■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Buddhism in Greece [san-chn]
kāma-paribhoga 受欲, 受用諸欲, 受用諸欲 [san-eng]
daśarathasyaitau $ 범어 daśarathasya+etāu, daśaratha's+this pair [pali-chn]
janaka-paccaya 生緣 [pal-eng]
pa.tisedhetvaa $ 팔리어 abs. of pa.tisedhetihaving warded off; having prevented; having refused; having prohibited. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
佛氏雜辨 The Pulssi chappyon (Arguments Against the Buddhists), a late 14th century Korean Neo-Confucian polemical critique of Buddhism by Chong Tojon (鄭道傳 pen name: Sambong 三峰 1342-1398). In this work he carried out his most comprehensive refutation of Buddhism, singling out Buddhist doctrines and practices for detailed criticism. Chong stated that this book was written with the objective of refuting Buddhism once and for all "lest it destroy morality and eventually humanity itself." The charges leveled against Buddhism in the Pulsshi chappyon constitute a full inventory of the various arguments made by Confucians and Neo-Confucians from the time of the introduction of Buddhism into East Asia during the second century C.E. These arguments are arranged in eighteen sections, each of which is a critique on a particular aspect of Buddhist doctrine or practice. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
大迦葉 ダイカショウ Mahākāśyapa [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
RINPOCHE☞ “Lit. ‘Precious One’; honorific title suffixed to the name of a high lama.”
naît $ 불어 bears [chn_eng_soothil]
七佛藥師 The seven healing Buddhas, also 七躬醫王, of whom there are two descriptions, one representing them as at various places in the eastern regions of space; another gives five in the east and two in the south. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 須菩提, 當知是經, 義不可思議, 果報亦不可思議.」 수보리야, 이 경은 이치도 말이나 생각으로 미칠 수 없고, 과보(果報)도 말 이나 생각으로 미칠 수 없음을 알아야 하느니라.” [玄奘] 是故, 善現, 如來宣說如是法門不可思議、不可稱量! 應當希冀不可思議所感異熟!」 [義淨] 妙生, 當知是經不可思議! 其受持者應當希望不可思議所生福聚!」 16-07 अपि तु खलु पुनः सुभूते अचिन्त्योऽतुल्योऽयं धर्मपर्यायस्तथागतेन भाषितः। अस्य अचिन्त्य एव विपाकः प्रतिकाङ्क्षितव्यः॥१६॥ api tu khalu punaḥ subhūte acintyo'tulyo'yaṁ dharmaparyāyastathāgatena bhāṣitaḥ | asya acintya eva vipākaḥ pratikāṅkṣitavyaḥ ||16|| 그런데 참으로 또한 수보리여! 이 법문은 생각되어질 수 없는 것이며 비교되어질 수 없는 것이라고 그렇게오신분에 의해 말해졌는데, 그것의 과보가 (또한) 생각되어질 수 없는 것이라 예상된다.” ▼▷[api] ① api(ƺ.) → [또] ▼[tu] ① tu(ƺ.) → [그런데] ▼[khalu] ① khalu(ƺ.) → [참으로] ▼[punaḥ] ① punaḥ(ƺ.) → [다시] ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[acintyo'tulyo'yaṁ] ① acintyaḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.) + atulyaḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.) + ayaṁ(pn.ƾ.nom.) → [생각되어질 수 없으며、 비교되어질 수 없다(고)、 이] ② cintya(pass.pot.p.) < * + ya(pass.pot.p.) < cint(10.ǁ. to think, have a thought or idea) ② tulya(nj. equal to, similar) < tul(1.ǁ.|10.dž. to weigh, measure; to compare, equal) ▼[dharmaparyāyastathāgatena] ① dharma+paryāyaḥ(ƾ.nom.) + tathāgatena(ƾ.ins.) → ▼[법문은、 그렇게오신분에 의해] ② dharma(ƾ. that which is established or firm, law; usage, practice, duty; right, justice) ② paryāya(ƾ. going or winding round, revolution; lapse, course; regular repetition) ▼[bhāṣitaḥ] ① bhāṣitaḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.) → [말해졌다, → 말해졌는데,] ② bhāṣita(p.p. spoken, said, uttered) ▼▷[asya] ① asya(pn.ƾ.gen.) → [그것의] ② asya(pn.ƾƿ.gen.sg.) < idam(pn. this) ▼[acintya] ① acintyaḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.) → [생각되어질 수 없다(고)] ② acintya(nj. inconceivable, incomprehensible, unexpected) ▼[eva] ① eva(ƺ.) → [오직] ▼[vipākaḥ] ① vipākaḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [과보가(←진행된 결과가)] ② vipāka(ƾ. cooking, dressing; digestion; ripening, maturity; consequence, fruit, result) < vi(ƺ. separation, disjunction) + pac(1.dž. to cook, dress; to bake; to digest; to ripen) ▼[pratikāṅkṣitavyaḥ] ① pratikāṅkṣitavyaḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.) → [예상된다.] ② pratikāṅkṣitavya(nj.) < prati(ƺ. towards, near to) + * + tavya(pass.pot.p.) < kāṅkṣ(1.ǁ. to wish, desire, long for; to expect, wait for)