○ [pt op tr]John Singer Sargent-my-dining-room.jpg!HD
Artist: John Singer Sargent from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Singer_Sargent Title : my-dining-room.jpg!HD Info Permission & Licensing : Wikiart ● [pt op tr] fr
○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 pablo-picasso-large-nude-in-red-armchair-1929
Artist: pablo-picasso from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pablo_Picasso Title : large-nude-in-red-armchair-1929 Info
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Keido Fukushima [san-chn]
eka-lakṣaṇa-jñāna 一相智 [san-eng]
āsīta $ 범어 does remain still [pali-chn]
ājīvikas 邪命外道 [pal-eng]
mahaajana $ 팔리어 m.the public. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
六十二見 The sixty-two (mistaken) views. Varying versions of the sixty-two can be found in the Vimalaki^rti-nirde/sa-su^tra 維摩經, the Maha^parinirva^na-su^tra, the Abhidharmako/sa-bha^sya 俱舍論and others. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
六卽佛 ロクソクブツ buddha in six forms [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
DEER PARK SARNATH / INDIA ☞ See also: Sarnath. “The name of a park in Varanasi, India, the site of present-day Sarnath. The Deer Park was also called Rishi-patana or ‘the place where hermits gather.’ Here Shakyamuni delivered his first sermon. After his enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, the Buddha went to the Deer Park where he expounded the Four Noble Truths and converted five ascetics including Kaundinya. Hsuan-tsang’s Records of the Western Regions explains the origin of the name Deer Park: The lord of Varanasi once hunted and killed many deer on this land. The deer king implored him to stop the unnecessary killing and promised that each day he himself would give the lord the number of deer which he required. One day, he was faced with the necessity of sending a pregnant deer. Rather than sacrifice her with her unborn child, the deer king went to the lord to offer his own flesh instead. The lord was so moved by the deer king’s compassion that he stopped the daily killing and gave it the land. Hence it was named the Deer Park. Varanasi prospered until the Muslim invasion in the thirteenth century. Many stupas and monasteries were built in this area.”
sous-louâmes $ 불어 sublet [chn_eng_soothil]
叉磨 kṣamā, v. 懺悔. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 佛告須菩提: 「若善男子善女人, 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心者, 當生如是心, 我應滅度一切衆生. 滅度一切衆生已, 而無有一衆生, 實滅度者. 부처님께서 수보리에게 말씀하셨다. “선남자、선녀인이 아뇩다라삼먁삼보리 의 마음을 내었거든, 의당 ‘내가 온갖 중생을 열반에 이르도록 제도하리라.’ 는 마음을 내야한다. 온갖 중생을 모두 제도한다지만 실제로는 한 중생도 제도될 이가 없나니, [玄奘] 佛告善現: 「諸有發趣菩薩乘者, 應當發起如是之心, ࡔ我當皆令一切有情於無餘依妙涅槃界而般涅槃. 雖度如是一切有情令滅度已, 而無有情得滅度者.ࡕ [義淨] 佛告妙生: 「若有發趣菩薩乘者, 當生如是心, ࡔ我當度脫一切眾生 悉皆令入無餘涅槃 雖有如是無量眾生證於圓寂 而無有一眾生證圓寂者.ࡕ 17-02 भगवानाह-इह सुभूते बोधिसत्त्वयानसंप्रस्थितेन एवं चित्तमुत्पादयितव्यम्-सर्वे सत्त्वा मया अनुपधिशेषे निर्वाणधातौ परिनिर्वापयितव्याः। एवं स सत्त्वान् परिनिर्वाप्य न कश्चित्सत्त्वः परिनिर्वापितो भवति। bhagavān āha | iha subhūte bodhisattvayānasamprasthitenaivaṁ cittamutpādayitavyaṁ | sarve sattvā mayā anupadhiśeṣe nirvāṇadhātau parinirvāpayitavyāḥ | evaṁ ca sattvān parinirvāpya na kaścitsattvaḥ parinirvāpito bhavati | 복덕갖춘분께서 말씀하셨다. “이 세상에서, 수보리여! 