○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Johannes_Vingboons_-_D_Stadt_Loandas_Pauli_(1665)
Nederlands: "D Stadt Loandas Pauli" Plattegrond van Loanda St. Paolo/Luanda, Angola Date 1665 Author[show]Johannes Vingboons (1616–1670) Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia ● [pt op tr] fr
♥Camargo ,Spain
○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 풍경사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 With the image 'Google Earth & Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe'
【범】Cūḍapanthaka 주리반특가(周利槃特迦)ㆍ주리반타가(周利槃陀伽)ㆍ주다반탁가(朱茶半託迦)ㆍ주나반특(周那槃特)이라고도 음역. 계도(髻道)ㆍ불락(不樂)ㆍ소로(小路)ㆍ계도(繼道)라 번역. 부처님의 제자. 두 형제 중에 아우. 부모가 여행하다가 길가에서 맏아들을 낳고 반득이라 이름하였으며, 뒤에 또 다시 길에서 둘째 아들을 낳아 주리반특이라 이름. 반득은 길, 주리반득은 작은 길이라는 뜻. 형은 총명하나, 아우는 매우 어리석었다. 뒤에 부처님 제자가 되어 여러 제자들 가운데서도 가장 어리석고 둔하였으나, 마침내는 아라한과를 증득하다. 『선견률비바사(善見律毘婆沙)』 제16권, 『유부비나야(有部毘奈耶)』 제31권에 전기(傳記)가 있다. ⇒<유사어>송추<참조어>송추(誦箒)
037▲ 去巨古瓜丱 ■ 거거고과관 37 ( 갈 거 ) ( 클 거/ 어찌 거 ) ( 옛 고 ) ( 오이 과 ) ( 쌍상투 관 / 쇳돌 광 )
024▲ 攵丰夫父不 ■ 복봉부부부 24 ( 칠 복 / 등 글월문 )( 예쁠 봉 / 풍채 풍 )( 지아비 부 )( 아버지 부/ 아비 부, 자 보 )( 아닐 부 / 아닐 불 )
■ 영-중-일-범-팔-불어 관련-퀴즈 [wiki-bud]Papañca [san-chn]
kalyāṇatā 善, 純善 [san-eng]
pitṛ^īn.h $ 범어 to the ancestors [pali-chn]
kiriyā-samādhi 事定 [pal-eng]
sayha $ 팔리어 adj.bearable; able to endure. [Eng-Ch-Eng]
五教兩宗 "five doctrinal schools and two (meditational) schools." Referring to the situation of the official classification of Buddhist sects in Korea during the Koryo, subsequent to the 五教九山 classification. The two meditational schools at this point were Ch'ont'ae 天台 and Son 禪. [Muller-jpn-Eng]
纏隨眠 デンズイミン active entanglement and latency [Glossary_of_Buddhism-Eng]
PURE RULES OF PAICHANG ☞ See also: Pai-chang. “A written work containing the rules for life in a Zen monastery established by the Chinese Ch’an (Zen) master Pai-chang Huai-hai. The regulations recorded in this work are considered authoritative to the present day.”
“Pai-chang Huai-hai stressed monastic discipline and is credited with the writing of the first monastic code for Ch’an monks, the Pure Rules of Pai-chang. The Pure Rules stipulate that the ritual performed during a monk’s cremation ceremony must include the recitation of Amitabha’s name.”
