○ [pt op tr] 예술작품 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 Katsushika-Hokusai-ceiling-of-ganshoin-temple-at-obuse.jpg!HD
Artist: Katsushika-Hokusai Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾 北斎, October 31, 1760 – May 10, 1849)는 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hokusai Title : ceiling-of-ganshoin-temple-at-obuse.jpg!HD Info Permission & Licensing : Wikiart ● [pt op tr] fr
○ 2020_0606_173213_can.jpg
○ [pt op tr] 꽃 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승
○ [pt op tr] 아름다운 사진 공양, 나무불, 나무법, 나무승 City_mombassa_1572
English: Mombaza - bird's-eye view of the city of Mombasa (Kenya) from Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg's atlas Civitates orbis terrarum, vol. I, 1572 Author Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg Permission & Licensing : Wikipedia ● [pt op tr] fr
026▲ 氶手扌心忄 ■ 승수수심심 26 ( 이을 승 / 건질 증 )( 손 수 ) ( 재방변 수) (마음 심 )( 심방변 심 )
027▲ 㣺氏牙歹歺 ■ 심씨아알알 27 마음 심 )(각시 씨 / 성씨 씨, 나라 이름 지, 고을 이름 정 )(어금니 아/ 관아 아 )( 살 바른 뼈 알 / 몹쓸 대 )( 살 바른 뼈 알 )
concentrai $ 불어 concentrated [chn_eng_soothil]
觀照 To be enlightened (or enlighten) as the result of insight, or intelligent contemplation. [vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 「須菩提, 南西北方四維上下虛空, 可思量不?」 “수보리야, 남쪽、서쪽、북쪽과 네 간방과 위아래에 있는 허공을 생각하여 헤 아릴 수 있겠느냐.” [玄奘] 善現! 如是南西北方、四維上下、周遍十方一切世界虛空, 可取量不? [義淨] 南西北方、四維上下、十方虛空, 可知量不? 04-07 भगवानाह- एवं दक्षिणपश्चिमोत्तरासु अध ऊर्ध्वं दिग्विदिक्षु समन्ताद्दशसु दिक्षु सुकरमाकाशस्य प्रमाणमुद्ग्रहीतुम् ? 복덕갖춘분께서 말씀하셨다. “그렇게 ‘남쪽과 서쪽과 북쪽에서, 아래쪽과 위쪽과 중간방향 등 모두 열 가지 방향들에서 허공의 분량은 들어가지기 손쉽다.’(라고 생각하느냐)?” ▼▷[bhagavānāha] ① bhagavān(ƾ.nom.) + āha(ƺ.) → [복덕갖춘분께서、 말씀하셨다.] ▼▷[evam] ① evam(ƺ.) → [그렇게] → 그렇게 생각하느냐? ② evam(ƺ. thus, in this way, in a such manner) ▼[dakṣiṇapaścimottarāsu] ① dakṣiṇa+paścima+uttarāsu(Ʒ.loc.pl.) → [‘남쪽과 서쪽과 북쪽에서] ② dakṣiṇa(nj. able, skilful; right; situated on the right side; south, southern; sincere) ② paścima(nj. being behind; last; the latter; western, westerly) ② uttara(nj. upper: ƾ. future time: Ʒ. north: ƿ. an answer, reply; defence, a rejoinder) ▼[adha] ① adhaḥ(ƺ.) → [아래쪽에서] ② adhas(ƺ. below, down; beneath, under) ▼[ūrdhvaṁ] ① ūrdhvaṁ(ƺ.) → [위쪽에서] ② ūrdhva(nj. erect, upright, above; raised, elevated; high, upper: ƿ. elevation, height) ② ūrdhavam(ƺ. upwards, aloft, above; in the sequel; in a high tone) ▼[digvidikṣu] ① dig+vidikṣu(Ʒ.loc.pl.) → [중간방향들에서] ② diś(Ʒ. a direction, cardinal point, point of the compass; the mere direction of a thing) ② vidiś(Ʒ. an intermediate point of the compass) ▼[samantāddaśasu] ① samantāt(ƺ.) + daśasu(nj.→Ʒ.loc.pl.) → [모두、 열 가지] ② samantāt(ƺ. on all sides, around; wholly, completely) ② daśan(num.nj.pl. ten) ▼[dikṣu] ① dikṣu(Ʒ.loc.pl.) → [방향들에서] ② diś(Ʒ. a direction, cardinal point; the mere direction of a thing; region, space) ▼[sukaramākāśasya] ① sukaram(njp.→ƿ.nom.) + ākāśasya(ƾ.gen.) → [손쉽다、 허공의] ② sukara(nj. easy to be done, practicable, feasible) ② ākāśa(ƾƿ. the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universal) ▼[pramāṇamudgrahītum] ① pramāṇam(ƿ.nom.) + udgrahītum(inf.) → [분량은、 들어가지기.’(+라고)?] ② pramāṇa(ƿ. a measure in general; size, extent; scale, standard) ② udgrahītum(inf.) < * + ītum(tum.p.) < udgrah(9.ǁ. to take up, lift up; to take or draw out, take away; to deposit) < ud(ƺ. prefix 'up, upward') + grah(9.dž. to seize, take, take or catch hold of; to learn, know, understand)