【범】Ekavyāvakārika 인도불교 초기의 종파. 소승교 20부의 하나. 또는 집일어언부(執一語言部). 불멸 후 2백년 경 대중부(大衆部)에서 나뉜 1파. 대중부에서 모든 법이 현재에만 체(體)가 있고 과거ㆍ미래는 체가 없다고 주장하는 것에 비하여 일설부는 어떤 것도 실체가 있음을 인정하지 않고, 오직 가명(假名)뿐이라고 주장함. ⇒<유사어>비바하라부<참조어>비바하라부(鞞婆訶羅部)
032▲ 爫㕚中之止 ■ 조조중지지 32 ( 손톱조 조 ) (손톱 조 ) cf 갈래 차叉 (가운데 중 )( 갈 지 )( 그칠 지 )
006▲ 十乂又二人 ■ 십예우이인 6 ( 열 십 )( 벨 예 / 징계할 애 )( 또 우 / 용서할 유 )( 두 이 )( 사람 인 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Kanthaka [san-chn]
loka-prasiddha-tattva 世間極成眞實 [san-eng]
saubhadraḥ $ 범어 the son of Subhadra [pali-chn]
abyāpāra 無經營 [pal-eng]
gaayita $ 팔리어 pp. of gaayatisung; recited. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
TEN PARAMITA Ten Paramita 十波羅蜜 【參照: Paramita】 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
梁朝傅大師頌金剛經 リョウチョウフダイシジュコンゴウキョウ (title) Liangzhao fu dashi song jingang jing [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
NALANDA MONASTERY / UNIVERSITY☞ “A great Buddhist monastery which was located seven miles to the north of Rajgir, in Bihar, India. As a center of Buddhist study, particularly of Madhyamika philosophy, it prospered from the fifth through twelfth centuries. It was founded in the fifth century by Kumaragupta (r. 414-455), king of the Gupta dynasty, also called Shakraditya. Thereafter, the monastery was enlarged by the kings of the late Gupta period. The Nalanda Monastery was in reality a Buddhist university, where many learned monks came to further their study of Buddhism. Hsuan-tsang and I-ching, Chinese priests who traveled to India in the seventh century, wrote of the imposing structure and prosperity of this monastery. Many outstanding Mahayana Buddhist scholars such as Sharmapala and Shilabhadra studied at the Nalanda Monastery.” Sokk: 282-283 “Buddhist university in India, founded initially as a monastery by Sakraditya, king of Magadha. Harsavardhana of Kanauj (A.D. 606- 647), a great patron of Buddhism, donated revenue of a hundred villages for the maintenance of this great establishment. It was a great center of Mahayana thought, noted for its extensive library and its congregation of Madhyamika scholars. Not only was it a home for famous Buddhist teachers like Dignaga, but it was also a place of learning attractive to visiting pilgrims. Scholars like Hsuan-tsang and I-ching studied there before returning to China with texts and teaching. It eventually became something of a pipeline for exporting Buddhist ideas and scholars to Tibet, an association which dramatically influenced Tibetan Buddhism for centuries. Nalanda was eventually destroyed by Muslim invaders.” “Nalanda lies 7 miles to the north of Rajgir. Nalanda Mahavihara by this time became the premier Buddhist institution not only in India, but its prestige as an educational center of supreme importance became known throughout the Buddhist world. Its fame and honor continued till the end of the twelfth century… During the time of the Pala Rulers (eighth to twelfth century) Nalanda rose to ever greater prosperity and fame. One of the luminaries of the university, Padmasambhava, went to Tibet and founded Tantrism there.”
