■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Mahayana sutras [san-chn]
ājīva-saṃpad 正命圓滿 [san-eng]
cakravātaḥ $ 범어 (m) cyclone [pali-chn]
micchatta-niyata-rāsi 邪定聚 [pal-eng]
asevanaa $ 팔리어 f.non-association.aasevanaa (f.), practice; pursuit; association. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
命 (1) Life, life span. (2) One's fate or destiny, especially as ordained by heaven 天命. (3) Rule, principle, order. Law, decree, command. (運, 道, 使) [Muller-jpn-Eng]
名字沙彌 ミョウジシャミ (foreign) śrāmaṇeras who have ordination names [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
FLOWER AND SMILE☞ Zen Buddhism “To hold a flower and smile faintly. This refers to a story about the Zen special transmission of the Dharma directly derived from the Buddha. Once Indra, King of the gods, visited a congregation of Buddhists on Vulture Peak, and offering a bouquet of flowers to the Buddha, prostrated himself on the ground and reverently asked the Buddha to preach the Dharma. The Buddha held out some flowers before the congregation. No word, however, was uttered. No one could comprehend what he meant except Maha-kasyapa, who smiled. Then the Buddha exclaimed: ‘I am the possessor of the eye of the True Dharma which is Nirvana. I now hand it over to Maha-kasyapa.’ ” Dait: 236 Maha-kasyapa thus became the first patriarch of the Ch’an / Zen school. Editor: na #0120
obligeai $ 불어 obliged [chn_eng_soothil]
覆 To throw over, overthrow; prostrate; to and fro; repeated; to report; to cover. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 佛言: 「善哉善哉, 須菩提. 如汝所說, 부처님께서 말씀하셨다. “좋은 말이다. 참으로 좋은 말이다. 수보리야, 네 말과 같이 [玄奘] 作是語已, 爾時, 世尊告具壽善現曰: 善哉、善哉! 善現, 如是、如是, 如汝所說, [義淨] 佛告妙生:善哉、善哉! 如是、如是! 如汝所說, 02-05 एवमुक्ते भगवानायुष्मन्तं सुभूतिमेतदवोचत्- साधु साधु सुभूते, एवमेतत्सुभूते, एवमेतद्यथा वदसि। evamukte bhagavānāyuṣmantaṁ subhūtimetadavocat | sādhu sādhu subhūte | evametatsubhūte | evametadyathā vadasi | 그렇게 말해졌을 때 복덕갖춘분께서 장로인 수보리에게 이렇게 말씀하셨다. “훌륭하구나, 훌륭하구나, 수보리여! 그렇구나 그것은 수보리여! 참으로 그렇게 네가 말한 그대로이다. ▼▷[evamukte] ① evam(ƺ.) + ukte(njp.→ƿ.abso.loc.) → [그렇게、 말해졌을 때] ② evam(ƺ. thus, so, in this manner or way) ② ukta(nj. uttered, said: ƿ. a speech, words) < vac(2.ǁ. to say, speak) ▼[bhagavānāyuṣmantaṁ] ① bhagavān(ƾ.nom.) + āyuṣmantaṁ(nj.→ƾ.acc.) → ▼[복덕갖춘분께서、 장로인] ② bhagavat(nj. glorious, illustrious: ƾ. a god, deity; of Buddha) ② āyuṣmat(nj. alive, living; longlived; lasting) < * + mat(possessive affix) < āyus(ƿ. life, duration of life; vital power; food) ▼[subhūtimetadavocat] ① subhūtim(ƾ.acc.) + etad(ƺ.) + avocat(aaor.Ⅲ.sg.) → ▼[수보리에게、 이렇게、 말씀하셨다.] ② subhūti(ƾ. N. of …; wellbeing, wellfare) ② etad(ƺ. in this manner, thus, so, here, at this time) ② vac(2.ǁ. to speak, say, tell) ▼▷[sādhu] ① sādhu(ƺ.) → [훌륭하구나!] ② sādhu(ƺ. well, welldonw, very nice, bravo) ② sādhu(nj. straight, right; excellent; proper: ƾ. a good or virtuous or honest man) < sādh(1.dž. to go straight to any goal or aim, attain an object, to be successful: 4.ǁ. to be completed or accomplished: [caus.] to accomplish, effect, bring about, perform) ▼[sādhu] ① sādhu(ƺ.) → [훌륭하구나!] ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ② subhūti(ƾ. N. of …; wellbeing, wellfare) ▼▷[evametatsubhūte] ① evam(ƺ.) + etat(pn.ƿ.nom.) + subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [그렇구나、 그것은、 수보리여!] ② evam(ƺ. thus, in this way, in a such manner) ② etad(ƺ. in this manner, thus, so, here, at this time) ② subhūti(ƾ. N. of …; wellbeing, wellfare) ▼▷[evametadyathā] ① evam(ƺ.) + etad(ƺ.) + yathā(ƺ.) → [참으로、 그렇게、 그대로이다] ② evam(ƺ. thus, in this way, in a such manner) ② etad(ƺ. in this manner, thus, so, here, at this time) ② yathā(ƺ. in which manner or way, according as, as it is or was; as, as like) ▼[vadasi] ① vadasi(pres.Ⅱ.sg.) → [(네가) 말한.] ② vad(1.dž. to speak, say, tell; to announce, communicate; to speak of, describe)