008▲ 丁七八勹厂 ■ 정칠팔포한 8 ( 고무래 정/장정 정 --CF* 고무래( 곡식을 그러모으고 펴거나, 밭의 흙을 고르거나 아궁이의 재를 긁어모으는 데에 쓰는 丁 자 모양의 기구) )( 일곱 칠 )( 여덟 팔 )( 쌀 포 )( 기슭 한 / 기슭 엄, 공장 창 )
060▲ 朿自在舟朱 ■ 자자재주주 60 ( 가시 자 / 가시나무 극 )( 스스로 자 ) ( 있을 재 ) ( 배 주 ) ( 붉을 주 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Buddhist terms and concepts [san-chn]
maitrī-vihārin 常行慈 [san-eng]
sugandhiṃ $ 범어 one that has a nice fragrance [pali-chn]
aparāpariya-vedanīya-kamma 順後次受業 [pal-eng] [Eng-Ch-Eng]
三法印(諸行無常,諸法無我,寂靜涅槃) Three Seals 三法印(諸行無常,諸法無我,寂靜涅槃) Also known as Three Universal Truths. 1.All phenomena are impermanent. 2.All Dharma are not-self. 3.The eternity is Nirvana. It is called the seal because it is to certify whether it is the Buddha's teaching or not. 【參照: Four Seals】\nThree Universal Characteristics 三法印(諸行無常,諸法無我,寂靜涅槃) The Three Universal Characteristics are connected with the existence. They are: 1.All phenomena are impermanent. 2.All Dharma are not-self. 3.All sensations are suffering.\nThree Universal Truths 三法印(諸行無常,諸法無我,寂靜涅槃) Also known as the Three Seals. Three Universal Truths are the basic teaching of Buddha, so that they are commonly used to attest Buddhism. The Three Universal Truths are: 1.All phenomena are impermanent. 2.All dharmas are non-self. 3.The eternity is Nirvani and stillness. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
心自在 シンジザイ unobstructed mind [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
DIET☞ See: Food / Food rules; Macrobiotic Diet.