Excerpts from Pure Land Buddhism: Dialogues with Ancient Masters. “Elder Zen Master Pai Chang of Huai Hai [one of the most famous Zen Masters of all time] was the direct successor to the great Zen Master Ma Tsu of Chiang Hsi. Zen communities throughout the world are established on his model and have adopted his Pure Rules. Since ancient times, no one has dared to criticize or violate this set of rules. According to these Rules, prayers for the benefit of seriously ill monks and nuns include the following passage: ‘The fourfold assembly should gather together, and all should recite verses of praise to Amitabha Buddha and chant his name from one hundred to one thousand times. At the end, the following words of transference should be read: If conditions have not yet come to an end, let him quickly recover. If the time of death has arrived, we pray that he will be reborn in the Pure Land.’ Is this not pointing the way back to the Pure Land? Moreover, the liturgy for sending off deceased monks includes this passage: ‘the great assembly should all recite the name of Amitabha Buddha in unison, transferring the merits and making the following vow: Let his soul be reborn in the Pure Land, his karma in the world of dust severed; let him be reborn in the upper lotus grade, with a golden body. May he also receive a prediction of Buddhahood in one lifetime.’ Is this not pointing the way back to the Pure Land? Furthermore, at the time of burial or cremation, the Pure Rules stipulate: ‘The monk in charge of the service should lead the way, striking the small bell, and recite the name of Amitabha Buddha ten times, with the great assembly following in unison. After recitation, the following words of transference should be read: We have just intoned the Buddha’s name ten times to assist in rebirth…’ Is this not pointing the way back to the Pure Land? It is for these reasons that this old monk said, Zen Masters the world over all set their Minds on the Pure Land.”
moralisent $ 불어 moralize [chn_eng_soothil]
八禁 idem 八戒. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 須菩提, 菩薩但應如所敎住.」 수보리야, 보살마하살은 이렇게 가르쳐 준대로만 머물지니라.” [玄奘] 善現, 菩薩如是如不住相想應行布施. [義淨] (缺譯) 04-10 एवं हि सुभूते बोधिसत्त्वयानसंप्रस्थितेन दानं दातव्यं यथा न निमित्तसंज्ञायामपि प्रतितिष्ठेत्॥४॥ evaṁ hi subhūte bodhisattvayānasamprasthitena dānaṁ dātavyam yathā na nimittasaṁjñāyāmapi pratitiṣṭhet ||4|| 참으로 그렇게, 수보리여! 깨달음갖춘이의 수레로 길을 떠나는 이에 의해 주어져야 하는 베풂은 그처럼 형상산냐에도 머물러서는 안 된다.” ▼▷[evaṁ] ① evaṁ(ƺ.) → [그렇게] ▼[hi] ① hi(ƺ.) → [참으로] ② hi(ƺ. really, indeed, surely; for because; just, pray, do) ▼[subhūte] ① subhūte(ƾ.voc.) → [수보리여!] ▼[bodhisattvayānasamprasthitena] ① bodhisattva+yāna+samprasthitena([nj.→]ƾ.ins.) → ▼[깨달음갖춘이의 수레로 길을 떠나는 이에 의해] ② bodhisattva(ƾ. a Buddhist saint) < bodhi(ƾ. perfect wisdom or enlightenment) + sattva(ƿ. being, existence; nature character) < sat(nj. existing) + tva('state of') ② yāna(ƿ. going, moving, walking; a voyage, journey; marching against; a conveyance, vehicle, chariot) ② samprasthita(nj. set out on a journey, departed; advancing towards Buddhahood) ▼[dānaṁ] ① dānaṁ(ƿ.nom.) → [베풂은] ▼[dātavyam] ① dātavyam(nj.→ƿ.nom.) → [주어져야 하는] ▼[yathā] ① yathā(ƺ.) → [그처럼] ▼[na] ① na(ƺ.) ▼[nimittasaṁjñāyāmapi] ① nimitta+saṁjñāyām(Ʒ.loc.) + api(ƺ.) → [형상산냐에、 또한] ▼[pratitiṣṭhet] ① pratitiṣṭhet(pot.Ⅲ.sg.) → [머물러서는 안 된다.]
●아난아, 이 사바세계에는 재앙의 괴변을 일으키는 8만 4천의 나쁜 별들이 있으니, 그 가운데 스물여덟 개의 나쁜 별들이 우두머리며, 또 그 가운데 여덟 개의 나쁜 별이 최고 으뜸이니라. 이 별들이 가지가지 형상을 지어 세상에 나타날 때는, 중생들에게 가지가지 재앙과 이변을 일으키고 있으나, 이 주문이 있는 땅에서는 모두 다 소멸되며, 12유순(由旬)의 도량 경계가 정해진 땅[結界地]에는 온갖 나쁜 재앙이 영원히 들어갈 수 없느니라.