○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Monte_del_Pardo_26-4-2006
Español: Monte del Pardo (Comunidad de Madrid), España Author No machine-readable author provided. Miguel303xm~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims). Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia ● [pt op tr] fr
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○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe'
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Thich Nhat Hanh [san-chn]
sidhyet 可成, 應成, 能 [san-eng]
bhagavad.hgītā $ 범어 the dialogues between Kriśna and Arjuna [pali-chn]
kaṇha-sukka 白黑 [pal-eng]
kha.n.dicca $ 팔리어 nt.the state of being broken, (said of teeth). [Eng-Ch-Eng]
八部 Eight kinds of spiritual beings which are usually introduced at the end of Buddhist scriptures as protectors of the dharma. 【參照: 八部眾】 [Muller-jpn-Eng]
修善 シュゼン (term) cultivation of goodness [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT CONCENTRATIONS☞ “The total number of concentrations spoken of in the major Prajna Paramita Sutra is reckoned to be one hundred and eight.” Chih-I /Cleary: 200
contentâmes $ 불어 gratified [chn_eng_soothil]
大堅固婆羅門 The great reliable Brāhmaṇa, i.e., Śākyamuni in a previous life when minister of a country; there is sutra of this name. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 「須菩提, 我念過去無量阿僧祗劫, 於燃燈佛前, 得値八百四千萬億那由他諸佛, 悉皆供養承事, 無空過者. “수보리야, 나는 지나간 세상 한량없는 아승지겁(阿僧祗劫) 동안 연등불을 만나기 전에 8백4천만억 나유타(那由他) 부처님을 만나서 모두 공양하고 받들어 섬기며 그냥 지나보낸 적이 없음을 기억하거니와, [玄奘] 何以故? 善現, 我憶過去於無數劫、復過無數, 於然燈如來、應、正等覺先、復過先, 曾值八十四俱胝那庾多百千諸佛, 我皆承事! 既承事已, 皆無違犯! 善現, 我於如是諸佛世尊皆得承事, 既承事已, 皆無違犯! [義淨] 妙生! 我憶過去過無數劫, 在然燈佛先, 得值八十四億那庾多佛, 悉皆供養承事, 無違背者! 16-03 तत्कस्य हेतोः ? ** अभिजानाम्यहं सुभूते अतीतेऽध्वन्यसंख्येयैः कल्पैरसंख्येयतरैर्दीपंकरस्य तथागतस्यार्हतः सम्यक्संबुद्धस्य परेण परतरेण चतुरशीतिबुद्धकोटिनियुतशतसहस्राण्यभूवन् ये मयारागिताः, आराग्य न विरागिताः। यच्च मया सुभूते ते बुद्धा भगवन्त आरागिताः, आराग्य न विरागिताः,
tatkasya hetoḥ | abhijānāmyahaṁ subhūte atīte'dhvanyasaṁkhyeyaiḥ kalpairasaṁkhyeyatarairdīpaṁkarasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksambuddhasya pareṇa paratareṇa caturaśītibuddhakoṭiniyutaśatasahasrāṇyabhūvan ye mayārāgitā ārāgyā na virāgitāḥ | yacca mayā subhūte te buddhā bhagavanta ārāgitā ārāgyā na virāgitāḥ | “그것은 어떤 이유인가? 수보리여! 나는 분명히 알고 있나니, 지난 시기에 헤아릴 수 없는 劫 동안 더욱 헤아릴 수 없는 빛을밝히신분과 그렇게오신분과 응당공양올려야될분과 바르고동등하게깨달으신분의 이전에 훨씬 더 이전에 8만4천 깨달은님의 십만백만천만이 계셨는데, 그분들은 나로 인해 기뻐하셨으며 기쁘게 되신 그분들은 불평하지 않으셨다. 그런데, 수보리여! 나로 인해 그들 깨달은님들 복덕갖춘분들께서 기뻐하시고 기쁘게 되신 그분들이 불평하지 않으신 것은, ▼▷[tatkasya] ① tat(pn.ƿ.nom.) + kasya(pn.ƾ.gen.) → [그것은、 어떤] ▼[hetoḥ] ① hetoḥ(ƾ.gen.) → [이유인가?] ▼▷[abhijānāmyahaṁ] ① abhijānāmi(pres.Ⅰ.sg.) + ahaṁ(pn.Ⅰ.nom.) → [분명히 안다、 나는] ② abhijñā(9.dž. to recognize, discern; to know, understand; to look upon, consider as) ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[atīte'dhvanyasaṁkhyeyaiḥ] ① atīte(nj.→ƾ.loc.) + adhvani(ƾ.loc.) + asaṁkhyeyaiḥ(nj.