044▲ 司史疒生石 ■ 사사상생석 44 ( 맡을 사 )(사기 사 )( 병들어 기댈 상 / 병들어 기댈 녁 / 역 )( 날 생 )( 돌 석/ 섬 석 ) 018▲ 乇土下丸介 ■ 탁토하환개 18 ( 부탁할 탁/ 풀잎 탁 )( 흙 토 / 뿌리 두, 쓰레기 차 )( 아래 하 )( 둥글 환 )( 낄 개 / 낱 개, 갑자기 알 ) 재춘법한자
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Puggalapannatti [san-chn] aparityakta 不施, 愛惜, 無捨 [san-eng] unnayati $ 범어 to lift [pali-chn] viññāṇa-āhāra 識食 [pal-eng] nigha.msi $ 팔리어 aor. of nigha.msatirubbed; chafed; erased. [Eng-Ch-Eng] BODHISATTVA Bodhisattva 菩薩 A Future Buddha who is a being destined to Buddhahood. Bodhi means Enlightenment and Sattva means Sentient and Conscious. Therefore Bodhisattva refers to the sentient being of or for the great wisdom and enlightenment. Bodhisattva's vow/aim is the pursuit of Buddhahood and the salvation of others and of all. He seeks enlightenment to enlighten others. He will sacrifice himself to save the others. He is devoid of egoism and devoted to help the others. The way and discipline of Bodhisattva is to benefit the self and the others, leading to Buddhahood. [Muller-jpn-Eng] 未曾有 ミソウウ (term) unprecedented [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng] LAYMAN☞ Syn: Upasaka. See also: Householder. “Buddhist lay adherent who through the Threefold Refuge (in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha) identifies himself as such and vows to observe the five shilas (precepts). In the Mahayana tradition, lay followers are of great importance, since the possibility of their attaining liberation is not discounted. The ideal figure of the Mahayana, the Bodhisattva, is a layperson. In China, formal ordination of lay adherents, usually as part of a ceremony for ordaining monks, is common. Lay ordination consists of taking the ‘Three Refuges’ and of vowing to observe all or some of the Five Shilas (Five Precepts). Advance lay adherents sometimes go on to take the Bodhisattva Precepts (q.v.) after lay ordination.” Sham: 238-239 Pure Land Buddhism “Only two types of laymen can benefit from the Pure Land method. First are those completely ignorant and deluded but truthful and sincere individuals who upon hearing the teaching, wholeheartedly believe, accept and begin to practice it. Second are those persons with deep wisdom and good roots in the Pure Land method who clearly understand noumenon and phenomena and the virtues achieved through Buddha Recitation and who therefore resolve to believe and practice it. Those with ordinary intelligence can neither understand profoundly, nor do they have the simple belief of the completely deluded. Therefore, it is difficult for them to receive benefits.”
[fra-eng] rue $ 불어 street [chn_eng_soothil] 下語 To give instruction; to state a case (as at law). [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ] ▼●[羅什] 若菩薩心不住法, 而行布施, 如人有目, 日光明照, 見種種色.」 어떤 보살이 마음을 법에 머물러 두지 않고 보시하면 눈 밝은 사람이 햇빛 아래서 여러 가지 물건을 보는 것 같으니라.” [玄奘] 善現, 譬如明眼士夫, 過夜曉已, 日光出時見種種色. 當知菩薩不墮於事, 謂不墮事而行布施, 亦復如是. [義淨] 若不住事而行布施, 如人有目, 日光明照, 見種種色. 是故菩薩不住於事應行其施. 14-21 तद्यथापि नाम सुभूते चक्षुष्मान् पुरुषः प्रभातायां रात्रौ सूर्येऽभ्युद्गते नानविधानि रूपाणि पश्येत्, एवमवस्तुपतितो बोधिसत्त्वो द्रष्टव्यो योऽवस्तुपतितो दानं परित्यजति॥ tadyathāpi nāma subhūte cakṣuṣmān puruṣaḥ prabhātāyāṁ rātrau sūrye'bhyudgate nānāvidhāni rūpāṇi paśyet | evamavastupatito bodhisattvo draṣṭavyo yo'vastupatito dānaṁ parityajati | 그것은 또한 마치, 수보리여! 시력을 지닌 사람이 밤이 새고 태양이 떠올랐을 때 여러 가지인 형색들을 볼 수 있는 것과 같이, 그렇게 경계에 떨어지지 않은 채 깨달음갖춘이는 경계에 떨어지지 않고 베풂을 깡그리 행한다고 보여져야 한다.” ▼▷[tadyathāpi] ① tat(pn.ƿ.nom.) + yathā(ƺ.) + api(ƺ.) → [그것은、 마치、 또한] ▼[nāma] ① nāma(ƺ.) → [실로] ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[cakṣuṣmān] ① cakṣuṣmān(nj.→ƾ.nom.) → [시력을 지닌] ② cakṣusmat(nj. having an insight) < * + mat(possessive) < cakṣus(nj. seeing: ƿ. the eye; sight, look, vision; light, clearness) ▼[puruṣaḥ] ① puruṣaḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [사람이] ② puruṣa(ƾ. a male being, man; mankind; the soul; the supreme being: [ā]Ʒ. a woman) ▼[prabhātāyāṁ] ① prabhātāyāṁ(njp.→Ʒ.abso.loc.) → [새고] ② prabhāta(p.p. begun to become clear or light) ▼[rātrau] ① rātrau(Ʒ.abso.loc.) → [밤이] ② rātri(Ʒ. night; the darkness of night; turmeric) = rātrī(Ʒ.) ▼[sūrye'bhyudgate] ① sūrye(ƾ.abso.loc.) + abhyudgate(njp.→ƾ.abso.loc.) → [태양이、 떠올랐을 때] ② sūrya(ƾ the sun; the tree called Arka; the number twelve) ② abhyudgata(p.p. gone forth to meet; extended, spread, elevated) < abhyudgam(1.ǁ.) ▼[nānāvidhāni] ① nānā+vidhāni(ƾnp.acc.pl.) → [여러 가지인] ② nānā(ƺ. in different places, in different ways, manifoldly, variously) ② vidha(ƾ. kind, sort; mode, manner, form; fold) ▼[rūpāṇi] ① rūpāṇi(ƿ.acc.pl.) → [형색들을] ② rūpa(ƿ. any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure) ▼[paśyet] ① paśyet(pot.Ⅲ.sg.) → [볼 수 있다. → 볼 수 있는 것과 같이,] ② paś(4.dž. to see, look at, observe) ▼▷[evamavastupatito] ① evam(ƺ.) + a|vastu+patitaḥ(nj.→ƾ.nom.) → [그렇게、 경계에 떨어지지 않은] ▼[bodhisattvo] ① bodhisattvaḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [깨달음갖춘이는] ▼[draṣṭavyo] ① draṣṭavyaḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.) → [보여져야 한다] ▼[yo'vastupatito] ① yaḥ(pn.ƾ.nom.) + avastu+patitaḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.) → [(어떠한) 그는、 경계에 떨어지지 않고] ▼[dānaṁ] ① dānaṁ(ƿ.acc.) → [베풂을] ▼[parityajati] ① parityajati(pres.Ⅲ.sg.) → [깡그리 행한다(고).] 출처 봉선사_범어연구소_현진스님_금강경_범어강의 『능단금강반야바라밀다경』(能斷金剛般若波羅密多經) - 범어 텍스트 vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ ♣K0116-001♧ ♣K0117-001♧