059▲ 衣衤耳而印 ■ 의의이이인 59 ( 옷 의 )( 옷의변 의 )( 귀 이 / 잉손 잉 )( 말 이을 이 / 능히 능 )(도장 인 / 벼슬 인 )
060▲ 朿自在舟朱 ■ 자자재주주 60 ( 가시 자 / 가시나무 극 )( 스스로 자 ) ( 있을 재 ) ( 배 주 ) ( 붉을 주 )
See also: Women.
their spiritual attainments and virtue. Similarly the Therigatha is a
collection of verses attributed to ‘senior’ (thera) nuns of the same period. The two collections form part of the Khuddaka-Nikaya, which is
I. Theragatha:
Nikaya of the Pali Canon. The Theragatha or ‘Verses of the Elder
disciples of the Buddha. They are arranged in twenty-one fascicles,
ranging from poems of one verse only up to a final poem of seventyone verses. The text celebrates the fruits of attainment, including
II. Therigatha:
through their virtue during the time of Sakyamuni Buddha.
The verses are held by modern scholars to contain authentic compositions of the earliest Buddhist period, although some parts appear to
be the work of later redactors on the basis of fragments of reminiscence. The verses are attributed to particular monks or nuns by name.
many instances there is sound tradition behind the ascription. Like
ancient Indian social history. The Theragatha has a total of 1,279
verses; the Therigatha 522. These have been translated into English
by C. A. F. Rhys-Davids, the former as Psalms of the Brethren (2nd
edn. 1937, repr. 1964); the latter as Psalms of the Sisters (1909, repr.
1964). [A new translation of part of the Therigatha by Susan Murdock
A Therigatha story:
“Kisagotami was married to a banker’s son of considerable wealth. As
a young wife, Kisagotami was mistreated by her in-laws … When she
gave birth to a son, she finally received an honorable place among her
husband’s relatives. But her child died while still a toddler and Kisagotami, who had never seen death before, went mad. In her state of
insanity, Kisagotami took up the dead child and carried him on her
hip from house to house, begging for medicine. One kind old man
directed her to Buddha Sakyamuni. The Buddha said, ‘Go and bring
a white mustard seed from a house where no one has died.’ Hearing
his words, she immediately rushed off in the innocent faith that if
she brought a white mustard seed to this enlightened sage, it would
be the medicine that could miraculously bring her child back to life.
Kisagotami went from house to house, at each house asking, and at
each house learning that there too, someone had died. The truth struck
home. Her sanity returned. ‘Little son,’ she said. ‘I thought that death
had happened to you alone; but it is not to you alone. It is common to
all people.’ … She carried him gently to the forest and left him there.
(Susan Murdock, The First Buddhist Women, p.85.) #1163
tourbillon $ 불어 maelstrom, whirlpool, whirlpools, whirlwind
哀愍 哀憐 Pity for one in misery.
[vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ]
▼●[羅什] 若復有人, 於此經中, 受持乃至四句偈等, 爲他人說, 其福勝彼.
“만일 다시 어떤 사람이 이 경 가운데서 4구게 만이라도 받아 지니고 남에
게 말해 주면 그 복덕은 저 칠보를 보시한 복덕보다 더 수승하리니.
[玄奘] 若善男子或善女人, 於此法門乃至四句伽陀, 受持、讀誦、究竟通利,
及廣為他宣說開示、如理作意, 由是因緣所生福聚甚多於前, 無量無數.
[義淨] 若復有人, 能於此經乃至一四句頌, 若自受持、為他演說,
08-05 यश्च इतो धर्मपर्यायादन्तशश्चतुष्पादिकामपि गाथामुद्गृह्य परेभ्यो विस्तरेण देशयेत् संप्रकाशयेत्, अयमेव ततोनिदानं बहुतरं पुण्यस्कन्धं प्रसुनुयादप्रमेयसंख्येयम्।
yaśceto dharmaparyāyādantaśaścatuṣpādikāmapi gāthāmudgṛhya parebhyo
vistareṇa deśayetsamprakāśayet | ayameva tatonidānaṁ bahutaraṁ
puṇyaskandhaṁ prasunuyādaprameyamasaṁkhyeyam |
누구든지 이 법문에서 단지 네 구절로 된 게송만 가지고라도 다른 이들을 위해 상세하게
가르쳐줄 수 있고 설명해줄 수 있다면, 오직 그것이 원인이 되어 측량할 수 없고 헤아릴
수 없는 더욱 많은 공덕무더기를 생성해낼 수 있다.