→ƾ.ins.pl.) → [지난、 시기에、 헤아릴 수 없는] ② atīta(p.p. gone beyond, crossed; exceeding, going beyond; gone by, passed away; dead) ② adhvan(ƾ. a way, road; a recension of the Vedas; time, time personified; sky; place) ② asaṁkhyeya(nj.[pot.p.] innumerable: ƿ. an exceedingly large number) < a(not) + saṁ(ƺ. with) + khyā(2.ǁ. to tell, declare: [caus.] to be named or called) ▼[kalpairasaṁkhyeyatarairdīpaṁkarasya] ① kalpaiḥ(ƾ.ins.pl.) + asaṁkhyeya+taraiḥ(nj.→ƾ.ins.pl.) + dīpaṁkarasya(ƾ.gen.) → [겁들에 의해(→ 겁 동안)、 더욱 헤아릴 수 없는、 빛을밝히신분의] 시간、기간 + ins. → 시간 동안 ② kalpa(ƾ. a day of Brahmā or 1,000Yuga, being a period of 432 million years of mortals) ② tara(nj. carrying; passing over or beyond: ƾ. crossing) < tṝ(1.ǁ. to cross over) ② dīpaṁkara(ƾ.) < dīpa(ƾ. a light, lamp) +|ṁ|+ kara(nj. a maker) ▼[tathāgatasyārhataḥ] ① tathāgatasya(ƾ.gen.) + arhataḥ(ƾ.gen.) → [그렇게오신분의、 응당공양올려야될분의] ▼[samyaksambuddhasya] ① samyaksambuddhasya(ƾ.gen.) → ▼[바르고동등하게깨달으신분의] ▼[pareṇa] ① pareṇa(adv.) → [이전에] ② pareṇa(adv. farther, beyond, more than; afterwards; after) < para(nj. other, different) ▼[paratareṇa] ① paratareṇa(adv.) → [더욱 이전에] ② paratara(adv.) < para(nj. other, different) + tara(nj. passing over or beyond) ▼[caturaśītibuddhakoṭiniyutaśatasahasrāṇyabhūvan] ① catur+aśīti+buddha+koṭi+niyuta+śatasahasrāṇi(ƿ.nom.pl.) + abhūvan(impf.Ⅲ.pl.) → ▼[8만4천 깨달은님의 십만 백만 천만이、 계셨는데,] ② catur(num.nj. four: ƺ. four time) ② aśīti(Ʒ. eighty) ② koṭi(ƾ. the curved end of a bow; the end or extremity, edge or point in general; the highest point, excess; ten millions, a crore) → 俱胝 ② niyuta(ƿ. a million; a hundred thousand; ten thousand crores or 100 Ayutas) ② śatasahasra(ƿ.) < śata(ƿ. a hundred) + sahasra(ƿ. a thousand; a large number) ② bhū(1.ǁ. to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen) ▼[ye] ① ye(pn.ƾ.nom.pl.) → [(그러한) 그들은] ▼[mayārāgitā] ① mayā(pn.Ⅰ.ins.) + ārāgitāḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [나로 인해、 기뻐하셨으며,] ② ārāgita(p.p.p.È 기뻐하는, 供養, 親近) < ā(adv. near to, towards) + * + ita(past.pass.p.) < raj([=rañj]1.4.dž. to dyed or coloured; to be attached or devoted to[w/loc.]) ▼[ārāgyā] ① ārāgyāḥ([nj.→]ƾ.nom.pl.) → [기쁘게 되신 그분들은] ② ārāgya(pot.pass.p.) < ā(adv. towards) + * + ya(pot.pass.p.) < raj([=rañj]1.4.dž.) ▼[na] ① na(ƺ.) ▼[virāgitāḥ] ① virāgitāḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [불평하지 않으셨다.] ② virāgita(p.p.p.) < * + * + ita(past.pass.p.) < virāga(ƾ. change of colour; disaffection, dissatisfaction; aversion, disinclination) ▼▷[yacca] ① yat(pn.ƿ.nom.) + ca(ƺ.) → [그리고(→그런데)、 (어떠한) 그것은 ▼[mayā] ① mayā(pn.Ⅰ.ins.) → [나에 의해] ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[te] ① te(pn.ƾ.nom.pl.) → [그들] ▼[buddhā] ① buddhāḥ(ƾ.nom.pl.) → [깨달은님들은] ▼[bhagavanta] ① bhagavantaḥ(ƾ.nom.pl.) → [복덕갖춘분들은] ▼[ārāgitā] ① ārāgitāḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [기뻐하셨으며,] ▼[ārāgyā] ① ārāgyāḥ([nj.→]ƾ.nom.pl.) → [기쁘게 되신 그분들은] ▼[na] ① na(ƺ.) ▼[virāgitāḥ] ① virāgitāḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [불평하지 않으셨다.] 출처 봉선사_범어연구소_현진스님_금강경_범어강의
『능단금강반야바라밀다경』(能斷金剛般若波羅密多經) - 범어 텍스트 vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