effroi $ 불어 terror [chn_eng_soothil]
四正勤 saṃyakprahāṇa, v. 三十七道品; the four right efforts一to put an end to existing evil; prevent evil arising; bring good into existence; develop existing good; 四正斷; 四意斷 are similar but the third point is the conservation of the good. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 何以故? 須菩提, 如來說第一波羅蜜, 卽非第一波羅蜜, 是名第一波羅蜜.」 어째서 그러냐 하면, 수보리야, 여래가 말하는 제일바라밀은 제일바라밀이 아니므로 제일바라밀이라 이름하기 때문이니라.” [玄奘] 何以故? 善現, 如來說最勝波羅蜜多謂般若波羅蜜多. 善現, 如來所說最勝波羅蜜多, 無量諸佛世尊所共宣說, 故名最勝波羅蜜多. 如來說最勝波羅蜜多, 即非波羅蜜多, 是故如來說名最勝波羅蜜多. [義淨] 何以故? 妙生, 此最勝波羅蜜多是如來所說, 諸波羅蜜多如來說者, 即是無邊佛所宣說, 是故名為最勝波羅蜜多. 14-09 तत्कस्य हेतोः ? परमपारमितेयं सुभूते तथागतेन भाषिता यदुतापारमिता। यां च सुभूते तथागतः परमपारमितां भाषते, तामपरिमाणा अपि बुद्धा भगवन्तो भाषन्ते। तेनोच्यन्ते परमपारमितेति॥ tatkasya hetoḥ | paramapāramiteyaṁ subhūte tathāgatena bhāṣitā yadutāpāramitā | yāṁ ca subhūte tathāgataḥ paramapāramitāṁ bhāṣate | tāmaparimāṇā api buddhā bhagavanto bhāṣante | tenocyate paramapāramiteti | 그것은 어떤 이유인가? 수보리여! 그렇게오신분에 의해 말씀되어진 이 궁극적인 바라밀은, 왜냐하면 또한 바라밀이 아니기 때문이다. 그리고, 수보리여! 그렇게오신분께서 궁극적인 바라밀로 말씀하신 바로 그것을 헤아릴 수 없으며 복덕갖추신 깨달은님들께서 또한 궁극적인 바라밀로 말씀하고 계신다. 그래서 궁극적인 바라밀이라고 일컬어진다. ▼▷[tatkasya] ① tat(pn.ƿ.nom.) + kasya(pn.ƾ.gen.) → [그것은、 어떤] ▼[hetoḥ] ① hetoḥ(ƾ.gen.) → [이유인가?] ▼▷[paramapāramiteyaṁ] ① parama+pāramitā(Ʒ.nom.) + iyaṁ(pn.Ʒ.nom.) → [궁극적인 바라밀은、 이(것은)] ② parama(nj. most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst) ② pāramitā(Ʒ. complete attainment, perfection; transcendental virtue) < pāramita(nj. gone to the opposite bank or side; crossed, traversed; transcendent) ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[tathāgatena] ① tathāgatena(ƾ.ins.) → [그렇게오신분에 의해] ▼[bhāṣitā] ① bhāṣitā(nj.→Ʒ.nom.) → [설해진] ② bhāṣita(p.p. spoken, said, uttered) ▼[yadutāpāramitā] ① yad(ƺ.) + uta(ƺ.) + apāramitā(njp.→Ʒ.nom.) → [왜냐하면、 또한、 (+그것은) 바라밀이 아니다(→바라밀이 아니기 때문이다).] ② yad(ƺ. because, since) ② uta(ƺ. doubt, guess; whether, or; and, also) ▼▷[yāṁ] ① yāṁ(pn.Ʒ.acc.) → [그리고、 (어떤) 그것을] ▼[ca] ① ca(ƺ.) ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[tathāgataḥ] ① tathāgataḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [그렇게오신분께서] ▼[paramapāramitāṁ] ① parama+pāramitāṁ(Ʒ.acc.) → [궁극적인 바라밀을] ▼[bhāṣate] ① bhāṣate(pres.Ⅲ.sg.) → [말씀하신다.] ② bhāṣ(1.Ʋ. to say, speak, utter; to speak to, address; to tell, announce) ▼▷[tāmaparimāṇā] ① tām(pn.Ʒ.acc.) + aparimāṇāḥ(nj.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [(바로) 그것을、 헤아릴 수 없는] [yāṁ] 여래께서 어떤 그것인 궁극적인 바라밀을 말씀하고 계신다. [tāṁ] 그것을 헤아릴 수 없고 복덕을 갖추신 부처님들께서 또한 말씀하고 계신다. [yāṁ~, tāṁ~.] 여래께서 궁극적인 바라밀로 말씀하신 바로 그것을 복덕을 갖추신 無數한 부처님들께서 또한 말씀하고 계신다. ② aparimāṇa(nj. immeasurable, immense, unbounded) ▼[api] ① api(ƺ.) → [또한] ▼[buddhā] ① buddhāḥ(ƾ.nom.pl.) → [깨달은님들께서] ▼[bhagavanto] ① bhagavantaḥ(nj.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [복덕갖추신] ▼[bhāṣante] ① bhāṣante(pres.Ⅲ.pl.) → [말씀하신다.] ▼▷[tenocyate] ① tena(ƺ.) + ucyate(pass.pres.Ⅲ.sg.) → [그래서、 말해진다] ▼[paramapāramiteti] ① paramapāramitā(Ʒ.nom.) + iti(ƺ.) → [‘최상의 완성’이라고.] 출처 봉선사_범어연구소_현진스님_금강경_범어강의
『능단금강반야바라밀다경』(能斷金剛般若波羅密多經) - 범어 텍스트 vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