▼▷[yaśceto] ① yaḥ(pn.ƾ.nom.) + ca(ƺ.) + itaḥ(ƺ.) → [그리고、 (어떠한) 이가、
② itas(ƺ. hence, from here or hence; from this person; in this direction towards me)
▼[dharmaparyāyādantaśaścatuṣpādikāmapi] ① dharma+paryāyāt(ƾ.abl.) + antaśaḥ(adv.)
+ catur+pādikām(nj.→Ʒ.acc.) + api(ƺ.) → [법문으로부터、 내지는、 네 구절로 된、
② paryāya(ƾ. going or winding round, revolution; lapse, course; regular repetition)
法門(dharmaparyāya) : 법(dharma) + 順理(paryāya[일이 경우에 맞게 잘되어
가는 것]) → 법들이 지니고 있는 순서나 차례나 습관 등의 順理
② antaśas(adv.È ~에도, 乃至) < * + śaḥ(adv. suffix) < anta(ƾ. end; limit, boundary)
② catur(num.nj. four: ƺ. four time)
② pādika(nj. amounting to a quarter or fourth; lasting for a quarter of the time) < * +
ika(taddhita) < pāda(ƾ. the foot; a ray of light; the foot or leg of an inanimate object)
▼[gāthāmudgṛhya] ① gāthām(Ʒ.acc.) + udgṛhya(ger.) → [게송을、 가지고] → 게송을
② gāthā(Ʒ. verse; a religious verse; a stanza; a song) < gātha(nj. a song, singing) <
gai(1.ǁ. to sing, sing a song; to speak or recite in a singing tone; to relate, declare) |
gā(1.2.Ʋ.3.ǁ. to go; to come to any state or condition; to praise, sing)
② udgrah(9.dž. to take up, lift up; to take or draw out, take away; to deposit)
▼[parebhyo] ① parebhyaḥ(ƾ.dat.pl.) → [다른 이들을 위해]
② para(nj. different: ƾ. another person, foreigner; an enemy: ƿ. the highest point)
▼[vistareṇa] ① vistareṇa(ƾ.ins.→adv.) → [상세함으로 → 상세하게]
② vistara(ƾ. extension, expansion; minute details, detailed description; diffuseness) <
vi(ƺ. separation, disjunction) + stṛ(5.dž. to spread, strew, cover; to expand, diffuse; to
scatter, spread about) |or| viśaṣa(nj. peculiar, special) + √stṛ
▼[deśayetsamprakāśayet] ① deśayet(caus.pot.Ⅲ.sg.) + samprakāśayet(caus.pot.Ⅲ.sg.) →
▼[가르쳐주고자 하고、 보여주고자(→설명해주고자) 한다.] → ~ 한다면…
② deśay(caus. to show, point out; to teach, communicate, inform; to direct, order) <
diś(6.dž. to point out, show, exhibit; to assign, allot; to give, grant)
② saṁ(ƺ. with) + prakāśay(caus. to show, display) < prakāś(1.Ʋ. to shine, gleam; to
become visible or manifest)
▼▷[ayameva] ① ayam(pn.ƾ.nom.) + eva(ƺ.) → [이것은、 오직]
② ayam(pn.ƾ.nom.sg.) < idam(pn. this, he, it, she)
② eva(ƺ. indeed, truly, really; just so, exactly so truly)
▼[tatonidānaṁ] ① tataḥ(ƺ.) + nidānaṁ(ƿ.acc.→adv.) → [그것으로부터、 까닭하여] →
그것이 원인이 되어
② tatas(ƺ. from that, thence; then, thereupon; therefore)
② nidāna(ƿ. a band, rope, halter; a primary cause, the first or essential cause; a cause)
▼[bahutaraṁ] ① bahu+taraṁ(nj.→ƾ.acc.) → [더욱 많은]
② bahu(nj. much, many, frequent, numerous)
② tara(nj. carrying; passing over or beyond: ƾ. crossing) < tṝ(1.ǁ. to cross over)
▼[puṇyaskandhaṁ] ① puṇya+skandhaṁ(ƾ.acc.) → [공덕무더기를]
▼[prasunuyādaprameyamasaṁkhyeyam] ① prasunuyāt(pot.Ⅲ.sg.) +
aprameyam(nj.→ƾ.acc.) + asaṁkhyeyaṁ(nj.→ƾ.acc.) → [생성해낼 수 있다、 측량할
수 없는、 헤아릴 수 없는.]
