away, off, away from. down) + āp(5.ǁ. to obtain, attain, get) ▼▷[parebhyaśca] ① parebhyaḥ(ƾ.dat.pl.) + ca(ƺ.) → [그리고、 남들을 위해] ② para(nj. different: ƾ. another person; an enemy: ƿ. the highest point or pitch) ▼[vistareṇa] ① vistareṇa(ƾ.ins.→adv.) → [상세함으로 → 상세하게] ② vistara(ƾ. extension, expansion; minute details, detailed description; diffuseness) ▼[samprakāśayiṣyanti] ① samprakāśayiṣyanti(caus.fut.Ⅲ.pl.) → [보여지게 할 것이다. → 설명되어지게 할 것이다(→설명한다면).] ② saṁ(ƺ. with) + prakāśay(caus. to show, display) < prakāś(1.Ʋ. to shine, gleam; to become visible or manifest) ▼▷[parameṇa] ① parameṇa(nj.→ƿ.ins.) → [최상의] ② parama(nj. most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst) ▼[te] ① te(pn.ƾ.nom.pl.) → [그들은] ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[āścaryeṇa] ① āścaryeṇa(ƿ.ins.) → [경이로움으로] ② āścarya(nj. marvellous, wonderful, extraordinary: ƿ. a wonder, miracle, marvel) ▼[samanvāgatā] ① samanvāgatāḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [갖추어진다] → 갖추어지게 → 完璧하게 ② samanvāgata(nj. attended by, furnished or provided with, Buddha) < sam(ƺ. with) + anu(nj. minute, small) + ā(adv. near to, towards) + gata(p.p. gone; arrived at) ▼[bhaviṣyanti] ① bhaviṣyanti(fut.Ⅲ.pl.) → [될 것이다.] 그들은 갖추어진다(제1동사) 될 것이다(제2동사) > 그들은 갖추어지게(부사) …… ② bhū(1.ǁ. to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)