깨달음갖춘이의 여정으로 길을 떠난 이에 의해 이런 認識이 일어나도록 해야 한다. ‘모든 중생들은 나에 의해 나머지가 남아있지 않은 (불이) 완전히 꺼진 영역에서 (불이) 완전히 꺼지도록 할 것이다.’ 그리고 그렇게 중생들을 (불이) 완전히 꺼지게 하고도 ‘어떤 중생도 (불이) 완전히 꺼지지 않았다.’라고. ▼▷[bhagavān] ① bhagavān(ƾ.nom.) → [복덕갖춘분께서] ▼[āha] ① āha(ƺ.) → [말씀하셨다.] ▼▷[iha] ① iha(ƺ.) → [이 세상에서] ② iha(ƺ. here, in this place or case; in this world; now, at this time) ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[bodhisattvayānasamprasthitenaivaṁ] ① bodhisattvayānasamprasthitena([nj.→]ƾ.ins.) + evaṁ(ƺ.) → [깨달음갖춘이의 旅程으로(or 수레로) 길을 떠난 이에 의해、 이런] ▼[cittamutpādayitavyaṁ] ① cittam(ƿ.nom.) + utpādayitavyaṁ(njp.→ƿ.nom.) → ▼[認識이、 일어나도록 해야 한다.] ② citta(p.p. observed; considered; intended, wished: ƿ. mind, thinking, thought) ② utpādayitavya(pot.pass.p.) < * + |i|tavya(pot.pass.p.) < utpāday([caus.] to produce, beget, bring about, prepare) < utpad(4.Ʋ. to be born or produced, arise: happen) ▼▷[sarve] ① sarve(nj.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [모든] ② sarva(pron.nj. whole, entire, all, every) ▼[sattvā] ① sattvāḥ(ƾ.nom.pl.) → [중생들은] ② sattva(ƿƾ. being, existence, entity; nature; nature character) ▼[mayā] ① mayā(pn.Ⅰ.ins.) → [나에 의해] ▼[anupadhiśeṣe] ① anupadhiśeṣe(nj.→ƾ.loc.) → [나머지가 남아있지 않은] ② anupadhiśeṣa(nj.È 그 사람에게 最早個體의 요소가 없는; 無餘) < anupadhi(nj. guileless, without fraud) + śeṣa(nj. remaining, rest, all the other: ƾƿ. remainder, rest, residue) ▼[nirvāṇadhātau] ① nirvāṇa+dhātau(ƾ.loc.) → [(+불이) 완전히 꺼진 영역에서] ② nirvāṇa(p.p. blown or put out, extinguished; lost, disappeared; dead, deceased) < nirvā(2.ǁ. to blow; to be cooled; to blow out) ② dhātu(ƾ. a constituent or essential part, an ingredient; an element; a part, portion) ▼[parinirvāpayitavyāḥ] ① parinirvāpayitavyāḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.pl.) → [(+불이) 완전히 꺼지도록 할 것이다.] ② parinirvāpayitavya(caus.pot.pass.p.È 滅渡應, 令入滅渡) < * + |i|tavya(pot.pass.p.) < parinirvāpay(caus. to blow or put out, extinguish, destroy, kill) < pari(ƺ. about; towards) + nirvā(2.ǁ. to blow; to be cooled; to blow out, be extinguished) ▼▷[evaṁ] ① evaṁ(ƺ.) → [그리고、 그렇게] ② evaṁ(ƺ. thus, in this way, in a such manner) ▼[ca] ① ca(ƺ.) ▼[sattvān] ① sattvān(ƾ.acc.pl.) → [중생들을] ② sattva(ƿƾ. being, existence, entity; nature; nature character) ▼[parinirvāpya] ① parinirvāpya(caus.ger.) → [(+불이) 완전히 꺼지도록 하고(서도)] ② pari(ƺ. towards) + nirvā(2.ǁ. to blow; to be cooled; to blow out, be extinguished) ▼[na] ① na(ƺ.) ▼[kaścitsattvaḥ] ① kaścit(pn.ƾ.nom.) + sattvaḥ(ƾ.nom.) → [어떤、 중생은(→중생도)] ② kimcit(ƺ. to a certain degree, somewhat, a little) ▼[parinirvāpito] ① parinirvāpitaḥ(njp.→ƾ.nom.) → [(+불이) 완전히 꺼지게] ② parinirvāpita(nj.) < pari(ƺ.) + nirvāpita(nj. extinguished, quenched; cooled; killed) < * + ita(past.pass.p.) < nirvāpay(caus.) < nirvā(2.ǁ.) ▼[bhavati] ① bhavati(pres.Ⅲ.sg.) → [되지 않는다.] ② bhū(1.ǁ. to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen) 출처 봉선사_범어연구소_현진스님_금강경_범어강의
『능단금강반야바라밀다경』(能斷金剛般若波羅密多經) - 범어 텍스트 vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ
●아난아, 가령 어떤 중생이 헤아릴 수 없는 오랜 겁의 일체 가볍고 무거운 죄와 업장을 지난 세상에 참회하지 못했을지라도, 만일 이 주문을 읽고 외우고 쓰고 베껴서 몸에 지니고 다니거나, 혹은 살고 있는 전원주택이나 정원관사에 모신다면, 이와 같이 쌓인 업장은 끓는 물에 눈 녹듯 사라져서 오래지 않아 모두 무생법인(無生法忍)을 얻으리라.