② prasu(1.ǁ.2.4.Ʋ. to beget, generate, produce; to bring forth, be delivered of)
② aprameya(nj.[pot.p.] immeasurable, boundless; inscrutable, unfathomable)
② asaṁkhyeya(nj.[pot.p.] innumerable: ƿ. an exceedingly large number)
출처 봉선사_범어연구소_현진스님_금강경_범어강의
『능단금강반야바라밀다경』(能斷金剛般若波羅密多經) - 범어 텍스트 vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtraṁ
■ 삼매_게송퀴즈
■ 오늘의 게송
일체중생불가설 $ 059▲極量極量為 一 ● 阿麼怛羅, ○□□□□,一,知,知,知
□□□□□□□, 一切佛剎不可說,
知眾生身不可說, 知其心樂不可說,
□□□□□□□, 일체불찰불가설,
지중생신불가설, 지기심요불가설,
갖가지 중생들을 말할 수 없고
갖가지 부처 세계 말할 수 없고
중생의 몸 아는 일도 말할 수 없고
그 마음 아는 것도 말할 수 없고
지기업과불가설 $ 060■ ■知 知知菩見現 處清清修持
060▲ 阿麼怛羅阿麼怛羅為 一 ● 勃麼怛羅, ○□□□□,知,知,知,知
□□□□□□□, 知其意解不可說,
知其品類不可說, 知其種性不可說,
□□□□□□□, 지기의해불가설,
지기품류불가설, 지기종성불가설,
업과 과보 아는 일을 말할 수 없고
그 뜻을 아는 일도 말할 수 없고
그 종류 아는 일도 말할 수 없고
그 종성(種性) 아는 일도 말할 수 없고
●K1072_T2066.txt★ ∴≪A대당서역구법고승전≫_≪K1072≫_≪T2066≫
●K1065_T2087.txt★ ∴≪A대당서역기≫_≪K1065≫_≪T2087≫
●K1398_T2156.txt★ ∴≪A대당정원속개원석교록≫_≪K1398≫_≪T2156≫
■ 암산퀴즈
634* 81
63426 / 341
■ 다라니퀴즈
구족수화길상광명대기명주총지 59 번째는?
불정광취실달다반달라비밀가타미묘장구(佛頂光聚悉怛多般怛羅秘密伽陁微妙章句) 140 번대 10개 다라니는?
부처님 108 명호 59 번째는?
59 그들로 하여금 모두가 억념(憶念)하도록 증장시킵니다.
미리제, 弭[口*李]第<五十九>
(이하~) 적들을 파괴하고 없애 행복케 하소서. 망상을 소멸 근절케 하소서
140 바라미댜 삼박 사나라 ◐婆囉微地也三婆乞叉那囉<百四十>◑paraㆍvidyāㆍsaṃbhakshanakara
141 호훔 도로훔 ◐呼吽<二合>咄嚕吽<三合百四十一>◑Hūṃ trūṃ
142 살바보스타남 ◐薩婆部瑟咤喃<百四十二>◑sarvaㆍbushṭanāṃ
143 사담바나가라 ◐塞曇婆那羯囉<喫卻><他呪百四十三>◑stambhanaㆍkara//
144 호훔 도로훔 ◐呼吽<二合>咄嚕吽<三合百四十四>◑Hūṃ trūṃ
145 살바약사 ◐薩嚩藥叉<勇猛百四十五>◑sarvaㆍyaksha
146 갈라 샤사아라하남 ◐喝囉<引>剎娑揭囉訶喃<百四><十六>◑harākshasa grahānāṃ
147 비타방사나가라 ◐毘陁防娑那羯囉<打破百四十七>◑vihvaṃsanaㆍkara//
148 호훔 도로훔 ◐呼吽<二合>咄嚕吽<三合百四十八>◑Hūṃ trūṃ
149 자도라시디남 ◐者都囉尸底喃<百四十九>◑caturㆍaśīṭīnāṃ
●또 이 주문의 이름을 여래정(如來頂)이라고도 한다.
불정광취실달다반달라비밀가타미묘장구(佛頂光聚悉怛多般怛羅秘密伽陁微妙章句) - 『대불정여래밀인수증요의제보살만행수능엄경』
원한을 제거하신 이께 귀의합니다.
14 맥박~점(맥박뛰는곳) pulse
59 순[입술] 치아[아] 설 口脣 【구순】 齒牙 【치아】
60 완수[腕首] - 손목
59 순[입술] 치아[아] 설 口脣 【구순】 齒牙 【치아】
■ 오늘의 경전 [이야기, 게송,선시 등]
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